Ame Damnee Kryamn Forest

Kyramn Forest

Alhon gets mildly pissed about the cigarette but shrugs it off; "Sure, let's ride." he said moving towards Renee. He jumps on the horse and looks down, "So does this thing sprout wings too..?" he says half-jokingly; he realised he hasn't taken his mask off yet, debating whether or not he should take it off.
Kryamn Forest

The Fae traveled in silence by Cazimir's side as they headed toward Fairhavest. Occasionally he shifted on the horse's back as the steed walked through the rough terrain, making it difficult to balance. Imogen was right there each time he shifted, ready to steady him again without saying a word. Words; something the two of them would no longer need now that they were mentally linked. Imogen glanced at the man's worried face, there were feelings of conflict written all over it. The girl's brow furrowed, she didn't like seeing Cazimir like that and her curiousity as to what was wrong was beginning to itch. She sighed slightly and peeled her gaze off of him until it came, his voice in her head calling her name. How it echoed through her mind brought an immediate smile to her face until... "I.... killed my mother."

Blank. And then self-hatred and pain. So much pain.

The feelings now suffocating Imogen were not her own, they belonged to Cazimir. How... she wondered silently to herself, confused as to how Cazimir was projecting his feelings onto her and his thoughts without her tapping into him. It didn't matter, what came next made the Fae's heart stop beating. "Every person I've ever cared for, every person I've ever treasured... I killed them all." Imogen stopped moving, though she didn't do it purposefully. The dread that she felt was physically holding her back or at least that's what it felt like. Years and years of tragedy, years and years of unknowing, the yearning for revenge, the longing to want to put an end to it all, nightmare upon nightmare... until finally, "they were memories. It was real. I was the one who killed them all along." Imogen's feet found their way to the ground, pressing against the cold Earth as she stood still, almost lifeless, looking aimlessly ahead in a daze like trance.

Hopelessness. Helplessness. Despair. Defeat.

Imogen was being drowned in the array of dreadful feelings. Her heart was sickened with the heavy punishment that Cazimir had felt his entire life; a curse. A curse to kill anyone that you ever care about. To be alone, so.. so... alone. Imogen's eyes widened only slightly, her memory being jolted in every direction and it was hard to discern which were hers and which were his. The two of them were connected on a level beyond a simple mind link that allowed Cazimir to summon Imogen's name; they were talking to each other, they were sharing feelings, they were sharing memories... but how? How? To be alone, so... so... alone. A vision of a baby that could only be no more than a few months old was nestled in a basket tucked away in a bush, crying. Alone, so.. so... alone. Around the neck of the baby was a white opal necklace and the girl was wrapped tightly in a blanket. Inside the basket was a note... Imogen.

Tears started to trickle down the Fae's face at Cazimir's familiar feeling of loneliness. She was alone like he was, but he had chosen to numb himself, he had chosen to devoid himself of all feeling in an attempt to escape his cruel fate. He thought himself a monster... but that is not what she saw. Cazimir... she thought, the tears rolling off her cheeks. Imogen had felt it all, every last feeling of sorrow that he hid so very well. There was so much good in him that he no longer could see, that he no longer could feel... but she could. She could see the tender, kind, and loving man. She felt it in the way he kissed her, how he longed to feel again; how he longed to not be afraid anymore. Everything made sense now, it all connected. Exhaustion. He was exhausted with how he has been forced to live his life. No more... she thought, knowing she had to change it.

"Imo... you are... too easy to fall in love with." His words lingered in her mind like the red coloured leaves do at the end of Fall. In.. love? It was in that moment that her memory snapped back to the premonition she had earlier of the two of them in the future. Lovers... we were lovers. The memory flashed before her eyes as if she was living it; the feelings of happiness, bliss, love... We kissed. The image of the two of them embraced in a kiss, pulling their faces apart and their lips mouthing the words to each other. I love you. I love you too. Imogen could feel and see the memory clear as day and then she realized; the two of them were connected so deeply that Cazimir must've seen it. You must've felt it.

The Fae forced her wings to move and she ascended from the ground taking off toward Cazimir again. As she approached his horse she slowed, allowing herself to mount the horse behind him. Her arms snaked their way around his torso and she squeezed him against her, her face burrowing into his back as tears fell from her eyes. We bleed the same... there's no changing it now. I felt what it is to be who you are Cazimir and you're wrong. I'll teach you to feel again... to not numb it all. You don't have to feel scared and alone anymore... If I die so that you can feel, then that's OK, but you must've felt it. You must've... there's nothing to worry about it. It will be OK, I promise... just don't go.
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Kryamn Forest

After the outburst about the ring that suddenly appeared on her finger, Ratchel decided to pay no mind to it right now. Turning to Renee who seemed to ignore Ratchel, her attention more to the newcomer. Despite asking her a question, and her answering said question. It would be lying to say that it didn't piss Ratchel off to a certain extent. BUT. Despite her frown at Renee, her fist clenching a little, and possible profanity she would have spewed onto the girl. It, was fine! Like everything else today that she seemed rather sensitive to, it was suppressed, with a heavy shaky sigh.

Walking off to her horse just recounting today's activities that involved her with the others, more so to distract her from her bad mood. I offended Rhannon unintentionally with her lover snapping at me and even bringing Micheal up insinuating abandonment, talked to Renee some but nothing extensional, I met Lisa and made her a nice little crystal campfire...Only to have her run off after the two love sick puppies and having a pissed off spirit kill 4 Wardens and injure 5....... With each thought, her steps grew heavier and heavier making her little 30-second walk feel like an hour. It only now occurred to her how lonely she was, she didn't have a Brutus or a Cazimir to talk about her feelings, tell her that they loved her or tell her she’s important. She, was alone.

Finally reaching her steed, wanting nothing more than to reach Fairharvest, forget this whole mess, and maybe just sleep away the bad thoughts. However, a small form laid on her horse. Lisa. The child was holding on tight to the horse's neck, a tear rolled off her face and her body seemed to twitch at random. Ratchel's tired eyes closed for but a second, taking off her gauntlets, and placed a hand on the child's cheek rubbing the wetness away as gingerly as she could. "I'm here for you. My child." mounting her steed with the girl still on it, letting Lisa rest her chest on her bussom. Singing to her in an angelic motherly voice that was so quiet one would need enhanced hearing to pick up. "Times might be rough, and fate so cruel how can it be like this you say? The blame was our own, the punishment yours. Kindness silent this day. But with your tired eyes and my warm embrace, I carry you softly to sleep." pets her head softly and slowly the horse walking near the group, as she continues. "Dream of nightmares unpleasant thoughts, I will stave away. For your safety is my, only prize, as I carry you to softly to sleep." As they follow the light of the group, the darkness of the trees starts to hide the actions of the past.
Brutus Magnolia - Kryamn Forest

The wolf just shook his head at the entire situation unfolding before him. It was a mess, their only leader had taken off without them, the kitsune who was the closest thing to second in command that they had was an emotional wreck and didn't care about them, and everyone else was too busy licking their wounds. A warden came over and relayed Rythe's orders to the group, they needed to wait for him in Fairharvest.

Brutus only nodded to the warden, and followed the trail that the rest of Rythe's company left for them to follow. His mind focused on leaving this forest as soon as possible. He saw the forest begin to clear, and walked into what he would find to be the Fairharvest Outskirts.
Cazimir Heskel
Kryamn Forest - with Imogen

As the group continued on, Cazimir found himself slowing the horse's stride, wanting to get a little more privacy as much as possible as they settled near the end of the group. They all seem to be trickling out of the forest already... and for him that means a few more moments alone with Imogen. He had never felt so conflicted, so confused all his life. What he wanted to and what he needed to do has never been so contradictory, never driven him this crazy.

They had shared their pain.

He felt it, he saw it--- her past, her feelings of isolation and loneliness, the same things that had driven him to the person he is now. For some reason he also saw her memories, that premonition she had told him about, the two of them, lovers, kissing, passionately. His heart had never ached so much in his lifetime. He wanted it so badly: happiness, bliss, love... he thought it was something he had already forgotten how to feel, that state of utter joy, something he had not experienced since the day he killed his mother. And yet, in that small memory he relived it, that sense of elation that was so strong, so wonderful, so beautiful... but he knew it was not something he deserved. She hugged him from behind, as he looked up at the heavens, questioning his fate. Aditi, why? Why does he have to suffer like this? Why does he have to get used to the numbness only to meet this wonderful woman that will break his resolve to pieces? I don't want to be a danger to anyone anymore, Imo. I would rather die than hurt you. I would rather burn in hell for all eternity than cause you your death. I'm already... headed there anyway.

He closed his eyes shut, and he was thankful that the others had hurried on ahead, as he felt tears fall down his cheeks, and he took a shaky breath. I... I can't live like this anymore. I want to trust you, Imo. I want to cling on to that future so desperately... but... but how can I stop feeling so afraid? I'm going to go crazy just thinking when I'll snap. How can I get that happiness? I want it so bad--- but asking for it is so selfish. So... unfair. His mind flashed on the faces of the town he used to live in: grieving, accusing. Murderer. MURDERER! Even now, it scarred him deeply, being driven out of his own home... but they can never be more right. He is a murderer. Even if he counted out the people his curse has killed, his position on the Underground too--- he killed a lot of people... willingly. Hadn't he just beheaded his own apprentice shortly before this expedition started? It's better this way, Imo... he told her, in an almost dead, tired tone. I don't deserve... neither your affection nor your pity.
Kryamn Forest - With Cazimir

The two of them had completely slowed behind the rest of the group that they no longer could be seen ahead of them. The edge of the forest was approaching which meant they would be at Fairhavest soon and again, surrounded by so many people. The Fae's heart ached, she just wanted more time with him. More time to ease his feelings of pain and immense fear. She just wanted to breathe life into him once again and show him that he no longer has to be alone, but she didn't know how to tell him. She didn't know how to change a lifetime of despair and numbness; she only knew that she had to try. She couldn't give up on him, she wouldn't give up on him. Love. Do I love this man? she thought. No other feeling would explain what was driving her to behave the way she was; she blushed, hoping he didn't hear her.

Imogen listened silently to Cazimir as he continued on, his feelings of confliction evident to even a person who was not linked to his mind. "Cazimir.." she now said aloud, no one around to hear their voices. "You don't have to live in fear anymore," her arms wrapped tighter around him, her tears now drying off of her face. "I can see the future, you obviously saw it too. You loved me there and I was still breathing, alive, in your arms in that vision. I don't know how but I survived ... the curse that has plagued you for so long and caused you so much pain."

She uncoiled her arms from his body and allowed her wings to pick her up from the horse. The girl moved beside Cazimir, letting her body hover in the air as she reached for his tear soaked face. Imogen cupped his cheeks the same way she did when she ran after him in the forest, "deserve it or not, Caz. You already have it and I promise you that I'm not leaving your side, not ever. The fear of some curse will not drive me away and you shouldn't be scared either because I survive. This pull I felt toward you when I very first saw you at the Warden's Keep, it was for a reason now and I understand what that reason is. It's this..." she brought their foreheads together, her eyes closed as one last tear fell from her eye. It's to help you learn to feel again without the weight of fear on your shoulders... Cazimir, I... I'm falling so hopelessly in love with you.
Cazimir Heskel
Kryamn Forest - with Imogen

"I can see the future, you obviously saw it too. You loved me there and I was still breathing, alive, in your arms in that vision. I don't know how but I survived ... the curse that has plagued you for so long and caused you so much pain." Cazimir listened to her almost dazedly as her arms wrapped tighter around his body. Was it possible? Was that future... real? But what if he fucks it up? What if it was too much to ask for? She cupped his cheeks and pressed their foreheads together, telling him sweet words... and finally he heard it in his head. I'm falling so hopelessly in love with you.

He felt like his brain short-circuited. How can she say such things when she knew everything now? How can she simply toss the facts away, and stay by his side despite the danger? Love makes fools of us all. He leaned in and kissed her lips, gently, sweetly, a kiss filled with resignation. He has been fighting against it for so long, when he could easily accept it, and fall...

"Imo, if I so much as hurt you... please let me go." he murmured against her lips. "I... I'll trust the future you saw in us. I'll believe for now. But the moment I hurt you in any way, I won't be able to forgive myself. So please, this is my wish. I... don't want to regret this." he kissed her once again, feathery kisses filled with a combination of hope and anxiety. He leaned away and brushed the tears out of his eyes, glancing over as they arrived at the edge of the forest. He held her hand tightly as he took a deep breath, trying to hide all the plethora of emotions he had felt in the ride and just be himself again. He smiled faintly at Imogen. "Let's go meet the others." he said, as their horse continued on to the outskirts of Fairharvest.
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Navyra Darling- Kyramn Forest
Navi couldn't take her time any longer and finally made it to the forest she stood in now, or used to be forest. "What the fuck happened here?" she said, looking around with a curious gaze. She decided to sit down on the forest floor for a moment of rest, before she moved on. This rest helped ease her mind into the thoughts of where to even start looking in the huge area that was the Oblitus. Smacking her palm against her head, she sighed as she looked around. "Where would I even start?"
Georoth Gormen- Kryamn Forest
Georoth continued to walk through what seemed to be the remains of a forest, looking around in a frown. "Who did this?" he asked quietly, placing his hand on a nearby tree. He couldn't see what happened or hear the tree talk to him but he felt the pain from whatever event took place. Angered, he turned to Ryota, noticing a woman sitting not to far away from them. "Someone hurt this forest. Do you think it was her?" he said, pointing at the red-haired woman. "I will punch her if it was." he growled, gripping his hands into a fist.
Ryota, Kryamn Forest

The hellhound tilted his head as he glance around the area of charred trees and earth. The scent left behind was one that made his stomach churn. The fire used wasn’t natural it held magic that even he couldn’t understand. The little hot head next to him made him chuckle lightly, “Rushing in head first won’t help you any,” He sniffed the air, “Plus she’s clearly a faery and not one of fire. Whoever did this did it for a reason. Hell only knows what that reason was.”

He ran a hand through his choppy black hair. His green robe like shirt hung off one shoulder slightly showing off a lot of his tanned and well toned chest and right shoulder. His tall geta allowed him to stay out of the ashes around him. A khakkhara rest across his left shoulder with his arm resting on it. Golden brown eyes took in the world around him while his right arm slipped around the slender waist of his companion.

“Perhaps it might be best to say hello?” He asked lightly as he gazed down at the lovely mismatched eyes of the one at his side.
Georoth Gormen-Kryamn Forest
Georoth sighed at Ryota's words, knowing the male was right. He wasn't about to think of anything else but to cause a fight with the one he thought caused the fire, even with the confirmation of her being faery and not one of fire, could anyone truly know what abilities someone could hold. Feeling Ryota's arm slip around his waist, he glanced up into the eyes of the one he had grown feelings for. "You're right. Let's go say hello." With that, Georoth grabbed his hand and pulled Ryota over to the resting red-head. "Hello, faery."

Navyra Darling-Kryamn Forest
Navi jumped at the 'Hello', breaking her out of her thoughts. She looked up at the two males before standing and smiling towards them. "Oh, hello there." she replied, tilting her head a bit at the faery part. "How did you know I was one?"
Ryota, Kryamn Forest

He gave a smile at Geo before he was pulled over to the faery woman. Her surprise was evident and caused the hellhound to rub the back of his head some, “I can smell the earth on you. Fae tend to have this sort of scent,” He glanced at Geo before tilting his head indicating he didn’t know what else to say to the woman, “You don’t by chance know what happened here do ya?”

Direct. It was always a demon’s way of doing things. The tactic got the ball moving in most cases.
Navyra Darling and Georoth Gormen- Kryamn Forest

Navi shook her head. "No, I just got here not too long ago. I was honestly about to ask you the same question." A sweet smile grazed her lips as she looked over both Geo and Ryota. "The name's Navi by the way." She looked around for a moment before shaking her head once more, her hopes were up way too high. She still knew that there was a chance that she wouldn't be able to find him. "Well, sorry to hold up your time but I must be on my way." With that said, she walked away, her need to find him that much more.

Geo frowned at the faery as she walked off. "Ryo, she could be my key to the answers I need. Let's follow her." He said as he also took off from the forest, following after this Navi.
Ryota, Kryamn Forest

The Hellhound frowned slightly at the male next to him, “Follow? Are you kiddin’ me? Why not just ask the lass if she would like some companions or something?” He tapped on the Geo’s head, “It’s better to be known than to not be known and risk injury.”
It was a saying his mother had told him when he used to follow other demons around the village. Such acts weren’t dangerous all the time but could lead to accidental injury when one wasn’t careful. A couple of times he had knives thrown at him due to his sneaking about.
Georoth Gormen and Navyra Darling- Kryamn Forest
Geo glanced at Ryota with a pout but nodded. "You're right. I just can't help that I need to know if she knows something about my mother's side. Running after the faery, he yelled out, "Hey, miss. Care if Ryota and I come along?"

Navi walked a small distance away, focusing back on her path to finding Rennac. A yell stopped her, causing her to turn back to the two males. "Huh? Oh no, ya'll can come along if you want." She waved for them to join her as she continued walking, confident that they'd keep up.
Ryota, Kryamn Forest

The demon smiled slightly as he followed the other after the woman, "You seem to be looking for some one."

His nose sniffed at the air lightly before his gaze slid towards the north. There seemed to be the slight hint of scent he couldn't help but associate with towns coming from that direction. He kept half an ear on Geo to see what he was doing and what not.
Rennac Navarre - Entering Kryamn Forest

His form moved like lightning through the brush. His need to disappear, unfathomable. He was about to break the promise he'd made to himself one hundred years ago, that he would not cry until he and Navi were reunited again. His pain was halted as he sensed a fae and a half-fae ahead of him. He stopped in place, staring at the half-fae and the demon accompanying him with the eyes of a man driven mad with grief, his rapier ready to strike at any moment.

"Who are you?!" He yelled. It took him a minute to fully focus on the woman who was with them. Her familiar proportions, eyes, scars, even her missing hand. The mad eyes he'd had previously were replaced with those of disbelief, he couldn't understand what was in front of him.

His rapier fell to the forest floor, violet eyes filling with tears as he stared at the woman he once called his lover. "Navyra...? Is that really you?" He wanted to move to her, but he couldn't, his mind to fearful to risk this being a hallucination. He could only stare at her, praying to every god he knew that this truly was the woman he loved.
"I am actually looking for someone." Navi said as she turned towards Ryota and Geo, pacing backwards. "In the Grand Oblitus that we're standing in, he has to be somewhere here, ya know?" A chuckle died in her throat as she heard her name spoken by a voice she could only dream of hearing "Navyra? Is that really you?" She slowly turned to face the man that joined the small clearing. "Y-you...Rennac...It's..." she didn't say anymore as she ran over to him, her arms wrapping around his frame. "Ren, you're here, you're here." She cried into his chest. "By the gods, you're still here."

Geo looked confused, shooting a glance towards Ryota at the scene before them. "I guess he was who she was looking for?" a simple shrug accompanied his own question as he watched the reunion, not helping the fact that he moved closer to Ryota, reaching for the daemon's hand. "It's bittersweet, isn't it?"

Ryota's reads on the hearts of those around him rarely turned out to be wrong. It was something his sort was rather good at due to that fact that emotions effected the way a soul tasted. Regret and sorrows were a bitter taste. They reminded him of salty tears with a hint of blood in them. The flavor left some feeling displeased with what their actions. The demon tilted his head slightly as leaned slightly to stare at the man who had growled at them as if they were crossing his turf.

The scent that exploded from the male at his questioning of the female caused him to narrow his gaze. Bittersweet. That word didn't even begin to cover the emotions he could feel from the pair. His hand tangled with Geo's before he pulled the male with him back a few feel, "It seems you didn't need our assistance in the first place, madam, I wish you well.

With that he turned to his own lover and smiled gently, "It's sickingly sweet, my little gem."
Rennac Navarre - Kryamn Forest

He found himself frozen with shock until his lover wrapped her arms around him. She felt the same, sounded the same, smelled the same. It was her. His arms moved around her and brought her even closer as he let out sobs that he'd held in for a century. "Navi... you're here. I cant believe it... my sweet, Navi."

He held his head up apologetically to the men who were with her. "I apologize for my outburst. This had been a horrendous day for me until now." He smiled through his tears and moved to look into Navi's eyes. "But now it's simply perfect. I've missed you so much, my love."