Chronicles of The Omniverse Archived Midlands

The Sergeant shook his head. "No, we are soldiers of the Aschen Empire, sent here to conquer this world in the name of our Emperor." He said. "An invasion that is still ongoing, just not as planned." He said, gesturing to the cave. "Come with me, let's get out of here, no doubt someone else will come investigate this crash." He said, nodding to the female, who pulled out a plasma grenade, armed it, and tossed it into the open cockpit.

"Someone that's never heard of Valore or the Aschen Empire will have a lot to learn." He said, leading the man up to the cave entrance.

If the man didn't stop the female soldier, the Grenade would detonate in a brilliant blue flash, engulfing the pod in a brilliant shower of superheated plasma, marring it beyond recognition and engulfing it in new flames.

The Sergeant called out. "Pack the supplies, we set off for a new safehouse within the centon!"
The Sergeant shrugged, as the pod exploded from the force of the Plasma grenade. There wasn't much to watch, no fanfare, simply the explosion.

"Come with me." He said, stepping up and towards the entrance of the cave, with one of his soldiers handing the strange man a uniform similar to those worn by the other Aschen.

"Can you use a weapon?" He asked, gesturing for a disruptor rifle to be brought over.

Once inside the cave, the strange man would find himself surrounded by dirty, some depressed looking Aschen soldiers, equipment was slowly being rounded up, but it appeared these men had been on the run for some time.
The man's eyes never strayed from the explosion, a satisfied grin fixed in place. After some time, he followed the sergeant.

"I have never needed to," he said, looking curiously at the rifle, "though I can fight in other ways."
"You're going to learn." The Sergeant said, checking his datapad. "We have a squad in Westeria under fire, we'll need to move to meet them in the city, and then move out to a more defensible location." He said, lowering the datapad, and looking to the newcomer.

"Find something to carry, we're moving out in one Millicenton."
"What's a millicenton look like?" the man asked, imagining some form of vehicle.

He lifted a pack without any discernible effort, holding the rifle by the barrel.
"A millicenton is roughly ten of what they call Minutes here on Valore, its a unit of time measurement." The Man explained, hefting a pack and throwing it over his shoulder. "I'm going to give you a crash course on one of these weapons." He said, grabbing the disruptor rifle. "This button arms the weapon, this one ejects the fusion cell. You get about fifty shots per cell, don't look directly at the muzzle flash." He said.

"It's fairly simple, point and shoot, but do not shoot at anything unless I tell you, understand?" He asked, while everyone formed up into a single file line.