We the Unwanted Important NPCS


With blood comes life, with life comes death.
Rufus Andelorn-
The new crowned king of Andelorn, who pushed for the destruction of the Impregnable Fortress. He has cracked down on the size of the King's Guard and executing of Guardians.

Uthor Geraldi-
The lord of the Geraldis Province. He is known as the "man of the people," and is well respected by his subjects. However, he has a huge distaste for the Guardians, due to their past tensions with his province in specifics.

Grant Rollo-
The lord of the Rollon Province. More of a scholar than a leader, he often locks himself away in his room inventing and studying. This allowed the people of Rollon to gain much more freedom and control over the lands they inhabit.

Thomas Khensen-
The lord of the Jensen Province. Though many his people are poor, he is rich and well off. Due to this, his control over the province is hated by many. He rules by fear and is backed by the King's Guard to enforce his will.

Horus Flicke-
High Commander of the King's Guard. He is battle hardened and unparalleled in strength, capable of incapacitating a target in a single blow.
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