Adenovirus 423 Kyle's Weapon Emporium


The blobfish
Description: If you believe the stories there is a weapon's shop hidden deep in the heart of No man's land. If you are a regular or if you're feet have just happened to take you through a certain basement door. All are welcome so long as they bring items in trade.

Upon entering you will see that the basement has been hollowed out and even connected to the network of tunnels known as the underground. There are weapons lining most of the walls. Swords of every make and kind. From Katana's to a two handed claymore. Daggers to hunting knives. And tucked away in a corner of this makeshift showroom. You will even find handguns. And if you are in luck Kyle may have a little something extra upon request.

The last thing anyone notices as they enter are the three massive chalkboards hanging on the wall with lists of items. Cotten, Leather, Food, Iron To name a few. They are the items Kyle is seeking and the list is always changing. But Beware Kyle's place is first and for most a place of business and if you bring violence or attempt theft is this shop...Well let's just say that the body is still hanging from an old light post in pieces.