The Scarletverse Infinity Tower


Megalomaniacal Arbiter
A tower where the richest, most profitable businesses set up camp. Exquisite parties and exclusive deals go down here. It is a place of power, one of the tallest buildings of the city.
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Right now, it was the site of a party.
Victor Blackwood's business, despite having some more... sensitive business dealings, and not paying protection fees to the Scarlet Five, has continued to thrive in the short time it has been around. All of the thugs the Scarlet Five had sent to harass them had mysteriously gone missing, and Mr. Blackwood was living the good life.
For now.
The party was grand; with champagne, music, and lots of rich folks wandering around the place. Even Mr. Blackwood himself, a powered individual, was there, sipping a drink and talking with his 'friends'. His wife and children were present.
Security wasn't very beefy, with only one or two security guards around, as Mr. Blackwood was not worried about it.
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But he should be.
While Mr. Blackwood was talking with one of his more lucrative buisness partners when the light above him flickered once.
Mr. Blackwood frowned. Hm. Weird.
A few moments later, it flickered once more.
The chatter in the room was undeterred from it's cacophony by the one flickering light, but in a few moments, others started flickering, and many conversations paused to marvel at the electrical problem.
At the same time, another guest arrived at the party, being questioned by the guards outside the door. Why wasn't he here on time? Where was his invitation? The man said it was simple, really.
He didn't need an invitation.
All of the lights, whose flickering had increased rapidly, suddenly burst, showering the room with glass and screams.
The man, laughing, grabbed the guard by the neck and lifted him up, the guard's body dissolving into the sudden cold wind that blew in from the window, and when the process was done, the Man was only holding his skull, smiling and chuckling.
While this was happening, the other guard was firing at the Man with his pistol, but it was having no effect. The bullets just dissolved before hitting him as little more than dust.
The man thrust out his other hand, sending the guard through a window into the skies outside.
The guests saw this and panic rose, and screams sounded louder, the Man just standing there, drinking it in, enjoying every bit of panic spurred on by his own abilities. And he laughed a bit, the people so desperate for escape.
The Man telepoted over to one Victor Blackwood, speaking suddenly with a voice that shook mountains and transcended time, the people slowing to a stop, their panicked efforts to escape suddenly on pause.
V̷i̵c̶t̷o̸r̴,̷ ̴t̷h̸i̴s̶ ̵i̷s̶ ̶y̶o̸u̷r̴ ̵f̸a̸u̷l̶t̶,̵ ̴r̸e̶a̵l̵l̸y̸.̵
̶The man said, his terrible voice making Victor shiver.
̸Y̷o̴u̶ ̵m̸a̴d̴e̸ ̴a̵ ̷d̴e̷a̶l̷ ̸w̸i̴t̶h̶ ̶t̴h̷e̸ ̶d̸e̴v̸i̷l̵.̵
̶A̸n̷d̵ ̸s̸o̷m̴e̵t̶i̴m̵e̸s̷ ̷y̵o̶u̸ ̷g̵e̵t̶ ̴b̶u̴r̷n̸e̵d̶.̴
Victor looked confused for a moment, but overcame it quickly.
"What -no! You can't -" Victor said, lashing out with his power, controlling thorns, of which there were many outside of the window.
The man interrupted him, Victor himself being stopped with the sheer telekinetic power that the Man held.
O̶f̴ ̸c̴o̶u̵r̴s̶e̷ ̸I̸ ̴c̶a̴n̶,̴ ̴V̶i̴c̴t̷o̶r̸.̶
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The man put his hands behind his back and smiled.
S̸o̸r̴r̵y̴ ̶t̸o̵ ̵d̸o̴ ̸t̶h̷i̴s̶ ̷t̵o̷ ̷y̴o̸u̷,̸ ̸V̶i̶c̶t̶o̴r̴,̵ ̴b̵u̶t̸ ̴t̸h̵e̸s̶e̷ ̷p̷e̶o̶p̶l̷e̸ ̵n̴e̴e̷d̵ ̶t̷o̵ ̶k̵n̴o̵w̷ ̸j̸u̴s̶t̴ ̸h̶o̵w̷ ̵s̸e̵r̷i̶o̸u̷s̶ ̵I̸ ̵a̷m̴.̸
His left eye glowed for a second, just a second, while he gathered his power.
He smiled.
A shockwave of pure force split the building in two horizontally, accompanied by what sounded like a clap of thunder.
Everything was still for a moment, everything hanging in the Man's cold, hating embrace.
And then the building collapsed.
And, amid the dust and the rubble, the Man, The Man in the Mirror, emerged, coat billowing in the wind.