Gods Among Men Metropolis Chinatown


Lord of Bondage and Pain
Located on the south side of New Troy is Metropolis' Chinatown district. Characterized by its distinctive Chinese architecture and markets, Chinatown has become one of Metropolis' most popular areas.

It is also home to the Sentinels of Magic and their headquarters known as Sentinel Citadel. This has attracted many magic users to the area, making it a safe haven for witches, mages, and spellcasters of all kinds.
Marshall exited out of a cab, he had just been on a 9 hour flight from England to America. He stretched his arms upwards towards the sky breating in deeply and then exhaling. When he finished, he took the time to take in his surroundings he noticed the chineese architecture and the smell in the air. A combination of scents filled his nose which if he were to describe it, then it would smell of stagnant water, burning plastic and greasy yet mouth watering food which after having experienced airplane food was very inviting.

Marshall smiled and puts his hands over his eyes as if to survey the area.
"Ahhh so many people here, is it like this everyday I wonder?"
The cab driver had taken out Marshall's medium sized black luggage from the back of the cab, he then turned his attention towards the cab driver and reached in his poket to get his wallet.
"Alright mate so how much was it again?"
After having paid off the the cab driver, Marshall then walked around the area asking for directions to the Sentinal Citadel.
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"Looking for Sentinel Citadel?" A man asked Marshall, approaching him from the other side of the road. "A few more blocks south and you'll see it. Very tall, hard to miss." He told the young man.

The man was dressed in a crimson overcoat, he was at least ten years older than Marshall and he was very much in shape. There was muscle under that coat.

"Are you joining them?" He asked, "Are you a mage?"
"Hmm?" Marshall turned to where the voice came from. Although he hasn't been searching for long after having been told the directions to his destination Marshall couldn't help but smile "Cheers mate".

Before Marshall could take leave, the man asked him a couple questions, he turned towards the man this time taking a good look at him. The thought that instantly passed his mind was that "Damn this dude is built like a brick."

Marshall quickly covered his mouth with his hand before proceeding to put it back down "Whoops, said that out loud didn't I" he said while laughing awkwardly.

"Anyways, my answer is yes to both your questions" he said in an attempt to change the subject, "Name's Marshall, how do you do" he extended his left hand forward for a friendly handshake.
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"Gaius." The man introduced himself, taking Marshall's hand. "The Sentinels of Magic can help a young mage like yourself, no doubt. But, my people can give you anything you desire." Gaius told Marshall.

"Power. Money. A kingdom. We take a different approach to magic." He continued.

"Go ahead and get settled with the Sentinels, see how you like it. I'll know to find you if you want more than a classroom and lectures from old spellcasters."
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Marshall simply stared at the man for a brief moment, slightly taken aback by what he said.
"Well if that time comes maybe, thanks again for the help" he said with a smile on his face unsure how he should react.

Marshall waved goodbye to the man before going south towards the Sentinel Citadel. He wonders who that man was but he didn't dwell too long on this mystery as he was finally about to arrive at the Sentinel Citadel.
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The Citadel was very active on the outside and the inside, local mages, civilians, all kinds of people were coming and going.

"All applicants to the Sentinels of Magic, head down the hall to atrium and please your papers ready." A voice said over an intercom.

The Sentinels got new members and people who wanted to learn every single day. Marshall was no exception.
Marshall watched as the influx of people came and went, he was astonished by how many people there were.

His train of thought however was disrupted by a voice over the intercom.
"Down the hall to atrium huh, oh right my papers" he said as he hurriedly opened his luggage.

"Now where was it" Inside the luggage he had more then a dozen set of clothes, a bag of toiletries, his laptop and his folder with the papers "Found them" he quickly had everything put back with the assistance of his telekinesis and then zipped his luggage close before getting up.

While in a rush Marshall accidently bumped into somebody "Oomph". He turned his attention quickly towards the person he bumped into but didn't really get a good look of them "I'm so sorry mate didn't see ya" he said before leaving in a hurry.
The atrium was filled with young people, their voices all drowning each other out as they conversed.

"Quiet!" A young woman said to the students, "Eyes on me!" She called out, grabbing their attention. She was an Indian woman, barely in her 20s, standing in the middle of the room.

"My name is Chandi Gupta, you may call me Lightkeeper. You are all here because you believe the Sentinels of Magic can help you." She began, "Help you to control your abilities, to get better at using them, and to help you find a purpose." Lightkeeper Chandi said to the group of young magic users.

She began to walk around the room, grabbing papers from various students and looking them over before handing them back.

"Here, we do not take kindly to the dark arts or you experimenting out in the real world. Magic can be dangerous, unpredictable, and those that fear it are even more dangerous and unpredictable." The Lightkeeper continued.

"Be cautious, students and recruits." She warned, "You will be assigned mentors and housing locally. They'll be in touch."

More members of the Sentinels made their way into the room, distributing keycards to the young magicians.

They had addresses and room numbers on them. It was only a matter of time before Marshall was handed his own.

"Your mentors will be in touch tomorrow morning. For now, I want all of you to settle in." Lightkeeper Gupta said to the new students.

"Find your rooms, meet people, have fun. Tomorrow you will begin your training."
Marshall was both tense and nervous, not knowing what to do he simply waited in silence while others around him conversed.

All the noise and chatter quickly died down however when a woman grabbed everybody's attention as she introduced herself as Lightkeeper. Marshall's first impression of this woman was that she seemed strict and rigorous not that he minds.

When she started walking around the room. Marshall fixated his eyes on her and more so when she started grabbing papers, Marshall's not being one of the few she looked over to his relief.

Marshall paid no heed to the warnings about the dark arts as he was more concentrated on the prospect that he would finally be trained under a mentor in the study of magic.

As more members of the sentinels arrived and started distribution of the key cards. Marshall was patient waiting for his key card as he saw no need to rush.
"Cheers mate" he said as he was handed his key card, trying hard to not seem to excited or smile like an idiot instead keeping a deadpan facial expression.

Marshall examined his key card, reading what his address and room number was "Well I guess I should check out what my new place is like huh, and probably get to know the neighbors too I guess"
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The apartment Marshall was assigned to was filled with students and recruits of the Sentinels. Everyone was getting settled in, meeting their roommates. Orientation was over, they had less than 24 hours to relax before they had to do actual work. Before they had to study their asses off. Depending on the magic involved, that might end up being literal.

Marshall's dorm was big, three beds in the room. Two of them already taken by two male students. "What is there to do in Metropolis?" One of them asked, holding a thick Irish accent. He was young, at least 18 years old, with dark hair and fair-skin. "I haven't figured that out yet. Haven't really been out on the town." The other answered. He was American.

He kept his head nearly shaved to the bone, his skin was darker, indicating that he might have been Hispanic. It was actually hard to tell. He could have just had a deep tan as far as anyone else knew.

"We should find something to do. I can get us some fake IDs, I bet." The Irish spellcaster said.
Marshall opened the door entering the room and then closing the door all while barely making a sound as his two new roomates hadn't noticed his presence as they continued to converse about what to do here in Metropolis.

Marshall hasn't been able to form a really solid opinion about either of them since they had just literally met. His current impression is that one is an American maybe Hispanic, Marshall didn't really know as he found it hard to tell but on the other hand he was already making opinions about the very obvious Irishman. Stereotypical Irishman, Marshall thought to himself he must be wanting a fake id here in America to get pint of guinness probably.

"Wouldn't blame ya mate for wanting a fake id, that bloody rubbish rules the yankees have here needing to be 21 to drink thing is complete bs" he said with a smirk and attempting to contain his laughter "maybe we can get a pint of guiness here but I wouldn't be risking it with a fake id here, considering ya know there are bloody spellcasters everywhere here who can probably read your mind"
"We can always head to Suicide Slum." The American said, "It's dangerous up there." The Irishman told his friend, "Don't be scared, Jake." The American taunted.

The American student stood up, moving to approach Marshall. "I'm Abel, by the way." He introduced himself.

"My Irish friend there is Jake. He's one of the cooler people I've met so far." Abel said, Jake giving the two youngsters gun fingers.

"He was, at least." Abel joked, "You wanna go to Suicide Slums, with us?" Abel asked Marshall, "What better way than learn the town than seeing the real town?"
Suicide Slum huh, Marshall thought to himself. Although he had never been there before he could tell from just the name of the place he'd probably want to steer clear from there.

"Sup Abel" he said and winked at him and then just stared at Jake with scepticism "cool" he said without a trace of vigour in the tone of his voice before laughing shortly afterwards.

After hearing their proposal to go to Suicide Slum, Marshall would stroke his beardless chin "hmmmmm". There were two routes, the yes route would lead to a completely unnecessary adventure to a place he knows nothing of but the name of the place itself is intmidating enough or he could say no and be in safety within the dorm, truly a difficult choice.

"Imma think about it... no" he said with just a bit of sarcasm but then again, perhaps this place wouldn't live up to its name he thought and besides these two are probably going to go either way so somebody has to look out for them, make sure they don't get into trouble. Also what Abel said about seeing the town does make a lot of sense to Marshall "actually ya know what, fuck it, I'm in" he said changing his mind and then throwing his luggage on the remaining bed that wasn't occupied.
"Perfect. We can take the train. If we're lucky, we won't be the only ones who had the same idea." Abel said, grabbing his coat. "You two won't regret this." He assured Marshall and Jake, "There is something about people telling me I won't regret something that instantly makes me regret it." Jake joked, moving to follow Abel to the door.

"The Sentinels probably have people keeping an eye on us, but Chinatown gets so busy sometimes we should be able to slip right by." Abel told the others, "Easy as pie." He said, opening the door only to see a woman in a wheelchair right outside the room.

"Uh, hey." He said to her. "Hey yourself." The woman said to Abel, wheeling herself by him into the room. She was a fair-skinned woman with long auburn hair. She didn't seem too much older than the students, but she clearly wasn't a student herself. "I'm Lori." She introduced herself, "I'm your RA, so if you need anything, let me know. You all seemed like you were out the door, so I'm going to go."

"My office isn't far. You'll find me easily." Lori said, rolling back out of the room into the hallway. Abel watched her, waiting until she disappeared into another room before stepping out into the hall. "Now we can go, hopefully without more authority figures showing up."
Although Marshall made up his mind to go with Jake and Abel there was an unsettling feeling about all of this as if everything could easily go awry and that something could happen even as they neared the door, this suspicion being confirmed when as soon as Abel commented how easy this all was and immediately after opening the door we come face to face with the RA who can shut down our lil adventure before it even starts.

Marshall instantly froze even though he had expected something to happen he didn't expect it to happen before they even managed to step one foot out the door. Attempting to recover his natural composure "Nice to meet ya Lori, have a nice day" waving her goodbye as she left the room, he sounded a lot more awkward then he would've liked but at least she was gone. "I whole heartedly agree with ya Abel" he said as they stepped out into the hall.
Abel took the lead, treating their walk down to the street like he was a spy navigating a building full of enemies. They were allowed to leave, he just didn't want any authority figures asking questions he didn't have the lies to just yet. It wouldn't take them too long to eventually get outside to the hustle and bustle of Chinatown.

"Great thing about Metropolis, the trains are free. They can afford it, Superman brings a lot of tourism to this place." Abel told Jake and Marshall, "I checked my phone for some of the trains we might need, follow me. The one that takes us north is coming soon." The young mage said, gesturing for the two others to follow him.

"I'm kind of excited. I've been studying more than I've been having fun over the years." He said, "Same here." Jake added, "Parents were preparing me for this." The Irishman told his roommates.
As Jake and Abel talked about how their parents prepared them for the study of magic before they even joined the Sentinel Citadel, all Marshall could do was recall the time when he first used magic and how his parents reacted very negetively towards it. In fact his parents think that he's off to college right now, not even knowing that Marshall is currently here.

Briefly expressing his true emotions he looked down to the ground with a grim expression and mixed feelings of jealousy, anger and hate. Before looking back up to face Abel and Jake, attempting to make as authentic a smile he can trying to bury those negative thoughts in the back of his mind "you make it sound like we're gonna go out there to stop some sort of super villian and save the day."
"That would actually be really cool." Abel said, gesturing towards stairs leading up to a train platform. "We'd be in a lot of trouble, but still." Jake added.

"Besides, Suicide Slum's only real threats are hobos and gang members. They see us throw some magic around and they won't bother asking us for change or our wallets." Abel told his roommates.

"We'll be fine." He assured them, "People always say that before bad things happen." Jake said to Marshall.