Land Down Under (KJDarKnight & Treasure)

"Make yourselves comfortable" Misty invited before going to fetch plates and cups. Not asking for help even if she did need it.

Peter didn't wait to be asked, running over to help bring the plates and cups to the coffee table. Anyone could see Misty was struggling with one arm to get everything done. Poor thing was put of energy too. Just ready to sleep but instead playing host
Gray moved to help as well, smiling to Peter. Once he figured out what was left to be done, he firmly took Misty by the good arm and steered her toward Pepper. Pepper was a mother, so hopefully she'd be able to mother Misty, as well, while she needed it.
"Gray I can.." she sighed "I don't get a say do I?" She chuckled softly and just sat down.

"It's ok to need help Misty" Pepper said

The timer went off moments later, the food was done. "I've not made a big meal in a long time I..hope it's ok" Misty said, letting Gray get it out of thr small oven
Badru watched the interaction closely, not interfering. If he'd understood what needed to be done, he would have happily helped, but he had little understanding of these dwellings. He watched the Shadow Man interract with Misty curiously, tense, then relaxed when Pepper took over. The Shadow Man had stepped in to help... maybe he was not a bad person? Maybe, but there was still something off about him. At least he made Little Water Droplet sit down and rest her shoulder.

Gray let Peter finish setting the table then took out the lasagna himself. He balanced it carefully as he carried it over to the table and set it down. He grinned at Misty and gave her a thumbs up. It looked great!
She smiled "thanks..hope it tastes as good. Nobody really taught me to cook" everything she knew she taught herself. No parents to teach her.

"How do you like it here Badru?" Peter spoke up as Pepper served a portion for him
Gray waved down her protests as he sat down. "It will be tasty. You did a good job," he tried to reassure her. "Will you please do the honors of cutting into the thing?"

"It is dark, cold, small, and confussing," Badru said honestly. "Some of the people are nice. It will do."
Miaty nodded and cut it up i to slices, cutting a larger one for Badru.

"It's not so bad when you're used to it. We could go visit my uncle. He lives up on the surface.. sort of" Peter suggested "he could provably use your help too"
"Thank you," Gray signed, smiling. He happily accepted his piece and waited for the others.

Badru frowned in confusion. "Your uncle is not a groundling like you?"
"Oh he is but he is trying to get us to go up..Can't stay here forever" Peter explained "so he is working to make friends with the top dwellers. Like you" he said proudly
"Good," Badru grunted.

Gray looked over curiously then tapped the table lightly in front of Peter to get his attention. "What are you two talking about?" he asked with a smile.
Peter looked over "oh, i was just telling him we should go visit Mathias. He lives close to the top so Badru could go outside...he says its cold and dark and confusing down here" he explained
Gray nodded in understanding. "It would be very confusing. At least he is staying here instead of your house. Can you imagine your poor mother trying to make him fit?" He grinned, showing it was a joke.
Peter laughed at that "I don't think he would get farter than the doorway" he grinned back "He would fit in my uncles house" he looked back at Badru.

"He is of course welcome to go wherever he wishes, when I start work again tomorrow he won't have much to do.." Misty said "And if Mathias needs help..."
Gray had a sudden idea. He smiled casually and signed to Pepper, "What about working with you? There is a lot of heavy lifting involved, and he would feel useful." He did not mention that Badru would also be great protection against certain threats.
Pepper considered that "he would be useful and he could stand up right down there" Pepper said "but I have a couple more days before I need to go back" she wasn't against it. She would have to learn some words to communicate she supposed though
"Wonderful!" Gray signed happily. "Then once you return to work, you can take your own gentle giant with you. Provided he's willing to go work with you. Peter, would you ask him if he alright with that?"
Peter nodded and looked at Badru again "Would you want to help my mother at her job? More physical work." He ttried to explain
Badru silently considered the question. It was better than eating this... whatever it was. He could definitely taste the nutrients, but it was such a strange amalgamation of flavors and textures! Not bad, exactly, but not pleasant, either. "Yes," he replied. "If I am not needed by Little Water Droplet, I will work elsewhere."
He smiled and translated for the others.

"Well..his help and company are nice but when I'm working I don't want him to ger bored sitting alone" Misty explained.

Peter nodded and looked back at Badru again "she said she likes your company and does need help. But she has other work you can't help with so helping my mom would give you something to do" Peter tried to better explain, hoping he got all the words right
Badru inclined his head. "I will work with the Peppery woman," he agreed. "When Little Water Droplet needs me again, I will come to her. It will be simple."

"I'm glad someone thinks this is simple," Gray said cheerfully. [Once Peter translated]
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