Ame Damnee Kryamn Forest


Humanity's Stargazer
The Kryamn Forest hugs the city of New Eden around its sides and are under constant watch by the Wardens. Despite the countless expeditions into the woods, there has been little progress beyond the peripheries of the woods. The density seems to increase as one continues through the trees, the canopy thickening until only luminous plants provide limelight. Few have ventured further into the darkness, but for those who have, even fewer return, often with great treasures, but useless in their limp arms, dull in their blank eyes. The gold from the woods remains legendary and seemingly are much stronger and have the ability to harbor more magical energy. A single road has been cleared through half the forest, halting just before the pitch black, left in disrepair as rocks and pebbles lay along the path. Entering would be an easy feat, but returning to New Eden seems to weed the weak and break the strong.
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Brutus Magnolia - Entering the forest

He'd always hated the Kryamn forest. Their was this looming sense of dread that hung over the canopy, as if one could be attacked at any moment while they remained here, and if the number of casualties in this forest were to be believed, such wariness would prove crucial to survival. He kept his pace swift as he ran across the path, keeping Imogen and Rhiannon close behind him. He came to a stop about halfway through the path to stop and try to sniff out clues again. Hoping Imogen would alert him if she found anything as well.
Rythe, Entering Kryamn

The roaring of the hooves stamping on the ground quieted as the horses settled into an unsteady rest, nervously fidgety. Their formation was still a simple block, unable to spread out to cover more land due to the intense, encapsulating woods surrounding the relatively narrow path. Barely a whisper was heard from any of the Warden company. Many had never traveled beyond the city walls before and the mere prospect of unknowable horrors seemed to have passed through many a soldier's minds already as they all glanced around, keeping a watchful eye out whilst struggling to maintain their composure.

The forest remained a deathly dark blue as the rare luminous vegetation flickered their lights around the path. Unnatural winds blew through the woods, slipping between the branches and gracing the party below. Ghastly whispers echoed through the forest, emanating from deep within the trees themselves, seemingly gnarled with age and experience despite their relative isolation. Some speak of this dark shroud as the curse of the last necromancer to have lived in New Eden, his will still echoing, bouncing off the endless trunks.

Rythe's horse approached Brutus, gingerly coming to a halt as to not disturb his search. Gently and quietly, he whispered out, "Make sure you find the right scent, from what I've heard, many men have been led to their deaths through false smells. This place reeks of the supernatural."
Salazaar, entering Kryamn Forest

With hidden satisfaction Salazaar observed the surge of emotion that could be seen in Cazimir eyes. As warlock predicted, the cursed half-faery was already confused about his feelings towards Imogen, even though they have only met few hours ago.

This must be a true love. No words in the world could describe the amount of sarcasm Salazaar has put into this thought. Little things disgusted him as much as this hormonal malfunction, that others called ‘love’.

On the outside, however, he didn't let this show on his face. The warlock smiled at Cazimir’s question and answered cheerfully: “For no particular reason. It is just that I absolutely didn’t expect to meet a faery in the New Eden.” Salazaar smirked slyly. “And what is the first thing I see? Some mortal guy looking at her lewdly ”

Cazimir Heskel
Entering Kryamn Forest

Despite being offended, Cazimir actually smirked. "What can I say, its in my nature, Mister faery. I thought someone as great and wise as yourself would at least realize I am no common mortal, tis the blood of an incubus flowing through my veins." his response was not lackluster in its sarcasm. "Lewd, manipulative, dark... say what you like, but I simply take it as a personal policy of mine to eat what has already been served on a platter right on my feet. It would be such a waste, wouldn't it?" The words tasted bitter in his mouth. He was actually half hoping Imogen will hear that and get a clue, or the lycan too so he could actually drive the girl away from him. Sabotaging his own interests always work time and time again. I'm hopeless. he couldn't help but think, but he stared right ahead of the trail, unsheathing his sword just in case, the icy surface seemingly glowing as it reflected the forest landscape.
Salazaar, entering Kryamn Forest

He seems to be in much worse state than I thought. Salazaar noted amused, as half-incubus spitted out his doubts in the short monologue. Let's see what I can do about that.

Salazaar flew closer to Cazimir and put the hand on his arm. He looked half-faery in the eyes, and said very seriously: “You think too lowly about yourself.” The warlock’s voice sounded in the air, silky and calming. “Of course I knew you are half-incubus, boy. Such details don’t go unnoticed by me. But…”

Salazaar flew away and made a little acrobation in the air landing on the horse’s neck gently, as if he didn’t weigh even a single pound. He stood there for a second, casting a shadow on the Cazimir and finally smiled widely. “I lived long enough to see angels slaughtering children for enjoyment, and daemons sacrificing for their close ones.” Warlock's face once more closed to Cazimir’s one. "There are not any rules about that set in stone, Cazimir. And, after all, aren't you also a half-seelie?"
Cazimir Heskel
Entering Kryamn Forest

Cazimir's expression softened for a split second, until he seemed to realize something and his expression darkened once again, getting painted with suspicion. He raised his sword arm, and pointed the tip of the blade to Salazaar's chest, right above where his heart should be. "I never said I was a half-breed." he said in a dead serious tone. "Nor did I ever say I was part Seelie. How do you know these things, Salazaar? Your know-it-all attitude... pisses me off." he smiled at the faery, but it was a taunting smile, a warning: You'll regret it if you mess with me. "You don't know me. Stop acting like you do."
Salazaar, Kryamn Forest

“Of course I don't know you too well. My apologies,” Salazaar looked into Cazimir’s eyes with a smile and delicately touched his blade, moving it so that a simple thrust would penetrate warlock’s abdomen and kill him on the spot. “Professional disease. I am afraid all mages with long practice get a little bit know-it-all-ish.”

Unseelie jumped back into the air and flew next to Cazimir slowly. He looked around him, at the forest that surrounded them. It felt unwelcoming and dangerous, full of dark magic, that swirled in plants, animals and ground. But it was not off-putting for Unseelie, quite the contrary. To be honest, warlock felt safer in this place than in the New Eden, with its Wardens.

Salazaar looked at Cazimir, who was by no means was with his suspicions and smiled again. “As for knowing things...” he touched his temple in a theatrical gesture. “It is not uncommon for pure blood faeries to have some psychic ability of their own. Mine is… ahh, how do I phrase that…”

Unseelie mocked physics and turned in the air to fly on his back, with barely moving his wings - a little time filler to come up with a convincing lie. “I sometimes just know things, I guess? Random facts about those around me.” Salazaar pointed his finger at Imogen. “I bet she also has one of these. Faeries are neither good trackers naturally, nor does she look as if she ever trained that. And yet it’s hard to say if the werewolf guides her, or she him.”
Kryamn Forest

Imogen slowed her pace and descended to the ground, her feet landing smoothly on the cold dirt beneath her. Brutus was sniffing out clues ad Rythe approached them, warning that the forest had claimed many lives to those who followed the wrong path. The young girl forced a smile, remembering the confidence she had felt when peering into Cazimir's feelings - that's right, she hadn't even checked on him since that strange faery appeared. Something about that fae made her feel uneasy, something dark was lurking around him and his wings, they looked like hers but they were certainly different. Seelie... he had called her that, but why? What did it mean... She cocked her head back to look at the two pressing forward in tandem. The unanswered questions she had for the mysterious fae made her nervous and now, as she studied him from afar she could almost feel the ominous aura he projected. It wasn't like Imogen to be cautious of others and this bothered her, she tried to force the negative assumptions out of her mind and refocused on finding something positive; "another faery is interesting, I've never seen one before. Maybe he can tell me about.. me. Seelie?" she thought to herself quietly.

Her attention shifted back to the task at hand and she addressed Rythe, "With Brutus's nose and my vision, we should be able to follow the right path. Do you know if there are many creatures, or travellers I guess, in this... place that would have feathers like this?"
Raakshdos, played by Meliodas

Kyramn Forest
Raakshdos didn’t creep along any known road as he silently weaved his way through the trees with Ryuna conveniently between his legs. Mounted, the kitsune was larger than any horse and far more deadly albeit being equally temperamental. She was faster too, with power in her legs to carry him for miles in haste if need be. Hell, she could probably outrun even the Devil himself. A small platoon of Warden’s (among others) appeared to flank him in the distance, but gave Raakshdos plenty of room since they would have known that he preferred to do things on his own; nonetheless, Raakshdos was prepared for the worst.

The other group wasn’t far ahead, especially since Raakshdos could make out their voices through the trees. Picking up speed, he came up behind the other group, slowing into a trot as he gazed deep into the forest ahead. It grew darker with every step, the trees closing in overhead as it grew harder to even discern the time of the day as they marched forward. He suspected the road ahead of them would be a long and perilous one. This forest had a way of playing mind games with any who dared to tempt their fate in venturing through it. Either untold riches or misfortunate would find them all.

“There is no mistaking an Ethereal’s wings,” Raakshdos said solemnly in passing with regard to Imogen's question. In the back of his mind, he feared the worst for dear Uriel.

@Pupper, @RyunaSiege, @Revelree. @Vyseryx. @Kian
Kyramn Forest

Following behind on top a chestnut colored mare, Ratchel couldn't help but take in the sights this forest had a strange presence almost ghostly and creepily beautiful in some ways especially when light was able to pierce through the thickness of the trees. Though she was also on guard having several small crystals floating around 12 meters away from the group, each one being able to pick up the slightest bit of noise.

Flanking the Grandmaster was something everyone in attendance since giving him plenty of room to do what he does best. Ratchel was close to Renee and was able to talk to her without bothering Raakshdos. "Ever been in these woods before?"
Rhiannon - Kryamn Forest

The deeper they traveled into the dark forest she was reminded of her own travels through these woods. It was downright strange how it seemed to hold a very life of its own within the soil and large trees that grew tightly near each other. The softest of puttering found her ears. It was distant and hard to locate. The very beasts could very well sense them long before they ever notice them.
Drawing her horse to a stop she glanced behind them the soft padding of what could only be called paws drew her attention instantly. Only the glimmer of white told her it wasn’t a beast that belonged to the forest at least it likely wasn’t one. She moved closer to Butus with a gentle nudge to her horse. Instantly she stopped. The puttering was louder now and closer. Hearts. Four hearts beat gently in the ribcage of some beasts not far ahead, “There’s something up ahead,” she informed the leading group, “If it helps any it’s only between one to four individuals. The creatures in this forest don’t obey what we call logic.”

It was her experience that reminded her that. What she had once believed to be a corpse had turned out to be lure for a beast that looked like the very trees the lure leaned against. Barely she had escaped from that creature.

Ryuna, Kryamn Forest, with Raakshdos

Life and simply being was simpler for Ryuna in the current form she took. The large fox bound and paused taking in the world in a way many never would understand. Unlike the horses that fell back from her with concern for their own well beings she feared little in this forest or any other for that matter. She never understood it completely but the very trees kept unsightly beasts at bay as she wandered under their stretching bowing branches that swayed and creaked as if trying to whisper long forgotten tales to her about the past.

Her large ears perked slightly as she was asked to stand her eyes danced over the various people that had gathered to help them find the stone. Slowly she started forward at the instance of her master who sat on her back. Out of habit she sniffed at the much smaller Lycan as she got closer. Her large intelligent golden eyes held a light glow as she glanced down at what they had found. After she sniffed it she lapped at the blood. It was a habit designed to keep the scent with her. And should the scent change the taste was noted.

She growled softly as her ears flattened to her head slightly. The kitsune knew this scent and flavor. It angered her slightly and caused her to move forward without being told to and sniff at the very air trying to pick up the scent.
Brutus Magnolia - Kryamn Forest

His ears perked up as he sensed the kitsune sniff him, tilting his head as she began to lap up the blood. That beast, Raakshdos kept with him was quite the odd creature indeed, and if it weren't for them being in different groups, he'd have been fascinated to learn what life is like for another beastkin who wasn't distinctly lycan.

At Rhiannon's words, he shifted to his hybrid form. Turning to the rest of the group he spoke in a hushed tone. "I'll scout ahead in the shadows and see if I can dispatch of it. I'll report back as soon as I can. Imo, can you examine this feather while I'm gone?" He called the shadows to him, felt their embrace as they wrapped around him, cloaking him from the naked eye. He crept forward, silent as the grave, coming to the end of the path the wardens had carved in the forest. To his shock he noticed two strange beasts.

Two dual-headed minotaurs blocked their path into the darkness beyond. They stood at about 9 feet tall and from a human's standards, very well toned when it came to musculature. He assumed the four hearts Rhiannon had heard earlier belonged to each head. The two creatures appeared to be fighting over a kill they had made. A small buck, not nearly enough meat to feed both giant beasts. He slinked his way back to the group and appeared before them.

"Two dual-headed minotaurs. They appear to be adolescents fighting over a kill. Our group should be more than enough to take them out." He informed the lead group.
Kryamn Forest - Raakshdos group

"Ever been in these woods before?" Renee shifted uneasily as she rode on her steed, following along the grandmaster alongside the warden, Ratchel. She gave her a small smile as she shook her head, her scarlet eyes glancing around the place. The Kryamn forest held some strange energy, some magical aura that she could not quite place. It felt odd, dangerous, but as an artist she also appreciated its strange beauty, the elegance of the rock formations, the comforting sound of silence, the grace of the gnarled tree branches, almost like entering a different world. "I've never been outside New Eden." she told Ratchel as she urge her mount forward. "Although... I have always wanted to go out."


Cazimir Heskel

Kryamn Forest - Rythe group

Cazimir lowered his blade, but he still gazed at Salazaar with a suspicious expression. He murmured something under his breath, as he urged his steed away from the strange man, not bothering with his antics anymore. For all his smug and cryptic talk, Cazimir could not help but feel threatened at the faery's presence, almost like he was close to a bomb that can kill him any minute. The faery did not look that harmful, really, but Cazimir decided to distance himself a little from him anyway.. Besides, he wasn't... comfortable... by the idea that this guy can just get a random fact about him or his curse.

Suddenly he halted. The lycan changed in form, and it seemed as though he went on ahead. When he came back however, a certain tension crept up on the group. He could only hear faintly as he made his steed walk over towards them. He only needed to hear one word to understand what was happening: Minotaur. Rather than being alarmed, he grinned, excitedly. Finally, some action! He has been dying for some since yesterday. He had in fact faced one before in his younger days, but that was so long ago.
Calm and Wolf- Raaksho's Group

Calm and Wolf rode alongside their group with Wolf guarding the back and Calm staying with the main bulk of the group. The two had passed through the forest to reach the city a few days before, but they never though they were going to traverse through the forest again so soon. While Wolf stayed in the back, Calm decides to start up a conversation with some of the other members of her group. She rides up to the angel and the human woman. "Greetings fellow expeditionary. If I may be so bold to ask, why are you on this expedition? If you don't mind me saying, but you both don't seem like the type for this kind of work."
Ratchel- Raakshdos groups
Kyramn Forest

So she's never left New Eden before? Well kid, get ready for a chaotic mess out here. Ratchel didn't get to leave the city too often when on duty, but when she did Oblitus was never kind. The survival of the fittest was the law out here. She should know, she spent the first 4 years of her life surviving this Aditi forsaken wasteland and it was only by luck she was found by Benjamine.

One of the suits of living armor road up to meet both her and Renee asking why they are on this expedition. Couldn't really hurt to answer this suit of armor. "Well, I'm doing this because I want to protect my son and my home. Hate to brag but my skills are rather impressive so I felt my presence was needed." Ratchel had a few questions of her own, but they could wait when they stopped. "Also my name is Ratchel. And you?"
Kryamn Forest; Rythe's Group

Imogen was slightly startled by the nine tails and Raakshdos appearing amongst their group, though they only stopped briefly before walking by again. "An Ethereal's wings..." the young girl had heard about Ethereals, more specifically she had heard about how their power nearly rivalled a God's. Incredible. she thought while holding the bloodied feather in her hand. Only moments later the kitsune appeared to be on alert, sniffing the air vigorously and almost simultaneously Rhiannon heeded a word of caution. Before Imogen could form a thought, Brutus had transformed and disappeared seemingly into thin air but not before he gave the young fae an instruction.

"Right! " she stated and then closed her eyes once again. Now that she knew that the feather in her hand could only belong to one type of a being made it easier for her to quickly locate them rather than waste her energy on determining if it was the right one. The last thing the young girl would want to do is send her group into the labyrinth of darkened trees only to realize they were on the wrong path. Imogen's mind cleared and once again the only thing that existed in it was the feather she now grasped within her hand.

Blackness. Sheer blackness. The smell of decay? Blood... a shadow, a figure.. A person? But who is that. It wasn't clear. The stench, it was rancid. Trees again. Black trees. Where in the hell is this?

The young girl's eyes shot open and her hand quickly found her forehead, as if she was in pain. Imogen couldn't decipher what she just saw but the smell of decay lingered in her nose. Brutus had appeared again, talking about the four beating hearts blocking their path; minotaurs. Imogen was not foreign to Oblitus, she had seen a many creatures but she had never encountered the minotaur before, only heard stories of them dismembering their prey while still alive to watch them suffer before they feasted. The idea of it sent a shiver down her spine.

Cazimir had made his way to the front, inspecting why the group had stopped. Imogen looked at him from the corner of her eye but brought her attention back to the group. "What's the game plan? I hope we aren't just going in there willy nilly! I can take a vantage point from above and keep people safe from there."
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Kryamn Forest - Raakshdos group

"What a senseless question." Renee replied to the Void Born, unable to repress her sharp tongue as usual, even though she meant to give no insult. "Why else? This is for the protection and pride of my City. I simply wanted to get the stone back. Besides..."she sighed and set a determined look on her face. ''I personally find it dishonorable to turn a blind eye and not aid in the protection of the cause that killed my father."


Cazimir Heskel
Kryamn Forest - Rythe group

Cazimir shrugged as he regarded Imogen. "No need. Minotaurs are brawny and strong, but in the end, they're all just pretty dumb. At least that's how my previous experience with them has proven to me. They may be a little different, with the multiple heads and all, plus the fact that there's two of them..." he trailed off as his thoughts seem to wander. "I suggest we go for a distraction, just to be safe. Someone should act as a diversion while the others finish them while they're not looking. It's simple, pretty neat and easy, don't you think?" he said, as he glanced at Brutus. "We should get going. The person who stole the stone... they should be getting further the more we get delayed." Not like he cared but... its the motivation of why everyone has gathered here.
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Rythe, Kryamn Forest

"Minotaurs? It's been quite some time since they've been seen around here... much less young ones. Don't get too close to them, use ranged weapons, there's no escaping a Minotaur's charge at point blank." He reached forward as chains tendriled from its wraps around his arm. The cold iron links ended in a long steel blade that shone, waiting to be wetted with blood. Rythe could still remember the thirst of war and blood from these ancient weapons, the chaos they unleashed when unlocked. He quietly fingered at the white locket hanging from the center of the network of bladed chains.

"I'm not quite sure it would be a good idea to kill more of a dwindling species. Regardless, let's take caution while we pass them. Hug their location and keep an eye on them, there'll be signs if they ready themselves to charge. I pray they don't, we need as many men as possible to accomplish our task."
Brutus Magnolia - Kryamn Forest

The perverted male impressed Brutus with sound logic. Seems there was more to his brain then just seducing women. Meanwhile the Ethereal also brought up a good point about how they could sneak around said Minotaurs. "Ok, so we've got two good ideas right now. Let's put it to a vote. Those who want to sneak past the Minotaurs, go to my left, those who want to fight them, move to my right."