Adenovirus 423 Loki's Kin [South] OOC Discussion

Just tagging everyone that is part of this gang so that you know the OOC is here to discuss anything for chatacters :)

Gang Leader - Thatcher played by @Rorshach's Journal
Gang Member 1 - Genesis Abby Shields played by @Nyx
Gang Member 2 - Jay (Walter Goodman) played by @Señor Bubble
Gang Member 3 - Lola Fread - Played by @Señor Bubble
Gang Member 4 - Verity Acardi Played by @Cidrae
Gang Member 5 - Shea Daubney Played by @Sentry
Gang Member 6 - Lyra Galloway Played by @Kian
Gang Member 7 - Amelia "Mouse Bloxam Played by @Otomos the Crazy
Guess what! I've finally managed to create some locations for you. Feel free to start posting. I know Rorshach isn't here currently, so if you focus on setting up your own character journey's and stories, feel free. You're still trying to find knowledge on the Key for Thatcher, at the end of the day. And there are also now these Caches to scout and find.

Just keep in mind that I will be dropping the caches in locations for characters to find, you can't just stumble across them. Same with specific information regarding the Key, that needs to pass by me first. :)
If you want to go first, go ahead, then let everyone know here and they can follow :)
Hey guys! I know it's slow, but so we can get the ball rolling here, let me know if you'd like to start a scene with Shay. Thanks!
@Señor Bubble I know you've got one South character West, and then had one with Morgan, I've not had Morgan follow at this stage so that can free you up for something here now that we have started posting here. :)
@Kian @Aman

Just to let you know @Otomos the Crazy and @Señor Bubble have posted in South if you wanted to post your characters there and set things up with them. @Sentry also has a character to work with. :3 need to get some plotting going here.

Kian, can't remember if you finished your South character, but there is also North activity that you can post for too :p
I finished my south character, but I never got to my North, I haven't had any inspiration on it really... I'll check out the south side of things.
Ahhh I got it the wrong way round then lol. Which is perfect as South needs some action. North has stuff going on so no problem :3

Once Sentry is back, I'm going to be talking to her about getting things kick started here until Rorschach's Journal is able to return. :D