In the Dark of the Night... (Quinley)


the Hugger Troll

She had her reservations. Nothing about this was sitting right but the circumstances had reached a point where a lack of intelligance was being a nail in the coffin for them. This was why she was here and the mission they had before them was dangerous and risky. They were far away from their usual territory and suspected the planet they were headed to belonged to the race that seemed hell bent on wiping them clean from the spatial record. Course, they were duty bound to not let that happen or to make it as difficult as possible. She wrinkled her nose with irritation as clawed fingers tapped her armrest.

"Nepla jne itazn d'rai ksa?" she asked wistfully as she turned her head to look at the officer responsible. He glanced at her before he tapped smartly on the console before him. She smiled, there was a ruthless efficiency on her Bridge and that's what she had come to expect from her staff. Efficient with meticulous eye for details, nothing wasted, nothing left undone.

"Itazn, Genka. Tay uah knda reis atarchies," he replied, long ears flicking back and forth as he worked.

The General nodded as she peered towards the viewscreen. It was not long before the planet appeared and was put on the screen for all to see. So used to the style and ways of the General's command that reports were coming in before she could ask the questions. She smiled and nodded as she listened. Something was down there. Something that could perhaps get them out of the rugged dogfight they were entrenched in and turn the war to more favourable odds. They couldn't tell what exactly, any knowledge of lifesigns or other interesting articles a ship normally scanned for were jammed by a strange frequence they could not decipher. However, the planet was inhabitable.

General Kunama rose from her seat, "Ick yquan a'tes arbi vual xton."

As usual and as expected, murmurs of protest sounded and she raised her hand, "Ick exta arbi mazdor. Ick resa wia tmin tak sinu-idot. Vrenus, kie haza arbi Kaydiz. Leita, Taroth, kie nepla sra nta." With that she made towards the lift followed by her Security and Science Chiefs. The General's flagship went into orbit around the planet constantly scanning the planet as much as it was able trying to discern anything but it seemed any information there was to be found was going to have to be found physically. Kunama was not surprised by this estimation. It was one decent way to stop information from being so readily available to the masses.

They were not able to use the Beamers and had to use the fliers instead. They were built for a four man crew and often used in the stead of the Beamers. The craft experienced some turbulence as it punched through the atmosphere before it found a suitable place to land. Kunama stepped out and felt the earth shift beneath the calloused pads of her feet. No Nolfian wore shoes. They got in the way.

She accepted the rifle from her Security Chief and nodded when they were ready. Strange sounds from the canopy assaulted their ears as they slowly made their way towards one building they had spotted before landing. Their unshod feet made light work of the terrain as the canine humanoids cut a path through dense undergrowth. Kunama did not fancy to know what kinds of creatures lurked in the forest depths but they had a purpose. To get to that building and find out more about their strange Xenophobic attackers.