To those climbing the vines, once you seem to reach the top you can see bit more of the temple including large doors. Perhaps you can go inside.

Go inside?

To those inspecting the outside of the Temple, as you look more at the temple and around. You notice it seems to have been here for years. But it also seems well taken care of. IS there someone inside or is it abandoned? If abandoned how can it look so clean and taken care of?

Keep examining

Go inside​
To those who went inside, You hear music as if someone may be here. Yet you don't see them yet.

Go further?

The pair had listened to the whole tale with interest and barely disguised skepticism respectively. One of them's grin at the start slowly delved into a frown as the story went on and he realized where this story was going while the other's frown eventually grew into a wide grin as she had been right, all along. He knew now what she had known this whole time. Her and him, that's all that was needed. Everyone else were liars, crazy, useless or unnecessary. Yuki only needed Yuno and Yuno only need Yuki.

"...No. No no no, that can't be. We...he, he was just a little kid playing music. To steal and assault..." He frowned, bowing his head as Yuno stepped up in front of him, as cute and giddy as ever.


"You see, Yuki? You trusted that little mischievous boy, saved him from me along with that big guy...when all along he was a little thief and violent guy with a mask far beyond him. I should have sliced his head clean off. I would have. Don't you see? All for you! You and me, that's all we need. No one else."

His fists were clenched so hard to the point they drew blood as he digested this fact. "He lied to me." He closed his eyes. Yuno, for all her off-putting psychotic moments...she had never lied to him. Not once since they met and all the way up to the midst of the games back home, when they'd been dragged here by whatever or whoever. She was honest. "You're right." He admitted, reaching out to grasp her hand. It was as much an unspoken agreement as it was him leaning on her. Counting on her. He steeled himself.

"If we have to get that mask to save this place...then we'll have to kill that kid. It needs to be done."

"I'll do it, Yuki!" She added gladly, turning back to the way they had come in from.

"Don't bother." He held up his diary, displaying what he had learned. "The path we came in on has sealed itself. There's no point going that way." He turned to the Mask Salesman. "So yes, we saw him." He answered the question. "Right before we came in here. In fact...he encouraged us to come here. I thought it was just friendly urging but now I see." He looked over at Yuno.

"He needs to be saved, from himself. We'll kill him. Together."


"Thank you, Salesman. We'll just head into the city now, try to find your missing mask and the ones behind it. If nothing else, you can trust me." With that, he stepped forward followed by Yuno, pushing open the door to enter the city to find their prey.​
At the West Log, you find yourself out of the woods and in a town. There doesn't appear to be many shops or houses.


As you walk through you can notice that there are a few outside roaming around and even an outdoor market it appears. Along with a house with a bee on it, and a place that appears to be a bar. There is also an old man standing about who looks a bit friendly and seems to be looking around for something or someone. You also notice that some of the others have headed to the old man and are slipping into the bar it seems.

Explore more of the town
Go in maybe the Bee home
Go in the Bar
Leave town and see what is near by
Talk to the old man​
Cecelia and Romulus decided to Explore more of the town. Maybe they could find evidence of Magic, or what happened somewhere else in the town.​
To those who went into the bar, you notice this may be why the town outside looks empty for there are a few inside even two soldiers.

Get a Drink
Talk to Bar tender
Talk to soldier
Talk to a costumer
To those exploring the town, as you explore more you see there isn't much else other than maybe leaving out of it to see if there is anywhere near by that you can go. But you do notice a lady who seems to have chickens. Is that what they are called here? Anyways it looks perhaps like an animal you have seen before.​
To those who went to the old man, he turns and looks to you. "Oh my you look like an interesting bunch. Maybe you could help us. There is someone who has gone missing but I'm not sure. Many call him rather lazy so maybe he's just hiding." You all just got here but the old man seems to think you may know someone or maybe you really should help.

Talk to the Old man about town
Ask about the missing person
Feel he is crazy so leave​
Aeric growled and repeated his question to the old man, decaying skin creasing in an annoyed frown. "I don't give a damn where your friend is right now. Where are we?"​
Romulus and Cecelia walked up to the Woman with the chickens.

"Hello, Ma'am. What can you tell us about this town." Cecelia said. She smiled. "We're Cecelia and Romulus."​

"So we have to find this thief? ... how troublesome..." Bernkastel didn't seem to be that concerned that it was a rather powerful mask from what the Salesman had described. Surprising her fellow Witch, the Witch of Miracles followed along with the rest of the group towards the city.


"W-What? Bern! Are we seriously going to help some lowly presences with this search? Wouldn't it be more amusing to watch the havoc that this kid could do with that mask on him?" Lambdadelta was quite surprised by this. Who wouldn't want to see the amusing havoc that could come up?

"... then it'll be annoying to have us be dragged in the trouble. I rather it be done on our accord, and not by another. Besides, I wouldn't even think on directly helping with our thief problem. My powers are better off to be used on something that isn't so petty as this," the emotionless Witch sighed as they followed the rest of the group. Well, aren't they such a nice pair of people to have as... er, allies? If that even applied to Bernkastel and Lambdadelta.​

Although Aeric may not have given a damn about a missing person, Ven was immediately concerned. "Your friend is missing? That's awful." Hoping he could help, Ven chose to ask about the missing person. "Who may I ask is missing? Maybe I could help you..."
Ooo... a chest. Obviously it would have some booty, no?

"Hey, guy in red! What's in the treasure box?" Fizz asked Kaneda.​
Kaneda turned around. "Just a wooden sword, and several gems of some sort." He said. "Nothing all that useful. Name's Kaneda, by the way!" He smiled. He didn't seem too startled by Fizz, but I guess once you see your best friend turned into a mutant baby, you've seen it all. Kaneda moved out of the way.​
The lady looked at Romulus and Cecelia and smiled. "Well not much to tell. Were Kakariko village. A rather small town." She replied. "And I am the owner of the coccos who are running around." She said sounding very friendly.​
"Yes my friend along with many in the town. He's a very lazy boy." The Old Man replied to Ven and Aeric. "Usually he avoids work by coming around here. He's name is Link the Blacksmith's laziest worker. Rumor has it he's not the only one who went missing. But I'm not sure there is a connection." He commented.​
Weird, it seems like someone should be here... Heading inside the temple, Serge kept a keen eye for any sort of life or tripwire traps within the temple. He had fallen into enough cage traps to keep to the side of the main path.​

"Gems? Can we sell them for money?" Fizz asked. Well he has nothing but his trident for now, so he hoped to purchase something, maybe a Lich Bane.​
"I don't know. There's a silver and gold one in there, so, I guess we could. There's a bunch of colored ones in there." Kaneda shrugged to Fizz. "Maybe they are money of some sort."​