Ame Damnee Luxin's little ones


The Duke
You found them! Oh good. Well, since you're already here, might as well get introduced.
Aliases: None
Title(s): Ethereal, Songdaughter, The Gentle-tongued
Role: One of the Ethereal

Moral Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Affiliations: The Ethereal
Hometown: New Eden
Relationships: Abraham, of the Envoys, as a lover

Race: Archangel
Subrace: None
Age: Over 1,000 years old, though she appears in the prime of her life
Gender: Female
Sexual Orientation: Demisexual

Appearance: Anariel stands at 5'3", short by the standards of most races, with long golden hair and piercingly blue eyes. Her skin is fair and unblemished, giving her a beauty beyond that of the lesser races, and when shone on by sources of light, she radiates a glow back into her surroundings, gently illuminating her attire. Her four wings are a glossy black at their bases where they enter her body, fading to a pure white at the very ends. Each feather is surrounded in a faint, misty grey light. Regarding her wings, there are a pair coming from her shoulders, slightly larger than the second pair, with the second pair sprouting from below the shoulder blade. When out and about, she is most commonly seen in armored attire, though the coverage is not complete to allow her to move freely. When spending her time guiding those who ask it of her, she is more often found in a simple white robe, worn almost like a toga, with golden embroidery along the hemlines and golden ornamentation to ensure it stays in place.
Equipment: Anariel bears few weapons, but all that she does carry with her when required are potent. Her most common items are her spear and her blade, both nameless. Along the blades of both are a series of immaculate runes, glowing as crisply blue as her eyes. Both weapons are enchanted to simply never lose their edges or to break, allowing the archangel to fight with them at full force instead of holding back because of poor material, though the base metal for each is bronze.

Combat Prowess: Despite her small stature, Anariel is extremely skilled in melee combat when wielding a spear or sword, and able to still perform well with any other melee weapons.
Spells/Powers: Anariel has the ability to manipulate light at a basic level, using it for its minor healing potential as well as for simplistic effects like changing the colors of things. Beyond that, she is the bearer of the power to control sound. She can flex and manipulate the sounds around her, both to allow her to quiet her surrounding, or develop highly-concentrated and directed missiles of sound waves. While not inherently lethal, the power is more than capable of performing the deed when needed.
Weaknesses: There is a point on her back, at the conflux where her four wings meet, that cuts her off from her magic for extremely long amounts of time. While physically very capable, Anariel has very poor social skills, and is frightfully hard to deal with at times. Mercurial, flipping from nearly heartless to simply apathetic in an instant, she is known for being extremely competent on the field of battle, but not much of a person to find yourself enjoying the company of elsewise.

Personality: Anariel is unlike many angels in that she does not focus on the hope that can be provided through the betterment of community. She is driven to see the perfection in things, to see the pinnacle, not the journey to get there. Having not had to do much in her life to keep herself in peak physical condition, and having never truly met a foe she could not conquer with time, the archangel has found that the world has lost some of its luster. She busies herself with watching the world's events pass by, her mind parsing the possibilities to keep her busy. Though there are few who have even gotten beneath the more callous social exterior, all have seen that beneath the beauty lies a soul who means to do right by others, and only desires that life in all forms reach its utmost point. Her goal is the peace and security that such perfection would bring.
Skills: As would be expected of someone with her powers, Anariel is an accomplished singer, capable of producing beautiful harmonic pieces while performing solo. In addition, she has spent time learning languages, and speaks several fluently.

Bio/History: Time, the one thing that the mortal life measures to gauge itself, passed her by like leaves falling on an autumn day. Anariel had lived for centuries, outliving all whom she'd been close to in those first dozen decades or so with the exception of her own species. Even among angels, she was an elder, having seen more of the world, and having watched New Eden sprout from nothing. When the time came to choose those from the host who would help guide the city, she volunteered, offering to teach her martial skills to any who would ask it of her. To generals she taught tactics, but as time passed, the need for such capabilities dwindled, and peace settled over the land. She often found herself hanging on the winds high above the world in those days, drifting among the clouds and trying to find inner peace. She never could. Having spent her youth learning the ways of war, Anariel was unable to simply lay down the sword when the wars ended, and it plagued her as the years began to grow long. She did her best to not become a recluse, but her survival had left her scarred, and there was fear in her heart that it would never pass.

Centuries passed, deepening her worry, until she truly opened her eyes and saw what New Eden had become. It was a wondrous place, full of love and life, and it inspired her that she could return to who she had been before. That light awoke in her a desire to be the perfect model, to guide the world itself to perfection, if she could. Though her somewhat anti-social mannerisms never left her, she did what she could to be the guide she desired to be.

As she has traveled following the events of the Warden Grandmaster's passing, Anariel has undergone a slough of changes. Mentally, she has found herself more and more unstable, fragile almost, and her body has reacted to reflect that with the change in her wings. Formerly described as "a brilliant, pristine white, with luminous golden color running along the edge of each and every feather, though it casts no visible light around her.", they have become far darker, fading from black at the base to white at the tips.

Following the events at a small farmstead in Oblitus, Anariel has become more concerned about her mental well being. Although she has reunited and rekindled an old flame with Abraham, one of the Envoys, she feels the old fear of her past welling up once more. With Lucifer holding both the Cradle and Plume, she cannot help but fear the resurgence of his power more than he'd used when they'd fought. Following the events in the barn, she found her way to Heavensfall Lake, along with all the Envoys and the other Ethereal, Rythe, to perform a ceremony on a young angel in order to bring her into the fold of the Ethereals, in order to replace their fallen brother.

Other: The artwork has been updated to match her current physical look, as well as to ensure I don't have to take it down(cause I made it).
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