meijasrparilyn’s characters

Arilyn Enyo

A teenager who wants to find herself in a world where everyone is accepted, while at the same time, no one is. Arilyn is a descendant of Aries and Enyo, Greek goddess and god of Destruction.

Arilyn is a happy, high spirited person, but she has her moments when the characteristics of her relatives come back to haunt her. She can be aggressive and easily irritated, but she’s overall a loyal person. It takes her a while to warm up to people, but once she has, you’ll have a friend for life. She’s got at acting on instinct, meaning her fighting skills are on fleek. She’ll always be there if you call her.

Some of her weaknesses however, are when she thinks she can trust you and then you betray her. She will go into a decline for ages. She also acts out of impulse sometimes, causing herself to get into trouble.


Bronze chest plate, heeled brown boots, a brown mini skirt. She’s also a curvy body type, meaning she can look appealing whilst fighting. It’s one of her many gifts.