Land Down Under (KJDarKnight & Treasure)

Mathias quickly picked up Gray and dragged him back to Justira just as Peter was wakeing her up.

Pepper shook Jonah and Misty's shoulders to wake them up
"What's going on?" Jonah growled, instantly getting to his feet.

"Someone's been in the supplies!" Lynna yelped, looking through the bags. "Hey, who got hungry and decided to go for a midnight snack, huh?"
"None of us" Mathias said, standing up right with his rifle "someone is out there. Knocked out Gray and must have stolen from you right after"
"It looks like they took a fair amount of food stuffs, too," Lynna huffed. "My baton, food stuffs... anyone else missing anything?"

Gray rolled over, his head pounding as he tried to force his eyes to work. Ow. Ow. OW! He felt like a fool.
Everyone checked their stuff but all seemed fine "everyone stay with a partner backs to the fire" Mathias instructed.

If there was one out there. Could be more and he wasn't going to fail them again.

"If they are steeling food...they are probably just alone and hungry...maybe scared" Misty spoke up
"Then why didn't they just ask?" Lynna huffed, standing near Charlie. "And why my baton?"

"They are silent," Badru said. "Not alert Mathias. Soft feet."

Jonah grunted softly as he stood next to Misty.
Misty shrugged "maybe scared of us" she suggested

"Doesn't matter. We need to be alert.." Mathias frowned "Charlie. Keep the fire going. Lynna, come with me" he pulled his hunting knife out and offered the hilt to her
"Just going to scout. Make sure they are gone" Mathias answered. "Rest of you stay close to the fire and stay alert"
"We should stay close and close up ranks," Jonah grunted, but he didn't protest any farther other than to do a headcount.

Jynna was already starting out, scowling. "If we do see them, I want my baton back!"
Mathias sighed "we see them and you stay be me and let me handle it. Don't go flying off the handle ok?" He hoped he hadn't made a mistake picking her to have his back
"Except the thief already took your stuff" Mathias said with a small smirk as he scanned around the tree's, rifle ready as he circled the camp
"Fine! Whatever is left of my stuff," Lynna huffed. She looked down at the ground thn pulled back so hard she overbalanced and sat on her rump. "Ow! Wait, Mathias, don't walk there! Look. It looks like a bare footprint."
Mathias paused glancing at her then looking down at the print "looks like a womans...guessing by the size..but human" he looked back up

"Who ever is out there. Come on out. We won't hurt you. We are happy to share food" he called out. Not sure they would understand but thinking of what Misty said too. Maybe they needed help
Lynna glanced at him with a frown. "I'm sure they - or she - will totally believe that," she said dryly. "Let's follow the prints for a bit!" She got up and brushed herself off before hurrying forward, peering intently at the dirt.
"What?" Mathias blinked "we haven't done anything to her" he said "just being cautious" he followed the tracks alongside her, glancing back now and again keeping the fire in sight
"Well, she did steal from us and now we're kind of chasing her," Lynna whispered as she looked around for more prints. "Wait, wolf prints! I think she's being chased by the wolves! Maybe we really do need to help her!"
He frowned "wolves aren't small..I don't know if we can take a whole pack" none the less he headed after the tracks anyway
Lynna trotted after him, trying to be silent.

Not far ahead of Lynna and Mathias, The young woman knelt under a massive oak tree with her sack of new-found treats. At the roots of the oak tree, a great sandy hole had been dug out into a fine wolf den, and all around grey wolves lay panting, sleeping, or just rolling around in the dirt. None of them seemed particularly interested in the young woman with the mane of wild black hair in their midst.