Infinite Ikea, Trapped Forever.


Squiddily diddily
Patience hopped off the lightning train, walking with his staff of power in hand, a warhammer strapped to his back. Some of the local clergy had begun to call his studies blasphemous, and they and their acolytes would attack them. Sometimes the masses would follow. He was paranoid of how they prayed for harm to come to him, he was afraid their god might listen.

His large ears flapped as he walked down the street, he had heard of the mass produced furniture and foreign cuisine present at a nearby shop that had recently opened. New shops were popping up all over in the Khorvaire empire and at the center of it all was Asram. Many new and wonderful businesses were opening up and they were making his work trivial. He hoped that they could trivialize another task, as it was always a pain to go to a carpenter to commission new pieces of furniture. He wanted a sturdy desk and a large comfy chair, and a trip to this... "Ikea" today could mean he would have all he needed today and wouldn't need to go back to a carpenter later to pick up the piece.

The shop was an immense affair and had no noises of machinery, nor the sound of work, all was the walking of feet and the sound of quiet, polite conversation. Another hassle to be avoided in the future. The district in the crafts district were so noisome, it did him well to get this peace. The atmosphere lent him of something more of a bookstore or library than carpentry.

He walked into the door and looked around, finding rows and rows of set up furniture, all of them labeled with numbers that were supposed to correspond to some box that held a furniture piece of that design in it. He turned around a couple times before he realized it, but there was no one there with him, and the entrance was gone.

He huffed angrily as this ruined his day plans. He had to find a way out of this imprisonment.

He walked in an approximately straight line, his wayfinding assisting him keeping his path straight. But turning around again revealed that the paths behind him changed. Then the lights went out.

He sighed as he tried to find a bed.

Patience had managed to make himself a nice little home within, gathering supplies from around him, and staking his land. The employees pile of corpses was conveniently cleaned up for him after a day, and he was able to easily find food for himself. He was alone though, which strengthened his belief that he had been trapped here. He got up from the raft of beds he had made for himself and went out for some food. They hadn't lied about the cuisine, it was wonderful.

He walked into a kitchen area that had been nearby and took an entire tray of the meatballs they had and dumped them into an entire tray of their noodles. He looked at the dessert options, at least his captors were kind with their spell.
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Pandora panted softly as she sprinted, her grip tight on Seulgi's hand as she hobbled along behind her. The sun would set soon and they were still outside, it would get colder, harder to travel now all the streetlights were out. They had to get inside.

Pandora pulled Seulgi into an alley, listening to the soft growls of the stumbling dead that followed them. They were dangerous, sure, but at least they were slow.
"Are you okay?" She signed to Seulgi, to which she nodded in response. Seulgi's inability to speak was useful at times and their knowledge of sign language was even more so. The infected were driven by noise and the smell of blood, you could easily outsmart them if you were quiet about it.

Seulgi hobbled closer to the wall, almost unable to put weight on her left leg.
"I know," Pandora whispered, "but I know a place, it's not much further." She told her, smiling a little in hopes of reassuring her, even a little. Seulgi nodded, causing Pandora to smile even wider. She was a little trooper.

Pandora took her hand once more, leading her through the alleys towards the shopping district. She knew this area pretty well, she'd spent many an early morning in the surrounding cafes after a long night shift, so could traverse the streets with ease!
"This way." Pandora signed, keeping low as she pulled her to the end of the alley. She scanned the parking lot of the local Ikea, the silhouettes of the dead slowly making their way across the tarmac. Pandora drew her revolver and Seulgi followed her lead, pulling the knife from her boot.

Saying the building was run-down was an understatement. One of the letters was missing from the sign, there was barely any glass left in the place and it looked mostly empty from the outside other than instruction pamphlets strewn about the floor. There was no hope of finding anything useful there, that was for sure, but it was indoors and that was better than nothing.

They stepped out from the alley, crouched low with soft steps as they traversed the parking lot.
"Shit..." Pandora whispered as the familiar growling met her ears. She pulled Seulgi along a little faster, abandoning her usual quiet approach and gunning it for the door. The glass was broken, the shop had been raided long ago, so Pandora simply stepped through the frame, leading Seulgi through behind her.

They were met by a completely different scene as their backs faced the door, lines and lines of stacked furniture towered above them. Bright LED lights illuminated the whole store, it was blinding to the two who hadn't seen artificial light in months. There was no growling, only the eerie buzzing of the air conditioning. Pandora hesitated before turning towards the door, only to find a blank wall behind her. She tightened her grip on Seulgi's hand. This couldn't be real, she had to have gone insane, but at least Seulgi was there, she had to be real.

She felt a tug on her arm as Seulgi frantically tried to snap her out of it, pointing off to her right. A tall figure loomed around a stack of boxes, it's long fingers curling around them as it's eyeless face still seemed to stare deep into their souls. Pandora's eyes widened. She hadn't seen anything like it... She didn't know how to face it so she did what she'd always done, run. She dragged Seulgi along behind her as she hobbled, struggling to keep up as they headed down an aisle.
Marshmallow sat down outside in the IKEA parking lot structure. She watched mournfully as Molly, her human, looped the end of the leash around one of the loading dock bars. The little girl wrapped her arms around MM's neck and hugged her tight. "No goggie.. Be good. Back soon, kay? Bye!"

Without even a parting treat, Molly and her parents disappeared into the air conditioned interior of the mega store. MM whined a little, but she was a good dog. So, amid the throng of people coming and going, she circled a few times then lay down with a huff. When she opened her eyes some unknown time later, there were no people, hers or anyone else's.

It had grown dark outside, way past her little human's bedtime, and MM's tummy rumbled. Where were her noms? Standing, she streeeeeetched, then went to go find her people. She caught up short as her leash pulled tight, and she grumped in annoyance. Seemed it was time for a new trick.

Going back to the iron bar, she tugged at the leash with her mouth. It took a few minutes, but eventually she worked it free and was able to head off in the direction her humans had. The leash trailed behind her, still attached to her collar with its tags. One read MARSHMALLOW, and the other just had a bunch of numbers on it. They jingled slightly whenever she moved.

She walked up to the magic doors, and they opened for her just as they had at Pet City. She was such a good dog. Such a smart dog. Definitely gonna be treats for this one. With nary a backward glance she sauntered into the mega store, only to have the doors close on her leash and pull her up short again. She turned and barked at the doors, taking a few steps forward. They whooshed open, releasing her.

Huffing with displeasure, she turned tail and put her nose to the ground, searching for Molly's much foot traffic had passed through that she was at a loss at first, but then another delectable aroma came to her seeking nose. Noms! That had to be noms! Lifting her head, she raced into the dimly lit and deserted IKEA, tags jingling and her leash trailing along behind her. Her nose lead her straight to the cafeteria.
Freya tried to cover her head as the rain pelted down on her. She couldn't find her father and she had left her cell-phone at home. She forced back tears and rushed into the nearest building. IKEA.

She peeped around shelves, trying to find someone that could help her, but no luck. suddenly, she heard the faint sound of jingling. Keys maybe? From a worker?

She followed the sound, winding in and out of shelves and displays, until she came to the source of the jingling.
"A dog?" She said under her breath. "Hey, you shouldn't be in here, this place isn't for dogs," Freya tried to shoo the dog in the direction of the exit.
Where did the exit go?

((its shorter than all yours, apologies))
Marshmallow followed the ghost of the smell of meatballs past, her feet padding soundlessly on the flooring while her jangling dog tags gave her away. Leash trailing behind, she reared up and placed her paws on one of the counter tops where noms once lived. Nope, just lingering smells of awesome.

What's that? A human? She spun around to see Freya. Not her human, but still, A human - they were the ones with the food. She hadn't apparently learned the trick 'shoo' because she didn't go anywhere. Instead she just just bound up to the girl and sat like the good dog she was. The overhead fluorescent half-light of an IKEA at night was spooky, making the missing exit seem all the more ominous.

MM panted and waited for the human to do something else interesting - like maybe produce food? There was none to be found least, not anymore.
Elliot wasn't the most.. Sociable person in the world. He was walking through an Ikea store, his mum had told him to wait in Aisle whatever. She'd find him in about 15 minutes anyway. Elliot grumbled as he walked down the aisles which seemed to be endless. This was boring, maybe he'd just wait outside for her ins-

Where did the exit go?

Elliot was sure he'd only been walking for a little less than 10 minutes, so where'd it go? He looked down the 'infinite.' aisles and realized something.

"Maybe they are really endless..."
Freya pulled the dogs leash and continued to wander through the isles. After about 15 minutes, she spotted a boy about her age doing the same. She peeped around a shelf, watching him walk around. She didn't talk to him, she was pretty antisocial and anxious.
Patience heard the lights go down with a loud click, he groaned, holding a handful of noodles with sauce. He put it in his mouth an grabbed a napkin before he heard the sound of a dog and a girl. He ran towards the source of the sound, wondering if there were in fact others trapped in with him.

He saw them, a girl, a boy and a dog, "You there! Human children, it's night time, it's not safe out in the open." He said, looking around for any of the employees.
Pandora stumbled over her own shoes as they made their way down to the winding aisles. She fell forward, her forearms skidding against the linoleum floor and pulling Seulgi over with her. She turned onto her back, expecting to see whatever that was following behind them... but it was gone. She panted softly, sitting up properly and running a hand through her hair.
"You okay?" She asked breathlessly, turning to Seulgi who was wincing in pain. She nodded, holding the now open wound above her knee.
"Shit..." Pandora muttered, reaching out to help her but hesitated as the lights went out and the buzzing of the LEDs were suddenly silenced. She swallowed, blinking as her eyes gradually adjusted to the dark.

She flinched as she heard speech behind them, looking over her shoulder.
"C'mon." She whispered, helping Seulgi to her feet and tucking her onto one of the lower shelves between the boxes.
"Stay here, don't move. I'll be back, okay?" She told her, to which Seulgi nodded. Pandora smiled, pushing a box to conceal her friend before making her way to the end of the corridor. Her steps were silent as she pressed her back against the shelves, peering around the corner. There were people there, not deformed, towering monsters, but humans. Who the hell were they talking to? No kid could have a voice that deep. She pulled her revolver from her belt, holding it firmly as she watched from the shadows. Most humans were hostile in her experience and she couldn't see properly from where she was. She crouched a little lower and waited for her moment.
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MM heard Patience before she saw him and turned in his direction. Maybe he had food. She picked up her leash in her mouth, then trotted to his side, tags jingling. She sat before him, wagging her tail enthusiastically, and looked up with the most pleading eyes ever. 'Please sir, may I have some noms?' those eyes seemed to say.

Her mouth dropped open in a doggy grin, and her long leather leash dropped at his feet with a minimum amount of drool. The noms would surely come, now - no dog in the history of dogedom could possibly have been better than she had just been.

But it would have to wait, they were were being watched by someone in the shadows, someone intent on not being seen. She stood and turned to stare in Pandora's direction. A low growl rose in her throat.
Patience took a meatball from the large tray he had taken with him. He was originally going to eat all the meatballs and noodles in a celebration of hedonistic glory meant to distract him from the loneliness and boredom, but it looked like he would be sharing now. He dropped the meatball in front of the dog and checked her tags, "marshmallow..." he said aloud petting her with his trunk.

"you there. Human childre-" he didn't get to finish his sentence as an employee began to approach the children behind Elliot. It politely asked him to leave as it killed him with one strike, his skull cracking from the meaty blow.

Patience dropped the tray as he ran to the employee, he was too late to save the boy but there was another child there. With a punch he took out one of its legs and then swung again to take out its head. He panted heavily as he looked to the surviving girl, "are you OK?" he asked her
Pandora's eyes widened as the employee approached from behind the children, backing up further into the shadows as she watched it murder one of the children in one swipe. She swore she could hear the crack of his skull.
"Shit..." She whispered. This foe was new, something she'd never experienced before. She'd have to learn their weaknesses as she'd done back in her own world.

If it were possible, her eyes would widen even more at the sight of some sort of... bipedal elephant.
I've gone insane... This is it, I've clearly just snapped...
She thought to herself. Huge, slender creatures in ikea uniforms didn't exist, bipedal elephants didn't exist, did the infected outside even exist? Did Seulgi exist? She stepped out from the shelves, raising her weapon and aiming for the elephant.
"Who are you... what is this place... and what the hell was that?" She asked, demanding answers with stern eyes.
The growl died in her throat. Marshmallow's eyes got ginormous as a meatball made an appearance in Patience's hand. Noms! He has Noms!! She tracked the produced morsel with her eyes all the way to the ground, drool filling her mouth. The smells never lie, she decided.

She made short work of the meatball of the gods, practically inhaling it as the elephant man checked her tags and said her name. She sat immediately and gave one short bark, knowing nothing of the oddity it was to be petted by the trunk of a bipedal elephant. It was always nice to get pets. She raised one paw to shake with her new best friend and waited patiently.

The biggest quandary of Marshmallow's relatively short life suddenly took place as Patience dropped the nom tray and ran. Obviously there was some kind of danger, and it was her job to tell the whole world about it. But...but...gorgeous balls of unidentified meat! Succulent morsels lay scattered on the ground, just begging to be eaten.

However, as the rich, iron scent of blood filled the air her mind was suddenly made up for her. She turned in the direction of the employee and started barking up a storm, her lips pulling back to reveal sharp canines. Even marshmallows could be ferocious when the situation called for it.
Freya stood, frozen by a shelf. Someone had just killed that boy. She nodded in response to the beast looking person.
Then it hit her. This must be a dream, nothing this crazy could ever happen in reality. come on, a guy that has ears so big he's practically an elephant?
She bit her lip and closed her eyes, hoping that when she opens them she'd be in her nice warm bed.
It didn't work.
Patience waved a hand in front of Freya when she didn't respond and picked her up. Another young woman pointed a rifle at him and he chuckled, "I don't recognize the manufacturer of that rifle, it looks new. What this is, is a magical prison. I don't know why you got sent here, but I got sent here because I angered the church."

He held out a hand and produced a flame with magic, "I'm a wizard and a Loxodon, girl, now put the gun down." He said, dispelling the flame and then going back down to pet marshmallow.
Pandora frowned as he spoke, hesitating before checking her gun.
"This thing? You must not know your guns, this is old news." She told him, a little confused. She huffed, putting her gun away.
"Well... I didn't believe in zombies until they showed up... so I guess elephant people are the new thing," She muttered, crossing her arms. "What did you do? Splice your DNA with an elephant? That would piss off the church." She added before noticing the girl. "Pardon my language."

Seulgi hesitated for a moment before peering out from between the boxes. All she could hear was her own breathing and the faint sound of chatter in the distance, definitely Pandora's voice. Then, there were footsteps... She leaned further forward, watching a tall, completely white figure trudging their way down an aisle a few shelves over. She swallowed, they were going in the direction Pandora had gone... She began to carefully climb off of the shelves, stumbling to her feet before limping her way down the aisle as fast as she could. She grabbed onto Pandora's arm to steady herself before quickly signing something to her.
"Tall thing on its way." She told her before making eye contact with Patience. Her eyes widened, jumping behind Pandora before signing once more.
"I don't get it either," Pandora muttered in response. "She says there's one of those things coming." She translated, glancing at the dead one on the floor.
Marshmallow sniffed the air. Dead bodies was a new thing to her, but then, just going outside in the scary vroom vroom was pretty new to her. She stopped barking as the sudden violence subsided and the humans...or, individuals... started making their talking noises at each other.

As Patience came over and pet her, she felt assured everything was okay - pets weren't given when things were bad. Satisfied, she immediately went to those luscious morsels all sprawled on the ground and gobbled them up, tail wagging. She ignored the strands of pasty stuff, but made sure to lick off all the meat juice first. Life was good.
On cue one of the employees had arrived on the bloody scene for his dead comrade. It politely asked Freya to leave as it bludgeoned her to death.

Patience took this one out in relatively short order like the other one, "More will come, they come for their dead." He said, picking up Marshmallow as she was eating, "I will take you to my home and then I can get us food, please, let's talk when it's safe."

He moved past them and motioned back to where he had kept his home. It actually was a bed section of the infinite store, just past his home you could see beds for miles and miles. He had walls built that were thirteen feet high with ladders from bunk beds serving as the only ways in and out. It was only two aisles away from where they currently were, so it was plain to see through the displays that were in the area.

"Hurry. They won't turn aggressive if they can't see us."

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Pandora grabbed Seulgi's hand, pulling her behind her to keep her protected from the beast. She pulled her revolver but by the time it was out, Patience had already killed it and the girl was already dead. She had so many questions, what the hell was a magical prison and what had they done to get stuck there? Seulgi continued to hide behind her, not keen on seeing the corpse of a child.

"Thank you, we'll find a way to repay you," She told him, not many people in their experience were willing to allow people into their bases. She crouched down, allowing Seulgi to clamber on her back, and followed after Patience as Seulgi wrapped her arms around her shoulders and her legs around her waist.

"How long have you been here?" She asked, keeping her voice down as they approached his home. "You seem to know the ins and outs of this place..."

@AkiraDawn c: