If You Could Have ONE Pokemon, What Would It Be?

Wimpod. Roombas are expensive, plus I like bugs! Its skittishness might be a bit tough to handle though...

My favourite is Venomoth though and while I enjoy the idea of having a giant questionably psychic moth with a ridiculous nickname like Don Panini following me around, I feel like there's plenty of potential for accidentally getting toxic spores all over my kitchen D:
I love all the pokemon but it would probably have to be Ditto, I love ditto! the reason why it would be Ditto is because he can turn into any other pokemon and he is super cute and funny!
If it weren't for the no legendary rule, it would defs be Lugia.
But since with just the clap of their wings they can legit just cause a tsunami or somethin, I don't think they'd be an option.
So, I choose Swampert. I've always adored Mudkip and I've always adored Swampert.
Chansey or Blissey! Their healing power is absolutely second to none, I'd love to use her to heal people of their illnesses.