Is it strange that I become friends with people that I roleplay with?


Active Member
I'm pretty sure this is actually kinda common since people did it a LOT on my old roleplaying forum, but for some reason even though it's just your character interacting with their character, it kinda feels like over the RP you get to know them. Is that strange? Like, I can't do it in a large group with over 10 people, but if it's 10 or smaller I inevitably do that if the RP lasts more than a month and a half.
That's happened to me two times, and it's great when it does. Once, it was on a list for a TV show. We never got around to actual rp-ing because she and I had way different time periods we wanted to rp-in, and different main character focuses. The last time this happened was on an opposition to Twilight list. We're still friends. But she has zippo time for writing/rp now and is too zonked in what spare time she has to do anything on that front. It's been that way for a while now, so I'm starting to look around. We also have very similar points of view on other things too, so that made writing/rping with her the best I ever had. I can write on my own, but prefer to collaborate if/when it works out on character and friend front.
Not strange at all. A lot of people I know were once fantastic writing buddies. Rp is just one of those hobbies that brings people closer imho. One moment you're plotting out ideas and stories for your characters and then the next you're sharing funny life stories. Lol.
Friendship if by no means a strange occurrence. Heck, one of my favorite things about RPing is the friendships I've made along the way! I've met many a good folks that way, and even if the RP didn't last, our friendship did. Personally, I find that getting to know your partner(s) better actually helps elongate the life span of RPs and even create some memorable moments.
I met my best friend of 5 years through a roleplay that we started together. Admittedly, looking back on it, the roleplay was extremely awful and cringey. But we're super close now, we text every day, and we've met each other in person once even though we're from different states. So I would say it's totally normal and one of my favorite parts of roleplaying.
Lots of people have said it already, but I think that's a pretty common occurrence, and I've found there are extremely few people I can tolerate rping with if I do not like them. Though of course there are some people I like who I can't rp with. Rping is great for making friendships, I think! Though I'd be a little terrified if anyone thought I was much like a few of my characters.
Not unusual at all, as far as I can tell, I've met a lot of my current close friends RPing, and I've RPed with a good portion of those close friends I met through other means, too.

[The friends I've made from RPing are some of my closest, actually. It's like getting to know a person a bunch of times, and learning about the person behind all of those characters at the same time. It really shows you how amazing people can be, and nuanced, too.]
I'm pretty sure this is actually kinda common since people did it a LOT on my old roleplaying forum, but for some reason even though it's just your character interacting with their character, it kinda feels like over the RP you get to know them. Is that strange? Like, I can't do it in a large group with over 10 people, but if it's 10 or smaller I inevitably do that if the RP lasts more than a month and a half.
I get that feeling on STC all the time. Except this differs from other platforms in the way of that the people that you connect with suddenly dissapear.
I don't think it's weird at all, I have made so many friends through role-play. Heck, I met my husband role-playing :) I think it's one of the many wonderful things about it. :emoji_heartbeat:
Fairly certain almost anyone can make a friend while roleplaying. I have a few friends that I roleplay with, one across the ocean from me, and they actually make me feel so much better about my life. With the things that are happening to me irl, having people online to talk to can really help. Especially since over text-based chat, they can't interrupt me or cut me off while I'm trying to say something.
I roleplay with people who share fondness for the same genres as me, and have an equal or greater level of literacy to me. I am a creative type, and if they are able to roleplay well, that makes them a creative type too. So yeah, constantly surrounding myself with people bearing similar interests to mine. Friendship for me happens, like, 1/5 times I start a roleplay with someone, I reckon. I feel pretty lucky to have a hobby with such a nice and chummy community in it.

So yeah, friendship via roleplay isn't weird at all. Looking forward to becoming friends with you, heheh... [cringe]
I think it's normal! I tend to write better with people after I've gotten to know them on an OOC level and become friends. Of course, the reverse is also true. If I don't like someone OOC it's a little harder for me to interact well with their characters, though not impossible. Usually just depends why I don't like them, I guess?

But no, not weird.
Holy cow no it isn't! If anyone says so well shame on them. My best friend's are some of my RP friends. We talk every day!
A couple of the best friends I've ever had were made through roleplaying. We even became such good friends that we met up at a comic con and hung out in real life. We not only roleplay together, but talk just about every day. : )
It's perfectly normal. The people you socialize with become the people you befriend through repetitive association, generally. Not always, but generally.
As the others have already said, it's not weird at all.

I've befriended 99% of the people I RP with.
Not at all! I've made my best friends through roleplaying, I've even gone camping and made friends with one of my friends family this summer! And this November my friend I went camping with, and other from out of America are going to meet up~ I can't wait honestly, so never think it's not okay to make friends with people you write with!
Bunch of close personal friends came from an online role-playing community. When you're interacting so close, and so much with a person it seems like that is inevitable
I don't find that strange at all. I think it's completely normal. I mean it's pretty much the same as making a friend in real life. You spend time with them and get to know each other more. I think it's a great thing if you become friends with someone you roleplayed with.