Mai_able character's


Forest Faerie
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Name: Agape Meihiri
Age: Appear's to be around 18 in human years (20 Mea Cycle's old)
Height: 4"9'
Weight: 89 lbs
Race: Xolmeanian
Planet: Born on the Planet Xolmeani, In the kingdom of Atania (or Atanian)
Personality: Agape is a very curious person, she enjoys learning new things. At times she can be stubborn and very naive. Because her race cannot tell lies well she tends to be very blunt, it can sometimes come out as rude but she means the best.
Appearance: In her natural state she has bright emerald green eyes that almost seem to glow and bright pink hair. With tanned skin and her deer-like horns that appear brown. When she uses her abilities she appears with bright blue eyes, white hair, lighter features, and blue deer-like horns. The crescent moon on her forehead is teal colored.
Abilities: Atmospheric Adaptation- the ability to adapt in any different environment, Cryokinesis- the ability to manipulate and create ice (and water), Elemental resistance- high resistance against harsh weather conditions, Empathy-the ability to transfer a person's pain to herself (rather than being able to feel emotions)
Weapons: None at the moment, Xolmeanian's try to avoid conflict

Agape was born in the kingdom of Atania on the planet Xolmeani. Xolmeani is a vast planet, where Agape lived there were many tall mountains covered in white crystalized dust (almost like snow.) The water was teal-colored and helped their purple grasslands grow. The strange coloring was due to their atmosphere being influenced by their three moons. Agape was born to the youngest daughter king of Yoxvet (a neighboring kingdom to Atania) and a nobleman he had married her off too in order to secure land and wealth. Xolmeani are considered honest people, they are nearly incapable of lying given their peaceful nature they have no reason to. Xolmeani do not age like normal beings and go by the passing of the moons for their age. (It takes a year for all three to pass.) They call this aging the Mea Cycle. Xolmeani are lacking in technology but substitute most modern things with the different types of abilities the posses.

Agape was born in a fairly weak state, she was a small child much smaller than the normal Xolmeanian at birth. Her parents willed her to grow healthy and survive her infancy. With the help of the best doctors, she did. Agape was a clumsy child, but mostly because she was over-curious. Always wanting to learn new things and find new items to show her beloved mother. At a very young age, her curiosity and willingness to learn showed as intelligence to her parents. She was quick to absorb any information they gave her and had an uncanny memory. Her parents gave her the best tutors and taught her many things about their vast world.

Often times she would go visit her grandfather and he would tell her stories of their ancestors and the other worlds they explored. By 10 Mea Cycle's she had learned a vast amount of knowledge. Excell in her planet's history, science, and language studies. Math was the one thing she struggled with but it held no interest to her if they were not used in Scientific equations. This was also around the time that she had discovered her own abilities. Atmospheric Adaptation and the ability to withstand the elements was something her people held as a whole (due to the drastic changes in climate on her planet). But her other abilities had been gifted from generations prior, from both her maiden and paternal side.

By 15 Mea Cycle's her clumsiness had been replaced with a simple grace, one her grandfather had pressured her parents into forcing her to learn. If one was to be of noble blood they would walk and talk like one. Often times Agape would sneak away from her lessons to run outside and chase the wild animals that inhabited the lands. Of course, she would always catch a scolding. A lady of her stature and age shouldn't be running outside but should be delegating with her people, making connections and friends.

Agape was a sheltered girl and preferred her family and wildlife to the strange customs of noblemen. This led her to become an adventurer around the age of 18 Mea Cycles. Much to her grandfather's disapproval, but regardless her mother and father supported her wholeheartedly and only wished she would be careful in her journey. She merely wanted to explore her planet and hopefully learn new things in the process. And that she did. She spent 2 Mea Cycles wandering her planet, meeting other Xolmeanian's and gaining knowledge about her planet, and the various places the inhabited it, that she would never have known had she stayed in her home.

Her journey had led her back towards her home, scaling the vast mountains in order to reach her home she encountered a dangers Xein beast. They were ruthless vicious beasts who only hunted for the mere sake of killing, terrifying creatures that her kind tended to avoid. Much to her luck, she stumbled upon their den one night while looking for a place to set up camp. The beasts chased her, they scratched her side and just as she laid fearing she would die her reality seemed to shift, and there she was in a world completely different from her own.
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Name: Raja Piert
Age: 22
Height: 5 ft
Weight: 126 lbs
Race: Human
Planet: Born on Nexus
Personality: Raja's personality is a bit similar to a tiger. Her parents named her after one of course. She has a fiery temper and takes everything to heart. She's not much for people but really loves animals and wants to study the different animal species through the rifts. Raja enjoys exercising and spends her time exercising when she's not busy studying.
Appearance: She has brown hair with natural lighter brown highlights, hazel eyes usually with bags under them from late-night studying or exercising, and therefore lack sleep, and covered in various tattoos on her upper body. And two scars on her left cheek. She had two nose piercing and only one ear piercing per ear. She is usually seen with her mother's locket.
History: TBA
Meihiri Royal Family

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Ceani Meihiri (Agape's Mother)
Queen of Atania- Daughter of Onas (King of Yoxvet)
38 - (looks in early 20's)

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Yavin Meihiri (Agape's Father)
King Of Atania
42- looks in early 20's

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Adric Meihiri - (Agape's Brother)
(older picture of her brother/ though he is currently 4 mea cycles)

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Lycia Meihiri -Agape's sister
(also older version of sibling/ is also currently 4 mea cycles)