In need of an RP


Hey guys! I've been on here for a while, but haven't been able to find multiple projects to really sink my teeth into other than the one thread I'm involved in, I am looking for any group rp that isn't too established yet or a 1x1 rp to get involved in.

I'm usually interested in fantasy, action or mixed rp's, although all my characters are original rather than fan-based.

Thanks for reading this! Comment or message me if you have any options I could look at.
If you want a partner for 1x1, hit me up! I'm always looking for another roleplay. I prefer fantasy, but we could bounce some plot ideas around in PM to come up with something we're both interested in.
@Caelus Sure thing :) Head on over to our OOC Thread to check a little about the setting and the players and characters who joined to far. We're a creative, friendly bunch, co-writing for a good bit of fun ;)
@Caelus Sure thing :) Head on over to our OOC Thread to check a little about the setting and the players and characters who joined to far. We're a creative, friendly bunch, co-writing for a good bit of fun ;)
I think I might need to come up with a new character for that storyline after looking at the characters that are already there.