Jump All Stars! [MULTI FANDOM RP]


Music for the soul

The multiverse is a hypothetical group of multiple separate universes including the universe in which humans and perhaps other sentient live. Some have written it off as sheer nonsense while others have embraced it wholeheartedly. If it were true, what would happen if somebody were to bring those multiverses...together?



"It's over, Black!! I'm not going to let you get away with terrorizing the world anymore!!" Trunks shouted, his will strong and as sharp as the steel of his blade. Even as his body was wracked with bruises and fresh blood stained his face, he stayed on his feet unwilling to cede even the slightest bit of ground to the latest monster in his timeline.

Amused by the half saiyan's bold proclamation, Black floated down to the ground with his arms clasped casually across his chest. Although his attitude was cold and merciless, the face Black wore was one of the Earth's greatest defenders, long since dead in Trunk's future, Son Goku. "Terrorize? Is that you what call my eradication of the filth that plights this beautiful world, saiyan?" Brandishing his hands off to the side and closing his eyes in a rueful manner, Black shook his head regretfully. "Alas, I suppose it's my fault for even giving the slightest bit of thought that a disgusting mortal like you could hope to understand my plans, the sheer beauty of it all-"


Transforming right away and skipping immediately past SSJ, Trunks went to the next level and swung his sword down at Black. He'd cleave this bastard right down the middle! "I don't care if you're a god or not! I'm going to stop you! I'M GOING TO AVENGE EVERYONE!!"

But while the blade did indeed hit flesh, it did not cut. Trunk's eyes widened in shock as Black simply raised his left arm to meet the incoming swing and seemed none the worse for wear. His sleeve hadn't even been torn. "You're free to make as many bold claims as you'd like, saiyan. I'll allow you that much. For however long you have left anyhow." He mocked darkly before pressing his hand against Trunk's chest and manifesting a ki blast big enough to engulf Trunk's entire person.

"Begone from my sight, wretched scum!"

The blast was sent slamming into Trunks who screamed in agony as the ki blast careened through the street and exploded upon coming in contact with a nearby building. As smoke poured out of what was left of the now demolished building and debris fell to the ground, Black remained smirking. He could sense the saiyan's energy. He still drew breath, if just for a few moments longer and Black would savor those precious minutes. He'd grow stronger everytime he was attacked!

Watching the battle from the sidelines however was a figure who knew Trunks quite well! Or rather another version of 'Trunks' altogether. Having lowered his ki to avoid detection by either Trunks or Goku Black, the figure floated wistfully in the air with his arms lazily slung behind his head.


"Woooow, never thought I'd see Trunks get demolished so badly. You think someone who becomes a time patroller in another timeline wouldn't suck so badly! But, welp, you win some you lose some." The stranger was a demon known simply as Fu. Having the ability to jump through alternate timelines and mess with them as he saw fit, Fu had ended up in one where Goku Black wasn't defeated/he eventually murdered Trunks before he could escape to the past to get the help of Goku and Vegeta.

It was a touch depressing but hey, science wasn't always pretty y'know? Research had to be done way or another. Still, if there wasn't much more to see here then Black continuing to slap Trunks around before offing him, Fu's purpose had been served here and so he vanished causing Black to pause briefly in his stride towards Trunks. For just a split second, an energy signature had been detected and then it just...vanished altogether. Trunks was the only one capable of giving him any kind of resistance that mattered in this timeline.

"Who was that...?" Black murmured, unsure of what had just transpired.



Having returned to the Prison Planet where he cultivated most of his research, Fu leaned back in his chair gazing at the monitors before him. He'd been to multiple timelines at this point and sure, he'd garnered plenty of research and data but it still felt like there was more to do! More to be gained and studied! Hopping to his feet, Fu stomped his foot petulantly.

"C'mon Fu, think, think! There's gotta be something you haven't tried yet!!"


Ceasing his temper tantrum for just a moment, Fu recollected his thoughts and thought about why he'd gathered the Prison Planet to begin with. It'd been so he could collect strong fighters from different timelines and have them pitted against each other forever! But what if he upped the ante? What if he crossed the threshold into other universe entirely?

"That's it!! Ohhh MAN, Fu you're an absolute genius!!"

Racing off to collect the Dragon Balls to make a wish in particular, a menacing aura radiated from within Fu's seemingly empty chambers but who did it belong to...?



It'd taken some time but he'd done it! He'd gathered all of the Dragon Balls! After retrieving them, Fu had returned to his planet and laid them upon the ground and threw his arms out to the side.

"Eternal dragon Shenron, come on out dude!! I summon you!!"

A bright light erupted forth from the orange sphere and eventually took shape in the form of a massive dragon. As it focused it's blood red eyes upon the demon standing before him, it opened it's maw to speak. "You who have summoned me, I will grant any wish that you request. Speak them now."

"OOOOHH!!! I'VE ALWAYS WANTED TO DO THIS!!! Ahem! My first wish is for you to grant me the ability to jump between worlds!! It's not rocket science or anything, even a beefed up lizard like you can do that right!?"

Shenron narrowed his eyes at the 'lizard' comment, honestly when had it become the norm to treat him with a lack of respect? Still, the wish was within his power and in doing so would allow Fu access to worlds beyond his own or that of the 12 universes in general. "Your first wish has been granted. State the next one you desire..."

"Oh yeah, I get three wishes that's right. Hm... I think I know exactly what I want..."

Whatever Fu's other two wishes may have been, one would have to wait and see. For now Shenron's purpose had been served and as the glow around the Dragon Balls grew dimmer, he gave his goodbyes.

"Your wishes have been granted. Until next time, I bid you...farewell.."

Shenron and the balls for that matter vanished in a blinding flash of light and Fu seemed as happy as one could be. "This is...So...AWESOME!! The amount of research I can get done now?! It's almost too much fun to think about! But, where, where am I gonna go first...?" Scratching his chin, Fu floated up from the ground and vanished from sight once more.

No longer was he on the Prison Planet or even in the 'Dragonball' universe but rather what could be better classified as a 'Hall of Worlds' ones that told of heroes of other stories and their own tragedies and victories. Fu was pretty impressed to say the least. "Wow, I've heard of the multiverse theory. I mean what scientist worth their salt hasn't but this is great!!"

As he scoured the halls, Fu glanced from side to side, the worlds split up in terms of portraits mounted upon the walls. "No, no...Nah, wait!" Coming to a screeching halt, Fu's interest was piqued by one portrait in particular.


"Wow!! I can't even BEGIN to wrap my head around what's going on here!!!"

So caught up in his excitement Fu didn't stop to think that he might not be the only one here. Hearing footsteps coming from further down the hall, Fu didn't want to risk a fight in here. Damaging any of these portraits could be catastrophic. He didn't know exactly how things worked in this place. Hell, he didn't even imagine that the various 'worlds' out there would be strung up like art pieces in a museum!

"I thought I heard somebody down here!"

"Damn it.." Cursing under his breath, Fu stepped back and leaped towards the portrait simply called:


As the presumable guards of whatever this place was raced down the halls, decked out in angelic armor from head to toe, they glanced around and saw nobody.


"You don't think that you might have just been hearing things do you?" The guard on the left asked his counterpart but the other guard wouldn't be dissuaded. He had heard another voice, definitely an unfamiliar one. "We must report this to the Architect. If somebody has invaded the Museum of Life then it's likely they're up to no good.."

"But who would want to mess with somebody else's world?"


That guard's innocent query would grow to foreshadow something far more dire. Not really expecting that jumping into a portrait would have really worked out like he'd expected it to, Fu blinked as he was just now in some kind of room. It looked like a decent enough place to sleep. But there wasn't nearly enough room for activities and experiments. How would you get anything done in a cramped space like this?

"Excuse me."

Caught up in his snooping around, Fu didn't pay the voice addressing him any mind. Rifling through drawers and pulling out papers like he had nothing better to do, he noticed that on some of the papers, they had the name 'Light Yagami' written on them. Was he the one who owned this room?

"I said-"


Just as Light was about to make a move for his notebook, he paused, taken aback by this purple pointy eared stranger's gleeful exclamation.



"Oh man, it's been way too long since I've had a snack. The body definitely needs food to help it keep going. Thanks, Light Yagami whoever you are. You really did me a solid."

"That would be me."

"Hm?" Looking over his shoulder, Fu's eyes widened as he looked between the demonic entity standing beside the otherwise plain Japanese guy who stood there, eyes wide in confusion. "So you're Light, huh? Pleasure to meet you!" Extending a hand, Light frowned as the hand was directed towards Ryuk rather than himself.

Amused at how this stranger could see him, Ryuk waved off the offered hand and thumbed towards Light. "Eh, sorry pal. You're looking for the human who's chips you're eating standing next to me."

Fu seemed less than impressed.

"Oh." Casually tossing a handful of chips down his gullet, Fu lazily leaned back against Light's desk. "So, you're not the cool demon guy?"

"Hehehe, I like this guy, Light."

"Can it Ryuk, listen, who-what the hell are you?? Another shinigami?"

"Hm? Nope, not as far as I know. I'm a demon that's for sure though! But, enough about me, what about you and that book? Don't think I failed to notice you reaching for it when I didn't answer you the first time." Fu commented, his tone growing dark as a smirk drew across his face. Caught off guard by the statement, Light leaned back and folded his arms.

"Why should I tell you?"

"Oof, not the answer I was hoping for but the one I expected. That or one with a bit more foul language. Well, you can choose not to tell me and that's all fine and dandy but.." Holding his hand out, energy began to manifest in Fu's hand. "I don't mind getting my research through less than savory means."

"W-What the hell is that??" Light exclaimed, as this freak just kept on surprising him.

"They don't have ki in your world huh? Or are you just too inadequate to harness it? Either way, let's for now just say that I'm your superior physically speaking. But you seem like you had some kind of hope vested in that little black book otherwise you wouldn't have reached for it. It's just common sense."

"He's got you beat there, Light."

Light didn't understand a goddamn word coming out of this guy's mouth. Ki? He claimed not to be a shinigami but was he simply messing with Light? He hadn't seen Ryuk do anything like that. So he couldn't be sure if he was being played for a fool or not. But despite everything else, this person didn't seem to be bluffing and so Light finally relented.

"If I had the time and the knowledge, I'd have tried writing your name down in it."

"My name? Why my name exactly?"

"It's called a Death Note, a book belonging to the gods of death, and whoever;s name you write in it will die no matter what." Light explained and Fu's gaze slowly moved over from Light to Ryuk. "So, that's you then? You letting him borrow it or something?"

"Or something, yeah. Trying to see how this all plays out."

"Ooh, I can get behind that attitude!" Rising to his feet, Fu glanced at the Death Note and then back at Light. "You know, dangerous things could happen if things meant for deities are defiled by mortals, right? That's a lot of power you're holding right there.." Light had enough of this bastard and his attitude.

"Don't patronize me! I know exactly what I'm doing. I'm doing God's work. I'm getting rid of the waste."

If he were a destroyer god, Fu might have felt obligated to kill Light right then and there. But much like Ryuk he couldn't pass up the chance to have fun. "Hey, whatever floats your boat then. How's about you scratch my back and I scratch yours then?"

"...What do you mean? I don't even know what the hell you are." Light stated defensively, not wanting to get wrapped up with a creature he hardly understood. He already had Ryuk to provide commentary when he made a decision. "Well, I could be a friend or I could be an enemy. I think you and I both know things wouldn't go well for one of us if you pick the latter option."

Flashing Light a cocky smirk with a swagger that held just as much confidence, he laid down the honest truth.


"I don't think it'll be me."

"Oof, seems like he's got you between a rock and a hard place, huh?" Ryuk had little concern in the matter. Whatever ended up happening, he'd be sure to enjoy the show regardless. Light was frozen in place, beads of sweat rolling down his face.

"Don't look so nervous, chum! It's simple, really! I bring you back to my place, gather a couple of other folks and put you all together and see what happens! You get to see if that book of yours works on people from other worlds and I get the research I want. Sounds like a triple A deal to me. Buuuut if you'd rather not..." Fu's hand began glowing once more..


What choice did he have? Ryuk had made it clear from the beginning that he was merely along for the ride. If this stranger made true on his threat to kill Light if he didn't cooperate, Ryuk had no impetus to intervene. He had to admit that as well, the idea of other 'worlds' was intriguing. There was still much work to be done in Japan let alone another world entirely. But when given a job or death...

"I'll help."

"Good!!! I knew you'd see it my way! C'mon hold my hand!" Extending it towards Light, the human took hold as Ryuk did the same. He didn't wanna miss out on this after all. Within seconds the three vanished and the door to Light's room opened and in stepped Misa.


She could have sworn she had just heard him. Where did he go?


Returning to the hall of portraits that he'd been in earlier, Fu dramatically waved his arms around in a flourish. "Ta-Da! This is where all the different worlds are kept!! I know, I was surprised too!!"

Light, a human with a serious god complex, had become well 'companions' with a Death God and used a book to murder people on a whim. Yet staring him in the face was a portrait of what appeared to be a manga cover with him and Ryuk upon it. This was how that stranger got into Light's room? Why he seemed so out of place? Who had constructed this place and why??

"No time for sight seeing unfortunately! Doesn't seem like they let just anybody roam this place." As if on cue, the guards from earlier appeared at the end of the hall with halberds drawn. "HALT! You are trespassing on sacred grounds! Return to your worlds at once or you will be expunged!"


While Light freaked out, Ryuk and Fu remained calm. Fu, perhaps a bit too much so. Glancing around at the other portraits, Fu made mental notes to check them out at least once. Even as one of the guards who must have stood at least 14'6 tall loomed over him with halberd in hand and ready to swing it downwards. "PERISH!!"

Drawing his sword in a split second, Fu casually held the halberd at bay with his sword. As the guard's massive muscles swelled, Fu cracked his neck from side to side and reached towards the guard's neck. On it appeared to be a dogtag detailing his name. Likely to keep track of all these guys given the identical armor and all. Ripping it from his neck, Fu tossed it at Light's feet.

"I wanna see if that book's all it's cracked up to be. Write his name down. Now."

Not happy at being ordered around like he was some kind of pawn to be used at the stranger's leisure, it didn't seem like Light had much of a choice. Stumbling back to avoid the other guard's incoming swipe, he grabbed the dogtag and flipped open the notebook and quickly jotted down the name and cause of death.


"Damn....You...!" The guard shouted in frustration as despite Fu's slim frame, he was quite strong and seemed to have no difficulty at holding the giant of a man at bay. But then it happened. The guard's breath went short and his halberd slipped from his hands and clattered to the side of Fu with a loud thud. Clutching at his chest, the guard stumbled back and fell to a knee.

"W-What have you done to him?!" The other guard exclaimed in horror. All he'd seen the mortal do was write in that book of his! Whatever was happening, these two had taken down one of their number with no trouble at all! "Y-You haven't heard the end of this!!" Turning and sprinting away, the guard left his companion to his demise. Which came soon after as he fell onto his back, dead.

"...Huh. So it does work."

It was a grim demonstration and it didn't sit with Fu all that well. But he supposed it was either them or him/Light. "Hurry up and grab on. I'll get you back to my world but then I have a few other 'stops' to make."

Wanting to get out of this hallway and given a moment to absorb everything that had happened, Light clutched onto Fu and leaped through the Dragonball themed portrait.


With Light secure in Fu's lab, the demon jumped from world to world, plucking all those who caught his eye and just seemed plain interesting. Which given how easily he'd picked up Light wasn't saying too much. But unlike Light, they wouldn't be afforded the same level of freedom that he'd been allowed. As the various entities from other worlds came to, their only memories would have been that they'd been ambushed by Fu and knocked unconscious.

Their usual attire had been stripped off in lieu of grey jumpsuits with massive manacles secured to their right hands. They'd also find themselves locked into cells with little more than a bed and a sink beside them. From what they could see outside of their cells, the building in which they were held didn't exactly seem up to code with rusting metal tiles scattered along the wall and dents on the floor and walls, perhaps indicating previous escape attempts? It seemed like they'd ended up in some kind of jail but who had brought them here and why???


"AHEM. Hey, uh is this thing on? Helloooo!~ Testing testing 1-2-3! Aha!"

Although those locked up within the cells wouldn't be able to see whoever was speaking to them, Fu made sure that they heard him loud and clear.

"OOKAY! I think I got this thing working now! Hey guys, I'm glad you're all awake! Kind of hard to explain my plan when you're all knocked out and I know, I know you're probably really pissed off! But hear me out on this! I'm just a humble researcher trying to run some experiments, get some data, and have a little bit of fun! You understand that right? Well, it's okay even if you don't! Because you're stuck here whether you like it or not. You can try to break out and rampage across the planet if you want. But you'll just be a tad hardpressed with those manacles on."

"Now, now it's not ALL grim news and what not! I will let you guys out of there! But sit, mingle, talk for a bit! Get acquainted with the people around you! You might need to kill them or aid them in order to get out of the mess you've found yourselves in! Of course you can just refuse to go along with the program and just sit in your cell but I wouldn't recommend that. Because, well I've got all your names down and if you're not helping further my research then you're not any use to me and so...sssslip!"


"I, uh, realized too late that since I'm speaking over an intercom, you couldn't see the whole throat silting gesture I just made but yeah, just go along with things for now okay? It'll guarantee you don't die a horrible agonizing death alone in your own feces and nobody here wants that right? Right?"


"Okay! Have fun! I'll let you guys now when it's time to go! Woo!!"


Okay! Provided you felt obliged to read through all of that setup, the basic synopsis of the RP is that Fu from Dragonball Xenoverse 2/Dragonball Heroes has kidnapped characters from various worlds and thrown them on his Prison Planet for his own entertainment/experiments.

But the catch is that it's not just any fandom character like there's not gonna be any Superman or Spongebob or anything like that. I'mtalking characters who originated or are otherwise affiliated with Jump Magazine. Here's a good list and if you're stumped I can certainly provide you with some more sources!


Now in order to have some semblance of well, order, throughout this RP I'll have to lay down a few ground rules.

1: If you've got beef with fellow players, leave it out of this RP. If I'm informed that there has been trouble brewing OOC and it effects the RP in a major way, you'll be booted from the RP. Don't want to deal with any drama. Look at STC's rules on harassment/bullying and so on for a more indepth and well detailed explanation towards this kind of behavior.

2: Please play responsibly. We're all adults here or well, adults and however old the person reading this might be, I dunno. But to be on this site I expect some level of maturity and competence and respect for your fellow players. So basically don't powergame and don't be a dick. That's all I'm asking. It's fun to play characters from DBZ, heck the big bad is from a DB video game, but nobody likes a party pooper or a glory hound and attempting to 'one shot' all of the enemies without giving anyone else a crack is just that. The manacles Fu has put on the PCs was meant to help alleviate this somewhat.

3: Your character should know NOTHING about Fu. As far as they're concerned, they were approached by Fu, if you'd like you can say you briefly battled with him but were knocked out through alternate means(gas/stunning technique/Fu had to beat you unfairly to get you to calm down and come with him) so you could be the biggest expert on Dragonball and Death Note but don't implant your knowledge onto your character.



Name: Self explanatory

Appearance: Feel free to give a description or pic if you're feeling lazy.

Date when their manga first started publication/when it first appeared in Shonen Jump or any of the Jump offbrands:

Powers/abilities: Again, you can drop a wiki dump if you're not feeling up to describing it/your character has a LOT of powers(i.e Goku/Saint Seiya characters)

Weaknesses: Self explanatory/the reason in universe is that after kidnapping the PCs, Fu did extensive research on them to figure out how to best suit the Prison Planet to them.

Other: You can link triva or a theme song if you want here.

If there's any other questions feel free to ask me! But just have fun! That's the number one goal!
[FONT=Helvetica, -webkit-pictograph]

Name: Bardock

Appearance: see above

Date when their manga first started publication/when it first appeared in Shonen Jump or any of the Jump offbrands: Dragonball 1984 / episode of bardock june 21 to august 2011

Powers/abilities: Again, you can drop a wiki dump if you're not feeling up to describing it/your character has a LOT of powers(i.e Goku/Saint Seiya characters)http://dragonball.wikia.com/wiki/Bardock
Weaknesses: Monkey Tail

Other: Solid state scouter[/FONT]

Name: Self explanatory

Kazuma Kuwabara

Appearance: Feel free to give a description or pic if you're feeling lazy.


Date when their manga first started publication/when it first appeared in Shonen Jump or any of the Jump offbrands:

April 10, 1991 (release of manga in Japan in Weekly Shonen Jump.), May 13, 2003 (American Shonen Jump release), October 10, 1992 (Japanese airing of Yu Yu Hakusho. Later licensed by Funimation in 2001.),

Powers/abilities: Again, you can drop a wiki dump if you're not feeling up to describing it/your character has a LOT of powers(i.e Goku/Saint Seiya characters)


Weaknesses: Self explanatory/the reason in universe is that after kidnapping the PCs, Fu did extensive research on them to figure out how to best suit the Prison Planet to them.

Will outright refuse to fight girls.
Kind heart (Even this can be a weakness)
His code of honor could also be seen as a weakness.

Other: You can link triva or a theme song if you want here.

(I think that's everything for this. If I missed anything don't hesitate to let me know and i'll add it in as quick as I can.)

Damn, sorry for not responding to you yesterday on here Crimson! But Kuwabara's obviously approved and I think once we get three or so more people we can begin! I'm so excited!
This seems pretty interesting, unfortunately, I'm not really sure if either manga I'd like to roleplay characters on was ever featured/connected to Jump Magazine as I think they were independently produced. So I would like to ask you, do you know on the top of your if either Elfen Lied or Black Rock Shooter: Innocent Soul are affiliated with Jump Magazine? And if you don't know, if there's a larger database I can look into to see?

Of course, there's the large chance that neither is affiliated (Elfen Lied might be out of the rating range for that magazine and BRS may be independent), which is fine by me. I was just curious.
This seems pretty interesting, unfortunately, I'm not really sure if either manga I'd like to roleplay characters on was ever featured/connected to Jump Magazine as I think they were independently produced. So I would like to ask you, do you know on the top of your if either Elfen Lied or Black Rock Shooter: Innocent Soul are affiliated with Jump Magazine? And if you don't know, if there's a larger database I can look into to see?

Of course, there's the large chance that neither is affiliated (Elfen Lied might be out of the rating range for that magazine and BRS may be independent), which is fine by me. I was just curious.

I'm about to head into work unfortunately, but I'll be sure to provide links and such when I get home.

As for Elfen Lied, a quick google search has shown me that it's in Weekly Young Jump from June 2002 to August 2005 so it works!
Awesome! When I went over the list of characters link you provided I get a bit worried because the characters shown were from series that didn't seem too violent/mature. I mean, Death Note's pretty dark but it's kind of hilariously dark and if I had to guess PG13. Anyway, I'll get to work! Now to choose... Nana or Lucy...
Name: Kaede Kamakura though her most used name is Lucy


Date when their manga first started publication/when it first appeared in Shonen Jump or any of the Jump offbrands: June 2002 (thanks for the info, NujabesLives!)

Powers/Abilities: Lucy, a diclonius, is in control of 14 vectors, arm-like appendages made of telekinetic energy that sprouts from her back. These are capable of changing their density to be solid and visible or able to go through objects and invisible, when not overexerting herself Lucy is capable of reaching lengths of roughly 2 meters. Lucy has demonstrated being able to use her vectors to carry objects, slice things and people apart, pinch people's arteries to cause heart attacks, and unlock doors. She also appears to have some minor healing abilities, but can only use this when her vectors are not in use, likely because of the sheer energy usage both abilities require.
For more info check out this link: http://elfen-lied.wikia.com/wiki/Vectors

Weaknesses: While Lucy is powerful, her vectors come at a cost both physically and mentally. First off, she has another mysterious presence in her head known as the DNA Voice who simply eggs Lucy on to slaughter all of humanity and gets irritated when she refuses, though the voice has gotten quieter as Lucy aged she still sometimes suffers from nightmares caused by the voice. Vectors require focus to use but extreme pain can ruin that focus, breaking limbs, gunshot wounds, or electrocution are some ways to ruin Lucy's focus, but the best way is to break one of her horns. This not only disables vectors temporarily but can knock her out for extended periods of time. To remove another horn can cause coma, permanent vector loss, or death (I ask you to refrain from breaking both horns, at least not right away). While vectors come from the spine they are created by a diclonius's pineal gland which has mutated and grown into an egg-sized gland, pressed against the front of the skull, while science can create inhibitors that target the pineal gland and shut down production a swift punch to the forehead can temporarily shut it down and is much faster. Lastly, while Lucy's vectors are usually two meters she can extend them farther but risks dying in the process, it takes a lot of energy to extend them and to go farther than an individual's natural limit can cause entropy in the body, effectively melting the user. The first symptom of overuse is a wicked nosebleed, if Lucy continues past that she can't go back. Also, if Lucy is to be hit hard enough on the head and knocked out... Well... Then Nyu will show up. That can be either good or bad.


Nice CS,Okami!

I'll happily accept that! Since it seems there was a renewed interest in the RP, I'll give it a bit longer and see if anybody else might be interested. If not then I'll try to start with the players we have!
Thanks! Just an FYI, starting Friday till Monday I'm going to be out of town and where I'll be won't have wifi. I might be able to use my data but I'm not sure.