Akashic Arcana Ice to meet you: Disciplinary Divison Interview

The man that masqueraded as the exercise's villain nodded respectfully to Rosa, and in thanks to her warming him up. Even still, he rubbed his arms in an attempt to heat himself up even more. "Y-yeah.." He grumbled to himself about what sounded like "not getting paid enough for this" as he walked off.

Once her and Amatsu were met back up in his office, he would be sat down in his chair, a recording of the exercise on his computer screen. Several times over, he would replay it, studying it closely. His expression never changed, those merciless red eyes never wavering from the screen. Eventually, he would stop the video and focus his attention upon Rosa. He seemed to be putting great thought into his final decision, before finally speaking.

"Ms. Romano, despite the numerous hesitations, you displayed an admirable amount of good judgment." His gaze locked with hers, his hands folded in front of his mouth. "Tell me, during the exercise, what did you feel? And be truthful."
Once Rosa arrived in the office she took the seat opposite to Amatsu, he appeared to be watching something on the screen monitor. They remained in silence until he finally spoke. She had been expecting such a question.

"There were a few moments of fear there, a little uncertainty towards the end, it's not often I work with others in that kind of situation, but I went with gut instinct, and I felt I responded appropriately" she explained in a almost matter of fact tone, her gaze fixing onto his as she recalled the exercise in her mind, whilst she had been mostly calm throughout the exercise she couldn't deny the moment of fear, not for herself but more for the hostage, whilst it had been just an exercise she had taken it as seriously as if it were an actual situation.

"I felt very aware, I suppose that was simply adrenaline"​
Though his face never seemed to so much as twitch, Amatsu seemed pleased with the answer. "Fear." He got up from his seat and levitated over to one of his bookshelves, taking a file from it. "A strange feeling, yet so instinctive and primal." Turning back to Rosa, he'd toss said file towards her, using a telekinesis spell to ease its trajectory and speed, making it very easy for her to catch. "It can lead to moments of unpredictability, but also be manipulated to turn someone more predictable. It can motivate those to act, or cow them into submission."

If Rosa opened the file, she would see that the exercise she went through was based off a real event that had happened almost note for note at the Academy a couple years back. A man had broken into a high-end jewelry store and attempted to steal its expensive stock. A team of three Disciplinary Division officers had responded to the threat, and managed to keep anyone further from being injured or killed. The officer, who was a first-year at the time, that had gone inside to try to negotiate would be surprising. It would be the man in the room with her. Ultimately, the situation ended with the robber being killed, but the hostage was alive and unharmed.

Floating back to his chair, Amatsu's serious face was cracked into a small smile. "To stare down the barrel of a gun, a weapon that could end your life in the blink of an eye.. Yes, fear is the proper response. Anything less would be pure foolishness. What matters is that despite this fear, you didn't let it control you, as your enemy did." He opened a door, pulled out a small object, and set it down in front of Rosa. His hand rested there for a few moments. "Remember this, as this is a lesson that you either learn from, or someone dies because you don't." He removed his hand, revealing the Officer badge underneath.
Rosa's gaze followed the male as he moved over to a bookshelf, she caught the file easily as intended, for a moment she wondered why a file would have any relevance to her exercise, she flipped it open, scanning the pages, she noticed the clear similarity in the exercise from the past to her exercise. Whilst the robber had been killed, and her case she had just frozen the robber.

She was surprised to see the man who she had just dealt with had been the first year who negotiated with the deceased robber, she was suddenly surprised and impressed by the mans imitation of the robber. Rosa closed the file and placed it onto the desk as Amatsu returned to his chair, she pushed the file towards him, her gaze now focusing on his hand until he moved it away to reveal the Officer badge, she picked it up delicately, her lips pulling into a rather satisfied smile "Thank-you, I'm glad to be a part of the team" she stated, her gaze switching from the badge to Amatsu.​
Returning to his usual attitude, Amatsu's eye followed the badge as it was picked up, and give Rosa a small nod in response to her thanks. "You will receive a notification on your ORB regarding your assigned team within the next 72 hours. When you get it, you're to be punctual in reporting to your Captain."

Then he nodded to the door. "You're dismissed."
Rosa nodded respectively, standing and leaving the office.

She had nothing much else to do and decided to go and find Iris in order to celebrate her achievement, walking in the direction of the academy dorms.​