New User July 10, “Dear Diary- Today was nice enough, but could use more silliness.”


Hiya. My username is a reference to a race of supernaturally neutral Outsiders in a Dungeons and Dragons setting- the Rilmani. I started roleplaying in World of Warcraft after years of loving lore in a hundred different settings with no sufficient outlet for my creativity.

I will occasionally recommend non-RP stories which changed my life, changed how I see the world. Today I’ll recommend Life Ore Death (Sufficient Velocity forum link) which is a Mistborn/Young Justice fanfiction, Embers ( link) which is an Avatar: The Last Airbender fanfic centering around Zuko, and Now You Feel Like Number None (Sufficient Velocity forum link) which is a Bleach quest/fanfic told in second-person centering around an Arrancar surrounded by forces all-too-willing to crush her like a bug and asking “what does it mean to be human?”

I have already been informed that new forum-goers should avoid candy and baked goods offered by forum veterans for personal safety reasons. So stick those where the sun don’t shine! Or in a composting bin like an above-average adult.

What recent event has caught my attention… I recently learned about an animated series called No Evil on Newgrounds. Phenomenal, I am completely enthralled, I can’t believe it is still going after nine years. Artists are awesome.

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Welcome to STC. Glad to see you joined up and I'm sure you'll find other like minded folks. If you haven't had a chance to look over the new member approval guide this is a great time to do so. You will find good information about how to get your account approved as quickly as possible.
Welcome to STC. Glad to see you joined up and I'm sure you'll find other like minded folks. If you haven't had a chance to look over the new member approval guide this is a great time to do so. You will find good information about how to get your account approved as quickly as possible.
Thanks, a few forums have caught my eye already. I’ll join the discord sometime in the future, but that guide specifies talking to folks on the forum so… I will watch the discord from a distance like a child waiting through a party to be served cake.

Quick question. What are the most active games/settings on this here forum (as of this month I guess). I’m as happy to hop onto a fresh bandwagon as the next guy, but a community which is producing content consistently? Hard to beat. So go ahead and share a recommendation.
I believe you can join discord before you're approved. If not, you can after you're approved. Most of the chatter happens in Discord, but the approval is the 'talking' that I believe you're referencing. As for the hottest and newest content, often times as you go through the forum you will see the thread with the newest content at the top. I'm hoping this answers your questions.