Magic, Chaos, War~ [Interest Check]

Name: Sawyer Watson
Gift: Air
Description: Sawyer stands at an average height of 5'7. His frame is a bit lanky and not very well-muscled. Instead of the gym, Sawyer would much rather be sketching or researching fanciful hair and makeup styles for stage or screen. His greatest ambition is to work in Hollywood for movies which require dramatic cosmetics such as aliens and monsters. Being a theater nerd, Sawyer can be a bit on the dramatic side, himself, and sometimes goes overboard in his reactions because he is still figuring out exactly who he is in life. He is also the twin brother of Annemarie Watson.

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Name: Jian Lei Xu
Age: 16
Gift: Fire
Description: Impulsive and somewhat reckless, Jian Lei is almost always in the thick of things, whether it be mucking about in class, skiving off to pull pranks or getting up to other mischief. Still somewhat stocky, Jian Lei has so far not had a the growth spurt typical of boys his age, but his broadening shoulders indicate that the 5’ 5” he has now will not be his final height. His hair is generally in perpetual disarray, often falling into his dark eyes, hiding the light of the infectious smile he bears.