Chronicles of The Omniverse Archived Jikou: Township of Jikou


Adorable Homewrecker
as written by Script

The night of the Spirit Festival...

The sounds of revelry and celebration could be heard from the centre of town even as far away as the docks, as Jikou's townsfolk celebrated the coming of the solstice and the beginning of the Spirit Festival. Decorative lights hung from buildings throughout town, casting illumination through the streets, but here amongst the warehouses and the shipping yards the dark of the night retained its dominion.

It was here that two members of Golden Phoenix slipped silently through the maze of shipping containers that filled the yard owned by Taizen Holdings, a shipping company based in Jikou. Here, where they hunted a small cadre of smugglers reportedly operating out of the shipyard under the cover of night, using contacts on the security staff to avoid detection. The smugglers had yet to come to the attention of the law, but Golden Phoenix had been contacted by an anonymous client who wished to see the operation blown out of the water.

It might have been a member of the smuggling crew itself, looking to cash out and bail out with the money before the crew was busted, or it might have been a Taizen employee who didn't want to deal with the bureaucracy of the Ministry Guard. Sometimes it paid not to ask too many questions.

Of course, assassination contracts were illegal. They weren't here to kill the smugglers, just to clear them out, take a few captive and deliver them to the police on a silver platter.

Aya was the frontmost of the pair, the more experienced guild member. In one hand she held a sleek wooden stave, readied for a fight. She glanced over her shoulder to her companion, Kimi, a new guild member. This was her first mission, something of a trial run to test her capabilities.

"They should be just ahead," Aya whispered, "You take the lead now. You should be better than me in a fight." Not that Aya herself was a pushover, but she lacked the supernatural enhancements that Kimi had to her advantage. "Remember, no killing. And leave at least one of them conscious, I want one to interrogate."
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as written by Faithy and Script

Energy was surging through Kimi’s body the closer they got to their target. The area they were in was very familiar to her, but this time she was on the other side and though that was freaking her out slightly, she was also extremely excited. Slipping around the shipping containers, the redhead kept her eyes peeled and her ears perked to ensure that she and Aya weren’t jumped by the smugglers. The Spirit Festival was definitely a good distraction, especially since it could still be heard where they were at. Gloves covered her hands, the hidden blades just aching to be used. Even though they weren’t there to kill, her gun was still strapped onto her body, the piece covered by her jacket, which was mostly zipped up, though she could still grab it if necessary. If all else failed, she could just shoot the bastards in the knees or something.

Nodding at the other guild member Kimi moved ahead and swept her blue eyes across the shipping containers. The eighteen-year-old could pick up some soft conversation and she grinned widely, getting quickly pumped up for the fight that was about to break out. A few more steps and she slowed to a stop in order to peek around a shipping container. Smirking, the street fighter slipped out to where the group of smugglers was currently at, using the cover of the night as well as her agility. Before her first victim knew what was happening, she had yanked him off his feet, slamming the male hard onto the ground below. Flashing the rest a huge smile, she kicked the male in the face hard enough to knock him out, but not enough to snap his neck.

“Hey boys. Your kind aren’t wanted here anymore.” She narrowed her eyes and flipped up on top of a nearby container, watching them closely to keep from being nailed with a bullet or anything else that would hurt.


Aya rounded the corner, and immediately it was apparent something was wrong. There were only about four people here, including the man that Kimi had downed already. The three remaining had begun to panic, reaching for weapons, but as Aya moved forwards she reached out with her mind. It wasn't with the gentle touch and tug that she employed when investigating, but rather with force. She dulled their adrenaline, pushed them towards the sluggishness of apathy. What did it matter if they were under attack? It would be easier just to give up...

The trio still standing slowed, blinking with disorientation as they battled with the foreign emotions invading their minds. They knew it wasn't their own, but the hesitation it caused them was all Aya needed.

She swept in, bringing her staff up to crack into the ribs of the first man, doubling him over before she smacked him down across the back, flooring him. In a spinning motion she stepped to within range of the next target, a woman, and brought the staff around into her stomach. Aya brought her knee up into her face before she could react, dropping her.

One man was left standing, having only just brought his gun free of its holster.


As soon as Aya came around the corner, Kimi shifted her attention elsewhere, knowing that the large crew that had been expected wasn’t in their vicinity, which meant this was either a trap or they had gone elsewhere. Did someone tip them off? It was possible, but until they got one of them to talk, all they could do was speculate. Would the other female feel that Kimi had tipped them off, the redhead certainly hoped not. Glancing back down once everyone was on the ground save for the man who obviously intended on shooting at them. Snorting, she jumped down, slamming her toned frame down onto him. The two hit the ground, but his body cushioned her. A flick of her wrist brought forth the blades on one hand that ached to be free and she slammed them down on top of his gun wielding hand to keep him from being able to use it. Yanking the blades back out, she leapt to her feet, jerking him up to his feet in the process.

“Alright, spill. We want to know everything. You will tell us everything willingly.” As she spoke, Kimi tapped into her psionic suggestive level of persuasion and unless he had the mental blocks to keep her words from effecting him, then he would spill every single secret he had been trusted with.


The man screamed in pain as the blades struck his hand, and he dropped the gun without resistance. His eyes wide, it was clear he wasn't any older than his twenties. "My name is Lee Zhu!" he spluttered in response to Kimi's demand, "I was born in Tianshi, and my mother w-"

"Not that much of everything," Aya interrupted with a frown, "Where's the rest of your crew. I know this isn't all of them."

"There was a last minute change of plans," Lee stammered, "I don't know why, but the boss and the others sent us with this delivery and went somewhere else instead. They said to meet them in the sewers by the south docks when we were clear! That's all I know, I swear! Please, I've only been doing this for a few weeks, I needed the money, don't hurt-"

"Stop begging," Aya shook her head with a grimace, "Let's get this lot tied up and call in the police. We need to get to that rendezvous."


Kimi fought to keep from snickering when Mr. Zhu started to tell them everything from the moment he was born. Aya had him cut to the chase, which was probably for the best and his words weren’t incredibly helpful, but at least they knew where everyone else was at. Nodding at her compadre, she pulled zip ties out of her pocket and set about tying everyone’s hands and ankles nice and snug. Lee was left for the last and she just patted him on the head before roughly tying him up.

“Alright, might as well head over to where the real party is at.” Kimi roundhouse kicked Lee in the face, knocking him out before nodding towards Aya before realizing they needed to call the cops. Well, hopefully the other had a cell phone, because she didn’t carry one. Moving towards the south docks, she wondered for a second time whether or not they were walking into a trap.

“Might be a trap…” She muttered, loud enough for Arya to hear.


"If it was a trap, he didn't know about it," Aya said, "His emotions didn't line up with someone who knows he's sending his enemies to a trap. But you're right, it does sound like a set-up. Perhaps he wasn't told."

She moved after Kimi, veering towards the street. "There's a phone-booth a few streets this way, we'll detour past it to tip the police off to where these guys are," she explained.

"I don't know what they're doing down there. The sewers are well guarded so that the naga can't use them. Smuggling something through them would be more trouble than it's worth."


“Good point. We’ll just have to pay close attention to what’s happening around us.” Following along with Aya towards the phone booth, she mused on what could be going on with the thugs. Why would they go through the trouble to smuggle something through the sewers when there were easier ways to get the stuff in and out again? It just made absolutely no sense. Frowning heavily as they walked, she spotted the phone booth.

“The sooner we phone the police, the quicker we can get down to the sewers and figure out what’s going on. I don’t like this one bit. The boss never acted this foolish when I was running the streets. It’s so uncharacteristic…” Kimi shook her head and glanced around the area, listening closely for any signs of danger.


It didn't take long to contact the police. A phone-box was located not far from the shipyard, and a quick call later had them on their way to apprehend the smugglers. Aya made no mention of the second location in that call, not wanting the police in their way when they reached the sewers, however she did make a second call to the Golden Pheonix Jikou chapter house to let their guild-mates know where they were going.

It was good practice to have others know where your job took you if you anticipated danger. Otherwise a rescue effort would prove challenging.

The trip across towards the south docks was similarly uneventful. People were around, but only in small numbers - dock workers and sailors for the most part. The majority of the townsfolk were in the centre of town for the festival.

"There should be a sewer entrance nearby..." Aya murmured as they moved slightly inland, following the empty street. As predicted, a manhole cover was visible halfway up the road. "If they're trying to smuggle something in, then they'll have to use one of the pipes leading into the ocean. Those have grates over them, and watch-posts with eyes on them at all times. It seems like a poor choice of route... Take point, I have a torch in my pack, I'll be right down."


Leaning against the phone-box, Kimi waited for Aya to call the police and the Golden Pheonix Jikou chapter house before the two headed towards the sewers. She didn’t like how quiet it was and wondered if they were using the Festival as a cover. Frowning, she just ran her fingers through her hair, watching everything and everyone. Sighing heavily, she just shook her head and continued on, knowing not completing their task was not acceptable. Exhaling deeply, she spotted the manhole and just arched her brow at it, listening to see if she could hear anyone.

“Hmm, alright.” Sliding the manhole off, Kimi slid down inside, climbing down the latter before landing softly below. Glancing around, she moved forward slightly, her eyes and senses adjusting to the darkness.


The sewers of Jikou were clearly designed to allow for people to walk through them, at least in some places. A walkway ran alongside the river of sewage that filled the tunnels, and the walls were lined with unlit lanterns. Would that she had oil and matches with her, Aya lamented, but the handheld torch would have to do. She dropped down after Kimi, flicking the switch on the device.

Electrical equipment like the battery-powered torch was uncommon in Losenji, but far from unheard of. They lived on a planet where technology had advanced far beyond them, and the archaic Ministry of Culture could not keep them entirely insular despite its best efforts. Still, the light that the flashlight provided seemed paltry within the darkness.

"This way," she said, indicating down the tunnel. The sewers by the south docks, the man had said. It wasn't very specific, but it would do. The grates were their most likely destination.

Long before they heard voices, Aya heard the first loud metallic clang. It sounded like a metal object striking stone. She held up a finger to her lips to indicate Kimi should stay silent as they advanced further. The next clang was louder - close by - and was followed by a curse and hushed voices.

"Spirits take you, stop dropping them! You'll bring the guard post down on us if they catch ear of your clattering." It was a man's voice, and it was laced with worry and discomfort. But what were they concerned about being dropped? Some sort of cargo?

Around the next corner, she spotted flickering lights, and immediately put out her torch. The source was around the next bend, where she could hear the rushing of the sewer flowing out into the ocean. The grates, as she'd predicted. When they reached the corner and Aya peered around, however, she was shocked at what she saw.

A cluster of six men were gathered there. Two of them were knelt by the grate, and from their fingertips flames burned like blowtorches. They were cutting through the grates. More than three quarters of the bars were already gone. The thick metal barriers served to prevent the naga from accessing the sewers during their raids.

So why are these men cutting them? For a single smuggling operation? That's the most short sighted...

One of the other men looked up sharply and turned towards where she and Kimi were hidden. His eyes had an eerie glow to them.

Shit, Aya swore internally, A farseer. These can't be simple smugglers. They have at least three channellers!

"We've got company," the farseer said, his voice unnervingly cold.

Another man swore, "Spirits! Kohl, Jin, you two keep cutting those bars. The rest of you with me. We leave no witnesses."

Aya hesitated.


Thankful for the walkway, Kimi was glad that she wasn’t about to get her footwear dirty. Waiting for Aya to shed some light on the current situation, the eighteen-year-old followed behind her, glancing behind them every once in a while, though nothing ever snuck up on them. It wasn’t like there were huge sewer rats or gigantic crocodiles or alligators creeping around for a snack or anything. She made a mental note to bring along a flashlight the next time, if she could find one. Fighting back the urge to hum as they walked, she nodded at the motion to remain quiet, her steps lightening at the sound of voices. A single brow arched at the words and she wondered just what was going on. When Aya shut off the light, Kimi let her senses take back over and she wondered just why the men were at the grates. Hell, this was absolutely perplexing to the redhead.

Peeking around as well, she just blinked, her brain kicking into action while she attempted to figure out their objectives. Leaning back so that she couldn’t be seen, Kimi tried to make sense of their odd activity. Back when she did different things that weren’t exactly legal, they were all warned not to mess with grates. Musing, Kimi’s thoughts were broken by the next few words spoken by the smugglers. Narrowing her eyes, she stepped around the corner, flicking both of her wrists to expose the blades that quickly slid across her knuckles. Glancing at Aya, she wondered if they were supposed to do this without killing them and figured that would be the case. Ah well, stabbing out eyes and cutting tendons wasn’t killing, right?

“How about you all just take a hike and go enjoy the festival.” Kimi’s words had unnatural coaxing to it, though she had to wonder if it’d work on the other channellers.


The smugglers hesitated, but their leader - the one who had ordered them, shook his head as though to clear it. "She's a singer, boys, keep your heads clear."

They advanced. Aya could only thank the spirits they didn't have guns - too loud, no doubt, liable to draw attention to them. That didn't mean they weren't dangerous, however.

She nodded to Kimi, raising her staff as three of them - the farseer, another man with close-shaved hair and a woman with a black top knot and a twisted nose - moved forwards.

Not waiting for them to finish assessing her and Kimi for which was the greater threat, Aya charged. Before she had taken more than two steps, the seer reacted, bringing up a hand to stop her staff's swing before it gained momentum and pulling her off balance. She cursed, moving her foot to the side to regain it-

And tripping over his leg. He knew where she was stepping before she did, knew where she would fall... His knee caught her in the gut, winding her. She gasped and staggered backwards, dropping her staff in the process. It rolled into the sewage water and disappeared from view. The farseer smirked.

"We can't fight them..." she spluttered, "He's a precog. Too dangerous."

One of the other two - the man - vanished.

An instant later he reappeared on the walkway behind them, smirking as he drew out a shortsword. A jumper. Spirits! They were in trouble, Aya realised, a sinking feeling gathering in her stomach. What was going on? These people were supposed to be petty criminals! Instead, they seemed like as elite a team as any guild's.

And what were they doing with the grate? It didn't add up. But she didn't have time to worry about whether it made sense or not.

She had enough to worry about in keeping herself alive.


Whether or not Kimi was disappointment or alarmed that her coaxing didn’t work wasn’t made known to anyone via her exterior, but inside she was annoyed and quite worried. Nodding back towards her cohort, the street-fighter flexed her fingers in anticipation. However, when it became apparent that they weren’t dealing with normal thugs, something she was used to, Kimi hesitated in her attack. There were not the same individuals she would fight in the ring, but the teen still felt they could be beaten. Of course that thought dwindled upon witnessing what the pre-cog was doing to Aya. When the Jumper moved in their way with his sword drawn, she realized they were boned and not in a good way.

“Hey, fuckers. You’re going to let us walk out of here without any further trouble. Go back to playing in the sewer water.” She upped her persuasion, hoping that she could at least get the two of them out of the sewers alive. Or at least side track the bastards enough to give her and Aya an advantage. Without waiting to see if it actually worked, the fighter zigged and zagged towards the other female in the attacking group, the blades on her glove flashing in what little light there was as she aimed for the woman’s gut, intending on cutting her open.
as written by Script and Faithy

Again, Kimi's words caused hesitation. It wasn't much, but it was enough to give them a moment. A moment was all she needed. Kimi's blade sank into the stomach of the woman before she could react, and she gasped loudly. Her eyes widened and she recoiled backwards instinctually.

While he was distracted by his comrade's wound, Aya turned and punched the jumper in the face. Hard. There was a sickening crack, and he fell sideways straight into the sewage. Aya let out a whimper of pain as she pulled back her hand. It was almost definitely broken.


The last bar dropped to the ground. Oh no. Aya turned to the grate, where the two Wicks had risen to their feet. The leader of smugglers - if they even were smugglers - pointed to her and Kimi.

"Incinerate them. Now."

The farseer had stepped back, and now the Wicks moved forwards - a young man and an older woman - raising their palms. Fire gathered there, and Aya braced to run in what would no doubt be an entirely vain attempt to escape the incoming inferno.

And then an arrow struck the woman in the back of the head. She lurched forwards with half a gasp, and fell face-down onto the walkway. There was a moment of stunned silence, and the flames in the boy's hand died. The farseer turned around to face the exit into the bay.

"Spirits..." he breathed, voice shaking, "Run."

In the next moment, a tide of scales burst through the opening. The naga slithered into the tunnel with terrifying speed, and within seconds their vanguard had driven their vicious spears forwards and impaled the smugglers' leader and the remaining Wick through before they had a chance to turn. The seer was already running.

"Kimi, we're getting out of here!" Aya yelled, turning to run as the creatures surged forwards. They must have been hidden amongst the rocks beyond the grate in vast numbers, spilling into the tunnel like a charging horde unimpeded by the waterway.

What was happening? This was supposed to be a simple crime bust! Not an invasion!


When the blades sank deep within the female’s gut, Kimi smirked, keeping them buried until the smuggler recoiled backwards away from her. Blood dripped from them and she was about to advance upon one of the others when a loud clank caught her attention. Snapping her head back towards the grate, she just stared and prepared to once again speak another phrase to keep the two of them safe. However, she hesitated, the hairs standing on the back of her neck at his words. Fire… fire wasn’t something that could easily be dodged. Could they outrun it? No… she was closer than Aya and there was no way she could run faster than flames.

The only options were to either sidetrack them with pretty words or leap into the sewer water. Grimacing at the thought of coating herself with what ran beneath him, the fighter decided to with option one. Before she had a chance to say or do anything however, the woman took an arrow to the head. Narrowing her eyes beyond the woman, she swore loudly as numerous Naga made their way into the tunnel. Why the hell would those idiots remove the only thing keeping the bastards from invading?

“Right!” Kimi backed up away from the creatures, wondering if she could persuade them to piss back to where they came from. It was definitely worth a try,

“Naga, go back to where you came from. You don’t want to be here.” She spoke calmly and persuasively, but didn’t bother to stand around to see if it worked. Turning around, she took off like a shot, her blades disappearing back inside of the gloves.


"What are you doing?!" The wounded woman screamed as the naga surged towards her, "We helped you, you said you'd spa-"

She was silenced by a disdainful swing of a sword, and the naga pressed on. Kimi's words were lost to the numbers of the naga. Though the frontmost few hesitated, they were soon shoved onwards by the companions as they called out in their own tongue.

"Nearest ladder out, left then right and down the tunnel!" Aya called to Kimi as they sprinted away. An arrow hit the side of the tunnel beside her and she flinched away, thankful for the brief moment of respite as they rounded the first corner.

It quickly became apparent that not all of the naga were chasing them. By the time they'd veered off into the second turn, they had a lead on those that were still pursuing them.

They're clearly spreading out. Spirits, they're raiding the town.

"You go up first!" Aya urged as they reached the ladder, "Don't wait for me - you need to get to the town centre and warn the guard, and the people. If they attack in the middle of the festival this will be a massacre!"


Glancing behind over her shoulder, Kimi swore softly when the naga continued to move after them. Mentally noting what Aya said, the female looked for a stinking ladder, hoping that they got to one quickly. She felt the arrow slamming into her shoulder moments before the pain registered, but she didn’t stop running. Rounding the first and the second corner, she left the quiver in her shoulder and hissed, realizing that things were worse than what they thought. How did a simple smuggling operation turn into this? It just didn’t make any sense

“Right! Don’t dilly dally, you can’t handle them alone.” Grabbing the ladder with one hand, she all but flew up it, ignoring the fire radiating from her shoulder. Taking off like a shot the minute she reached the surface, Kimi was incredibly grateful for her training because it allowed her to move quickly. That coupled with whatever else was happening with her was enough to give her the speed that was definitely need. Well, the arrow was slowing her down, but with it still being lodged in the muscle, it was keeping the blood from flowing, which would suck. Thankfully she didn’t get hit anywhere else, like the knee.


Aya was only a few seconds behind Kimi, emerging out into the streets. She cast her eyes around worriedly, but her fears hadn't been realised - the naga hadn't struck the streets yet. At least not here.

And so she ran.

As they tore through the city at a breakneck pace, Aya yelled to those she passed. "Naga! There's a naga attack! In the sewers!"

Those that heard her reacted with horror. There were few who would take such a warning lightly in Jikou, where naga raids were not altogether uncommon. But for them to have breached the sewers without the alarm being raised...

The alarm. "Kimi! You're faster than me. Get to the nearest guard post and sound the alarm! I'll carry on to the square and try and get people moving, but the alarm needs to be raised!"

Guard posts were spread fairly evenly across the town, each manned by police and ministry guard officers. Each was fitted with the capacity to activate the towns's alarms - sirens not unlike those one might have during an air raid. The nearest one was only a few blocks away.


Hearing Aya shouting at the people milling around in the street about the Naga, Kimi realized she should have been doing that all along. Smacking herself in the forehead with her good arm, she started to shout as well, thankful that the people were taking their words seriously, which honestly, was to be expected. Her shoulder was growing numb, which was good, yet troubling at the same time. She glanced back behind her at Aya, nodding that she would get to the alarm and sound it. There was only a short period of time before the Naga attacked and she’d rather not have a massacre happening if it could be prevented.

“Right! I’ll get to an alarm without delay.” Turning back around, she took off like a shot.

Due to the circumstances, Kimi truly pushed herself to get to down the block, knowing that there was a guard post nearby, well a few blocks away, but that was better than a mile, right? Right. She didn’t even glance both ways before zipping across the street. Her body was begging her to slow down, but like many times before, she ignored it. Kimi knew what would happen if she failed, so she was absolutely determined to keep that from happening. As she ran, she shouted that the Naga were loose in the sewers and apt to come up at any moment. Her mind was going a million miles a minute and occasionally she messed up her words, but luckily, the pedestrians knew what she was saying. After what felt like nine hundred years, she reached one of the posts and took a brief second to catch her breath.

“Hey! Sound the alarms! There’s Naga coming!”


There were only two men at the guard post, and when Kimi arrived they were sat at a table playing cards. One wore the green-blue uniform of the police, and the other the purple of the ministry guard. The post itself was a small building - a single storey and barely two rooms, it was more akin to a large shed than anything more substantial.

Kimi's arrival interrupted their conversation, and one of them dropped his hand in surprise.

"Wh-" the ministry guard began to question, but was interrupted by her shout.

"Now, what makes y-"

"Lee, she has an arrow in her arm! A naga arrow!" The police officer cut in, throwing down his own cards and rushing over to a switch on the wall, throwing it down. A moment later, the wail of the city's raid sirens began to sound, echoing through the streets.

The ministry guard blinked, "Oh," he remarked, eyes falling on the arrow with shock. "Spirits! You need medical attention!"


The urge to smack the ministry guard was pretty intense, especially when he questioned her words. Why would she make something like this up? The thought was completely asinine and she rolled her eyes, thankful that the policeman had his head out of his butt and noticed the arrow still in her arm. Exhaling deeply when the alarm was sounded, Kimi relaxed and shifted to head back out before realizing that maybe she should get her shoulder looked out. However, the need to find Aya to make sure she was alright was more important than her own health.

“I’ll get medical attention later. I have to go make sure my friend isn’t hurt.” Kimi frowned, thankful that the two of them had decided to go check out the sewers. If they hadn’t been down there, the Naga would have infiltrated the streets and there wouldn’t have been any warning.


The ministry guard - Lee, as the police officer had called him, frowned, but didn't protest, simply shaking his head in obvious disapproval. "Once you've found your friend, get inside and bar your doors. The guard will take it from here."

"Stop chatting and grab your gun, Lee!" the officer called from across the room, where he'd retrieved a rifle from a storage locker. With his free hand he picked up the receiver of the post's radio. "This is Officer Xin of Lon Fei Street post, we've got a report of a naga attack in the sewers, at least one civilian has been injured by a naga arrow. Requesting orders, over."

There was a pause before the radio responded. "Officer Xin this is headquarters, do you have a visual on the attack? Over."

"Negative. Over."

Another pause followed. "Officer, please report to your designated mustering point. There's- hold on, receiving another transmission. Over."

A longer pause followed after that, and when the woman finally spoke again she sounded far more agitated. "All available officers, this is headquarters, we have a naga assault on the central plaza, I repeat, all officers to the central plaza."

"Shit," the officer swore, snatching the device up and running for the door. If Kimi hadn't already left by this point, she'd find company as he and the ministry guard also ran for the centre of the town.


“Sure, we’ll get inside.” Kimi didn’t say what she was actually thinking and instead turned around and took off like a shot towards the center of town, needing to find Aya before the Naga appeared and started to slaughter the civilians that weren’t running for cover. Hopefully she got to the alarm quick enough, but deep down, she knew it wasn’t fast enough. Shaking that thought out of her head, she slid to a stop, not even sure how she was going to find her cohort.

“Damn it, where are you, Aya?” She glanced around before spotting the assault in front of her. Grabbing her gun, Kimi moved closer and took aim, beginning to shoot at the Naga. Of course, she didn’t have infinite bullets, but she wasn’t too concerned at the moment. If they moved closer, she had other means to take them out, but hoped the officers got there quickly.


The scene in the square was one of chaos. The naga had arrived in force, midway through the festivities, and had without hesitation turned their blades on the revelers. The police and Ministry Guard in attendance had fought back, but their numbers had been too few and the crowds too packed for any defense to be effective. The naga had used the element of surprise to great benefit. The officers arriving in the plaza had done so in scattered groups, not an organised force, and had been able to do little to contain the assault.

The square now remained a sight of conflict, but the initial clash had faded somewhat in the time it took for Kimi to reach it on foot. Dead in their hundreds littered the ground like a brightly coloured carpet, their festive attire and masks stained crimson. Stalls and decorations lay splintered and shredded.

Some naga remained in the square - a few groups of two or three totaling around a dozen - but many had apparently moved on further into the township. Those that were still there, responded to Kimi's arrival with hisses of alarm. Her gunshots felled several before they had a chance to react to the lone charging figure, but she remained dangerously outnumbered.

For a few moments, anyway.

What looked at first like a bolt of lightning tore across the square towards one of the groups of naga, sweeping between and around them in an erratic arc. As its path came to a halt on the far side of them, blood bloomed from wounds in their chests and necks, and one of their serpentine heads slid off and to the ground. All four slumped over.

Where the ball of lightning had come to a stop, a figure wreathed in sparking electricity shook his katana, specks of blood scattered from the blade. His hair was white, and charged with static that made it jut out at odd angles. He wore a dark blue jacket and trousers with a studded belt, as well as an expression that could only be described as ... bored.

The newcomer looked across at Kimi, bright cyan eyes assessing her. "Idiot. Did you think you could take them all on your own?" he challenged disparagingly.

But there was scarcely time for words - there were still another nine or so naga in the square, and they were quickly regrouping to face the new arrivals in a more organised fashion.


Never before had she seen such carnage. Her heart felt for the people that now were spread out on the ground, blood soaking into the soil. What had started out as a pleasant day was quickly turning into a nightmare. Frowning heavily, she forced herself to focus, glad that the people that had let the Naga in were now dead. Unfortunately, their death came too late for the civilians. Swearing beneath her breath, Kimi continued to fire towards the Naga, knowing that the majority of the bastards had moved on elsewhere. Acknowledging the hissing, she quickly reloaded her weapon, hating that she wouldn’t use more than one weapon thanks to the arrow still plunged deep in her shoulder.

“I’m so boned…” Kimi muttered, knowing that there was a chance this could be her final stand.

Her eyes widened at the sight of what could’ve been mistaken for lightning except for the fact that it was not behaving like lightning. The breath she had been holding released when four of the Naga dropped down dead thanks to attack. Glancing over towards the male, she knew that he was someone that she should recognize, but for the life of her, she couldn’t remember his name. Shrugging impassively at his words, she debated on whether to answer him or not.

“Nope, just stalling.” She glanced back towards the Naga and narrowed her eyes. Yanking out the arrow before the wound healed around it, Kimi smirked slightly.

“Go back home to the sewers, Naga. Your time here is done.” Once again lacing her words with the strong persuasion as before, Kimi amped up the wattage so to speak, knowing that they needed more of a punch with the Naga.


There was a moment of hesitation in the ranks of the naga as Kimi spoke, before around half of them turned away and began to slither down the street. Their companions yelled after them in the naga tongue angrily, but it seemed that Kimi's words had served their purpose.

"Hmph. Neat trick," the stranger noted, eyeing her warily. Powerful Singers were tricksy - you never knew when they were messing with your head. Anyone that could turn away anyone already hostile with just a few words, let alone naga, was dangerous. Spirit-touched were more resistant to a Singer's manipulations, but not by enough for it not to be concerning.

There was little time to worry over that, however. The remaining naga were moving forwards, some readying bows. He darted forwards, just as two arrows flew - one aimed towards Kimi, the other at him. The speed of his movement meant he evaded it easily, and before the creatures knew it, he was on top of them in a blur of swords.

The two bowmen dropped before their front line knew what was happening, and then he had already ducked within the reach of their spears. Five more bodies fell, and the square was still.

The lightning around the boy - for upon closer inspection, out of the heat of the moment, it was clear that this figure couldn't be any older than around eighteen - faded, and he lowered his blades. He wasn't anyone with whom Kimi would be familiar.

The boy walked over to her, letting his breathing even out and wiping sweat from his brow as he spoke. "You should get somewhere safe. These were grunts, left behind to scavenge. The organised warbands are moving through the city, burning it. They brought an army. We can't win this battle, just survive it."


Unlike in the sewers, her command worked a lot better, which was a good thing. Shrugging towards the male, Kimi wasn’t too thrilled that it didn’t cause all of the Naga to leave. Narrowing her eyes towards those that remained, she dug around for more ammo, realizing she didn’t have any left. Sliding the gun away, she flicked her wrists, the movement causing blades to slide out from the gloves she was wearing at the moment. Moving off to the side, not wanting to take another arrow to any part of her body, Kimi just watched as he took out the remaining threat. The blades slid back away and she just crossed her arms against her chest when it was all over.

“Well, that was pretty impressive.” Kimi glanced towards the boy who was moving over to him, her head shaking at his suggestion. She couldn’t just let the Naga burn the town and kill people.

“I can’t… I can’t just let them kill innocent people. I have to try… have to try and save them. Even if I die… if I could save people… I don’t expect you to understand. I have to find my friend Aya anyways.” Kimi rubbed her injured shoulder, hissing a little before glancing back towards the male again.

“Thanks for your help.” She faintly smiled before rubbing her shoulder again.


The boy raised an eyebrow at Kimi's statement. "It's your funeral. The front lines are that way, vaguely," he pointed off to the west, "But if you go there, you'll die. The naga are driving people ahead of them in a slaughter."

Smoke was already billowing from fires in a number of places, both in that direction and back towards the docks.

He looked off to the northwest, "Your best hope is to try and reach the garrison. That's the only place that's likely to hold out long enough for reinforcements to come from the capital."


“I’ll head northwest to the garrison then. I’ve done a lot of bad things in my life and it’s time to finally do something good. Again, thanks for your help. If you happen to see Aya, tell her I’m sorry and to get somewhere safe.” Kimi smiled faintly before just nodding towards the male, turning towards the northwest.

“I’m Kimi by the way! Maybe we’ll see each other again.” Turning around, Kimi took off like a shot, heading towards the garrison.


The boy simply watched as Kimi took off, frowning at her parting words.

As Kimi ran, she'd find that the streets were filled with scattered bodies, most of them cut down as they attempted to flee. They became less dense as she got further away from the square. In places, doors to homes had been smashed in and evidently ransacked. Entire neighborhoods were in flames.

On her way to the garrison, she would encounter multiple bands of naga moving through the streets, each numbering over a dozen. Each seemed to be led by one naga in more elaborate armour, whilst a second naga with their scales covered in intricate painted patterns accompanied the leader at all times.

She would need to make a decision as to how to approach these encounters - whether to engage them, or to try and sneak around. In some cases, these bands were in the process of breaking into homes and slaughtering those inside, whilst in others they were pursuing police, ministry guard, and armed civilians who were in a tactical retreat.


As she ran, Kimi frowned, noting all the dead bodies. She paused to check a few of them, but it was obvious that she was too late. Frowning, she kept moving and shifted her gaze from doorway to doorway, her chest aching at how many were already slaughtered. Coming to a stop, she moved behind a house, not wanting to be seen by the Naga that were moving through the streets. It was obvious that she wasn’t going to be able to take them out, but she couldn’t just stand here and let them continue to kill everyone.

“Hmm…” She muttered, wondering if she could do her words thing again.

“Naga, you want to return to the sewers. Go home now.” Like before, she apt up the persuasion, wanting them to leave before any more people were slaughtered. She remained hidden behind the house, glad that they didn’t have to lay eyes on her for it to work.


Though some of the naga nearest Kimi seemed to react to her words when they heard them, the naga with the painted face immediately wheeled around to face them and the source of her voice, hissing something loudly in their language and gesturing with a skull-topped staff.

The naga that had halted in their attack seemed to snap out of the trance they'd slipped into. The one with the painted face pointed a hand in the general direction of Kimi's hiding place, and the entire band abandoned their assault on a house in order to instead advance towards her.


Shit on a stick…

Her plan didn’t work and although a few of them seemed to be under her influence, they were quickly snapped out of it. To make matters worse, they were heading her way. Shifting her gaze towards the family that was in the house about to be assaulted and hoped they’d take the clue and escape while they could. Of course there weren’t any guns or ammo around her current location, but that didn’t meant she was completely screwed. All she needed to do was stall them to allow any survivors a chance to get to a safe place.

You are an idiot…

She knelt down and grabbed a sword with her right hand and a spear with the left before taking in a deep breath. If she could get the bastard with the painted face and kill him, she might have a shot at convincing the rest to go back to the sewers. Piece of cake, right? Right. Stepping out of the shadows while remaining close to the building in case she needed to duck behind it, Kimi narrowed her eyes and exhaled slowly.

“The painted face is your enemy. You want to kill him and return to the sewers. Kill him and go home.” She spoke calmly and persuasively, watching them all closely.


"Your trickss will do you no good, sspirit bearer," the naga with the painted face called mockingly, "You sshould have run while you could."

The naga charged as a line, two with swords closing on Kimi with speed in an attempt to cut her down. They were followed swiftly by three spear fighters who could strike from further away, in an attempt to use overwhelming numbers to bring her down quickly.

The remaining four naga were directed back towards clearing out the houses, whilst the leader remained by the side of the one with the painted face.


“You do not frighten me, Naga. Return to your sewers and leave us in peace.” Kimi ignored the flight sensation and knew that fighting would be best.

As the Naga charged, she jumped up and let her foot land on the window sill of the house. Scaling up the building to the roof, she ran along it, charging towards the painted face Naga, noting that there was one standing nearby him. Leaping off the roof, she was now behind the ones that had charged her and moved towards the four that were heading towards the houses again. Cutting through them with the sword, or at least attempting to do so, she knew that she would have to move quickly in order to keep from being attacked from behind.

“I’m a fighter, not a runner!” She snarled her words out, cutting with the sword and jabbing with the spear, trying to save the people while she could.


The naga were well trained, and when it became clear they were being targeted, they turned to face their foe. Though Kimi was able to wound one of them, the others quickly came to its aid, striking at her in order to try and force her back.

With those that had gone after her still pursuing her, she was rapidly becoming flanked and surrounded. Though skilled, she was one girl against a full warband of soldiers under competent leadership. Their movements were well coordinated in order to use their numerical superiority to its utmost advantage.

Then, movement out of the corner of her eye. The door of the house that the naga had been breaking in swung open, and three figures ran out into the street - a man, woman and a child. Though they spared Kimi a regretful glance as they did so, they immediately turned to make a run for it down the street.

One of the naga turned towards them, but their leader raised a hand, speaking in their tongue for a few moments with a dismissive tone, and it turned its attention back to Kimi.

It seemed that they were willing to let the family escape in order to put down someone who posed an actual threat.


Things were not going as planned and though she did save a family, it was probably going to be at the cost of her life. Scowling, Kimi fought back as well as she could, though with the growing ranks, it was obvious that she wasn’t going to do too much damage to them. Even with her above natural abilities, she wasn’t a super hero. Thanks to her ability to override the cues that she’s overtaxing her body, Kimi was able to keep going when others would have had to stop. When the family ran out, she knew that her choice although not smart, was a good one. Hopefully other families were also escaping at this moment.

“STOP NOW!” She shouted, her voice exploding with power. She knew that her earlier attempts failed, but maybe this time she was using enough strength in her words.

Without looking, Kimi knew that she was bleeding, but the question was whether or not the wounds were severe enough to be a problem very soon. Glancing over towards a nearby house, she wondered if she could scale up it and leap behind them yet again. No, they’d be expecting that. It was times like this that she wished she could just light them on fire. Either way, if they advanced again, she would keep on fighting them, distracting them to let others get free.


This time, the naga stopped. For a few moments, their attack ceased and they stared in confusion ahead of themselves.

The street seemed deserted, aside from the family that had already fled. But whether that meant there were others still in their homes, or that all had escaped, was uncertain.

But the moment of reprieve wasn't to last. With a hiss of frustration, the naga with the painted face - again, seemingly unaffected - channeled power into its staff. Light flared at its tip, and once more the soldiers regained themselves.

That moment might have saved her life, however.

Something wreathed in lightning shot past the naga to her right towards her with immense speeds, set to slam into her and sweep her from her feet, only to carry on past the naga on the far side and break free into the open.

As she recovered from the suddenness of the arrival, it would become clear that she had been grabbed up and was being carried by the boy from earlier, his legs moving almost in a blur beneath him. His expression was set in a disgruntled scowl. The electricity wreathing his body danced across Kimi's skin - but like a static charge, it didn't burn or pain her.

"I warned you the warbands were tougher, idiot," he muttered, "Don't expect me to keep saving your life. I just happened to be heading the same way."


When the naga ceased in their movements, Kimi wondered if she had enough power now. Maybe now she could send them back to the sewers. Just about to say her next command, the teenager’s attention shifted towards the staff that was being held by the painted face naga. It lit up and she was once again boned as the enemy returned their attention towards her. Grasping the sword and spear tightly as she prepared for another onslaught, Kimi found herself no longer on the ground.

“The hell?!” It took her a few minutes to realize that they were moving away from the naga and that it was the boy from before. He was moving faster than she ever could and the sensation of the electricity running across her body from him was something she couldn’t quite get a grasp on. Snorting at his chiding, Kimi just shook her head and shrugged.

“I wasn’t looking for them to fight. I was heading towards the garrison and came across them breaking into homes… I had to save those people. I don’t expect you to understand and I didn’t ask you to save me, but… thank you. That bastard leader kept turning them back against me. If I could’ve killed him, I could have sent them back into the sewers.” Kimi frowned, hating that she had failed back there despite saving at least one family.
as written by Script and Faithy

Once they'd reached a respectable distance away from the naga, the boy came to a halt and set Kimi down. "You should eat less cakes, too," he remarked with a huff, before glancing back over his shoulder.

"That was one of their shamans. Most of the warbands have one, to protect them from people like you. Channellers, mages, whatever." He gave Kimi a suspicious look, "Singing shouldn't even be strong enough to work in a fight like that. That's what I've always been told, anyway."

'Singing' was the slang term for the ability of 'Singers', spirit-touched who could manipulate emotions and thoughts. Most gifted with supernatural powers in Losenji were assumed to be spirit-touched of one form or another, unless they were obviously foreign.

"You'll get yourself killed if you keep trying to fight them on your own. If you have to justify it to yourself, then think... long term, you can save more lives if you don't die stupidly, than if you do." He shrugged. "Or don't. It's your life. I only helped you 'cause something you said reminded me of me."


“What?! I’m not fat! I’m in impeccable shape.” Stretching her body out, Kimi scowled at him, refusing to look at herself. She knew without looking that she wasn’t really fat and that he was just too weak to carry her for a long period. Leaning the spear against her body for a moment, she rubbed her shoulder with a slight sigh. Sliding her fingers through her hair before realizing she was spreading blood through the strands, the singer shook her head while making a note to put an arrow through the next shaman’s face she saw.

“Yeah, well, I had them stopped for a minute before the shaman did its shiny light thing to snap them out of it, so clearly, I was strong enough.” Crossing her arms against her chest, Kimi narrowed her eyes towards him, not liking how he was making assumptions that her powers weren’t strong enough in a fight like what she had just been in.

“I wasn’t going to fight them at all, but… I couldn’t just let them slaughter innocents. I reacted long before I was actually aware of what it was I was about to do. Why don’t we just work together and take them out? Wouldn’t that make more sense?” Her brow arched and she resisted the urge to poke him.


"You were," the boy agreed, "And that's freaky. Singers are unnerving enough, without being able to fuck with my head even when I'm paying attention."

He shrugged his shoulders dismissively. "But whatever. Unlike you, I actually have a sense of self preservation. Every unnecessary fight is risking that that group is the one with a spirit-touched that can keep up with me, or predict what I'm about to do. It only takes one unexpected element to kill you." The boy pointed a finger at Kimi, "If you can't even steer clear of obvious 'going to die' scenarios, we won't get along."


“Freaky or not, it’s a gift I was bestowed upon and if I’m not willing to use it in order to help others, then what’s the point of having it? I have a sense of self-preservation, but my sense of helping those that need it is greater.” Kimi shrugged a little, knowing that she had been all kinds of reckless earlier, but people were saved. She did realize he had a point, but it wasn’t one she agreed with. He showed earlier that he could work around her without bringing harm to her, but it was apparent that he wasn’t willing to save anyone.

“You’re selfish. What if it was your family that was being attacked by Naga and two individuals had the ability to save them? How would you feel if they had your attitude?” Kimi narrowed her eyes towards him.

“Clearly I’m wasting my time with you. There’s people that need saving.” Grasping both the sword and staff, she popped her neck, rolling back her shoulders in the process.


The boy's eyes flicked upwards, and he scowled with irritation. "It's not selfish to avoid a fight I can't win," he retorted angrily, "Throwing your life away for a few lives in the short term only means more people die in the long run. Save who you can save without dying, some people are beyond help."

He clenched his fists. "And to answer your question? I wouldn't know. I don't have anything to make the comparison with."

The boy waved a hand dismissively, turning and starting to stalk away. "Whatever, go get yourself killed. Clearly I'm wasting my time saving your life, when I could be saving people who won't just die ten minutes later because they're idiots."


“Sure, right. I’m an idiot for wanting to save innocent lives. God, do you even hear yourself talking? You’re SO condescending. I’m sorry you’re not willing to team up with me and actually do some good and I’m sorry you don’t know what it would be like to have this scenario happen to someone you love. Maybe if you weren’t such a prick, you would have friends and loved ones.” Kimi snapped back, her mood souring immensely. She wanted to sing to him, to make him do something he didn’t want to, but she couldn’t bring herself to do that to him. Sighing softly, she relaxed her shoulders and put herself in his shoes for a minute. Maybe he wasn’t so selfish after all. She did save one family, but almost lost her own life. She needed to get to the garrison.

“You’re right. I’m being stupid and reckless. Let me work with you… We can’t just walk away from this, can we?” Moving after him as she spoke, Kimi hated feeling like this, but she hated even more that he was right.


The boy stiffened at Kimi's snapped retort, stopping on the spot. Still facing away from her, he spoke before she had a chance to carry on.

"Yeah. Maybe you're right," he said, his voice cold.

When she went on to backpedal, he simply turned to look over his shoulder, keeping his expression flat. "You'll find allies at the garrison. It's not far from here. Don't die on the way, and there'll be plenty of people there who'll fight at your side."

He looked away again, starting to walk. "I'm better off alone. And you're better off without me."

And then, in a flash, he was gone - sprinting out of sight like a bullet.


Sighing at his response, Kimi knew that she deserved it. Why was he so against working with others? Did something happen to someone he was working with…? Someone he cared about? Maybe her comment wasn’t so off base after all. Watching as he disappeared from sight, she exhaled deeply before taking off like a shot towards the garrison again, hoping that Aya was there or at least safe and sound.

“Way to alienate a potential ally, you idiot.” Chastising herself as she ran, Kimi fought to keep from checking for survivors, not wanting to give the Naga a chance to surround her again if they were nearby. The last thing she wanted was for his words to be right… to prove that she was an idiot and that she couldn’t last ten minutes without being saved.

“What a crappy mission this has turned out to be.” Kimi muttered, still holding onto the sword and spear as she ran, which was a little harder than she expected.


Reaching the garrison would not prove too difficult, provided Kimi stayed out of sight of the naga warbands on the way there. The streets closer to the garrison appeared to already be abandoned, with doors hanging open and carts abandoned at the side of the road.

The first people she would see as she neared the garrison was a group of men and women wearing the violet uniform of the Ministry Guard. One man waved a hand at her as she came into view. "Hey! Over here, the garrison's this way!" he called.

Other civilians were visible in the street behind the group, being herded towards the garrison's gates for protection. The police forces and the military were maintaining a perimeter for the time being, to allow as many people as possible the chance to get to the safety of inside the garrison.


Kimi became skilled at shifting into dark shadows and behind building anytime she came across a warband. If they hadn’t had a shaman with them, then she would’ve used her ability, but the eighteen-year-old knew that it would be useless to attempt to shoo them away. Shaking her head at the scene in front of her, she could only hope that the majority of the villagers got away without being slaughtered. When she finally spotted some guards, she exhaled and slowed down her pace, nodding towards them.

“Right!” She called out and jogged over to them, glancing at all of the people that were moving into the safety of the garrison. How safe would it really be though?

“There’s a lot of Naga coming this way. If we can take out their shaman, I might be able to get them to return to the sewers, but until the shaman are gone, it’s pointless.


"Please, leave this to the military and the guard, ma'am," the man replied, "Our reports indicate the naga have numerical superiority. We're getting as many people as we can into the garrison, and then we'll hold out until reinforcements come from Tianshi."

"Lieutenant!" A call from one of the other guardsmen, "Naga approaching on Daijon Way!"

The man talking to Kimi turned away. "With me, guardsmen!" he called, before moving off in the direction of the street in question.


A familiar voice cut through the chaos, and pushing her way out of the crowd to reach Kimi was Aya. The lavendar-haired girl looked a little worse for wear, with dried blood running down the side of her torn top and crusted into a bandage around her forehead, but she was alive. "You're alive! Thank the spirits. Are you alright?"

She looked Kimi over, frowning as she noticed the still-open arrow wound and the new injuries she'd sustained on her way. "You need to get those wounds cleaned and dressed, asap. Storms, you got shot in a sewer, you'll be lucky if it's not already infected."


“Damn it, I can help!” Kimi growled, growing incredibly irritated with how she was just being brushed off. Overhearing one of the guardsmen, she started to turn to go with them when she was sidetracked by someone yelling her name. Recognizing the voice immediately, she exhaled in relief, glad that Aya was still alive. Turning towards her, Kimi studied her briefly before shaking her head.

“I’m fine, just ran into a band of Naga on the way here. Some kid ended up saving me… had lightning abilities or something… I… I had the Naga going back towards the sewers, but their shaman stopped them… If we could get rid of them, I might be able to save the place.” Ignoring her injuries, like she had been doing this whole time, Kimi kept a hold of the spear and sword, though the grip wasn’t as tight.

“Are you saying the Naga put poison on their arrows or that it might be infected because of being dirty?” She glanced first at her shoulder and then towards her other injuries, frowning a little


"If it were poisoned, you'd probably be feeling it by now," Aya replied. "And listen, Kimi, I know you're a powerful singer ... but there's a limit to what you can do. What either of us can, even together. Our powers work better when they're subtle pushes at someone's emotions, or casually slipped into conversation. When you try and put an idea into someone's head that goes against their personality, or is counterproductive to what they want, they tend to realise pretty quickly."

She shook her head, "On a battlefield, it's even harder to get anywhere. Even if you do, the minute you stop pushing at them it doesn't take long for the effects to wear off. Even if we sent them packing, it'd be a matter of minutes before they shook it off and came back, even without their shamans."

Aya smiled sympathetically, "Much as I hate to admit it, there's a limited amount of difference we can make on the front lines, on our own. We're better off just supporting the troops and keeping their spirits high. Morale can be as important as weapons in situations like this."

She turned, beckoning Kimi to follow as she started to make her way towards the garrison. "But we can talk about that once we've got your wounds dressed. The others from the local chapter house are here, too."


“Well there’s a plus…” Kimi smiled faintly and just shook her head at Aya’s words. Sure, she knew the female was right, but due to being a fighter most of her life, not doing that very thing was irking her. Grumbling softly as she was led into the garrison, she hated that she wasn’t strong enough to make a difference against the Naga. Keeping spirits high wasn’t her cup of tea, but she decided to keep that to herself.

“We could get them to go back and lock them back away again… then it won’t matter if they’ve come to their senses. I don’t like just sitting idly by, Aya. I’m a fighter and that’s not something I can just switch off.” Sighing, she knew that she was not going to get anywhere, but at least she wasn’t just bottling up her feelings. It didn’t take long to find where the wounded were being cared for.

“Oh, they’re here too?” Kimi smiled a little, though she wasn’t quite comfortable with the chapter yet seeing as she hadn’t been with them very long.


"We can still fight," Aya stated, "We just won't be playing hero today, if I have anything to say about it. We'll support the soldiers. It shouldn't be hard to persuade whoever's in charge to let us fight with them, so long as we follow orders." She paused, smirking. "Not hard for us, anyway."

She led Kimi into the garrison, through the courtyard where civilians milled around nervously, waiting to be directed further inside or nursing minor wounds that the medics couldn't spare time to tend to due to the prevalence of more serious injuries.

The members of Golden Phoenix in the city were clustered together to one side of the courtyard. There was little mistaking them for anything but what they were - a guild - by the variety of oddness that they represented. There were five of the guild in Jikou at present, including Aya and Kimi.

The eldest of the group was a man in his forties by the (assumed) name of Gyro - tall and muscularly built, with a head of salt-and-pepper hair neatly cropped and slicked back. His most striking feature was his right eye. Both it and the area of his face around it had been replaced with cybernetics; plated metal with a glowing blue 'eye' at its center. His jaw was chiseled and displayed a thin stubble, and a thick cigar was planted between his lips. His formal grey suit that was stained slightly with blood.

As Aya and Kimi approached, he slung a massive warhammer onto his shoulder as though it were as light as a feather, turning to regard them with a raised eyebrow. "So you're alive, eh kid?"

"Kimiii!" The voice that cried out Kimi's name belonged to a small boy that, going on looks alone, couldn't have been older than thirteen. His mop of floppy blonde hair bounced as he ran over to practically tackle her in a hug, throwing his arms around her waist. He looked up at her plaintively, his strikingly bright golden eyes wide. "We were so worried!"

This was Kiyo, short for Kiyohiko. Despite his appearance (and mannerisms) the boy was actually somewhat unbelievably in his twenties. His lack of development in both physical and emotional respects was attributed to his spirit-touched nature. The spirit with which Kiyo was bonded was one of purity, and it seemed that his body was expressing that purity by remaining young.

"Give her some space, Kiyo." Wearily, another man stepped forwards to pull Kiyo back by the collar of his golden changshan. He was tall, though not to the same extent as Gyro, and his handsome features had something of an ageless quality to them. Though his complexion and facial structure hinted at youth, his pale brown eyes gave the impression of wisdom and experience most often found only in the elderly. His chocolate brown hair was bound in a topknot, and a sheathed katana hung at his hip. He was simply armoured with a breastplate and leather guards on his arms, worn over a traditional kimono.

Kiyo sighed and allowed himself to be drawn back. "But Wing..." he whined.

"No buts." Wing interjected sternly.

Aya smiled at the trio. "I found her about to chase after the guard to the front lines without us," she said. "Kiyo, can you take a look at the wound on her shoulder?"

"Of course!" Kiyo beamed at the opportunity to help, wriggling free of Wing's grip and stepping forwards again to reach up towards Kimi's shoulder. "Ahh... could you bend down, Kimi? I can't see from here..." The boy pouted at the attention being drawn to his height.


Kimi sighed, but knew it wouldn’t do any good to keep pushing the subject. The fact of the matter was, at least in her mind that if she could get the Naga to the sewers and they locked the door, then it was problem solved. The hardest thing would be getting rid of the Shaman, but it appeared that wasn’t going to happen anyways. Following behind Aya, Kimi spotted the members of the Golden Phoenix and waved briefly towards them. She couldn’t help but grin towards Gyro, her chest pushing out a little.

“Of course I’m alive! Was there any doubt?!” It would be a lot more impressive she supposed if her blood wasn’t causing her clothing to stick to her wounds, but she couldn’t help it at that moment. Blinking as she was nearly tackled, Kimi stood a moment before smiling widely. She wrapped an arm around Kiyo after placing the weapons she had been clutching earlier onto the ground.

“Sorry for worrying you. I was out looking for Aya once I warned the guards and uhh… came across some Naga and then more… and well… anyways, here I am.” She remembered the male that had helped her before and hoped that he was safe somewhere. From just what she saw, he probably was safe and sound. Stretching out once Wing tugged Kiyo off her, Kimi winced as she moved her shoulder, though some of her lesser wounds were already healing, that one was still just as bad.

“I wasn’t going to chase after them, I was trying to join them.” Kimi interjected, a little more sullen than she meant to be. Exhaling, she knelt down so that Kiyo could look at her shoulder, though in truth, she didn’t want anyone to touch the area because it was incredibly painful.

“It’s not healing and I don’t know why.” She frowned, before shifting so that she was sitting on her feet, which didn’t hurt as much as it looked.


Kiyo peered closely at the injury, humming thoughtfully. "It's infected, I think," he said solemnly, "but I can fix it!"

The small boy lifted both his hands to hover over Kimi's shoulder and took a deep breath in, closing his eyes. As he let the breath out, a faint white light poured from his hands into the wound. All Kimi would feel was a light tingling sensation as the light washed over her, then quickly faded. The injury appeared unchanged, but Kiyo smiled brightly. "There! All cleansed! Now I just need to bandage it up..."

He swung his bag around and rummaged around in it for a few moments before pulling out a first aid kit, setting to work on dressing and bandaging the shoulder. "You should try not to move it too much, or you'll make it worse!" he noted in an admirable attempt at a stern tone of voice.


“Erk, infected?” Kimi shook her head, figuring that it must’ve gotten infected while she was out fighting against the Naga. Maybe she should have left the arrow in her shoulder instead of yanking it out. Sliding her fingers through her hair, she shoved it back out of her face and watched or rather felt Kiyo doing something to the wound. Blinking at it, she arched her brow, noting it didn’t even look any different.

“I don’t…” Kimi didn’t finish her comment, not wanting to damper his mood. Remaining still while he wrapped it up, she smiled and rustled his hair with her other hand of course.

“Sure, won’t move it around all that much. I’m sure it’ll heal pretty quickly now that it’s been cleansed.” Sliding up to her feet, she popped her back with a slight grimace.