Deus Ex Machina Lore

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Monster the Vamelfaer

Sells all the Shubi

Long, long ago, there were two gods. Sol, god of the Sun, and Luna, goddess of the Moon. Sol was as bright as one might imagine: intelligent, powerful, and ever the hothead, while Luna was quite the opposite: cold, mysterious, and allusive. For hundreds of years Sol tried to win her heart, and for hundreds of years she denied him. The two sat on opposite ends of the sky; every time he drew close, she’d run to the other side once more. And so it went, night and day, night and day, two lights in a seemingly endless dance.

Until one day, the Sun finally caught the Moon, winning not only her heart, but also her hand in marriage. The two made a pact: no longer would they chase each other across the sky, but they would stand together side by side. Never again would earth see night followed by day, but rather both at the same time.

Time passed and Luna gave birth to twins: Aurora, goddess of the Dawn, and Dilucos, god of Twilight. In honor of their firstborn, Sol and Luna created a city on earth named Auroris, after their shining daughter. The family watched the city bloom like a flower. With each passing year they saw the buildings grow taller and the people grow wiser until it became the magnificent city we know today.

But peace can only last for so long, and Aurora grew restless. Though it was forbidden for the gods fall in love with the humans down below, Aurora fell anyway. Not just for a man, but for the city itself; its towering sky scrapers, its crystal rivers, and its golden streets. But she was young, and as youth often do, she fell out of love as easily as she had fallen in. Aurora returned to the sky, but when Sol discovered that she had had a child with a human, he sent her back to earth, forbidding her to enter the heavens again. She had made her choice, and it had corrupted her.

But Aurora had made her mark, not only on earth, but in the heavens as well. The other gods were no longer content to sit in their thrones in the sky; they too wanted to see the city for themselves. Sol knew it was hopeless to restrain them, and at Luna’s advice, he allowed them to visit earth as they saw fit. It wasn’t until their half-breed children grew up that the problems arose. Neither god nor man, they were too powerful for earth, but too corruptible for the heavens. Never to know what it was to be human, and never to taste the light of the stars. Demigods.
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