Midnight Sun

Saifu took it without hesitation, though realized afterwards that his fingers were covered in dirt. He brushed them off awkwardly, still holding the vial. "It's the Elixir of Life." They boy answered.
Artem looked at him curiously, "So, it can bring back the dead?" Artem eyed the vial suspiciously and kept walking. "Keep that well hidden, especially from the elves. They'd probably kill you for something like that." She rubbed her neck and sighed, "Where exactly are you from?" She glanced at him shoving her hand in her pocket.
"Quite the opposite, in fact. It's purpose is to stop the effects of death and age entirely." Saifu explained, trailing after her. He took very seriously her comment about keeping it hidden, tucking it somewhere out of sight on his person. To answer her second question, "You wouldn't believe me if I told you."
"So you could live forever? What the hell would be the use of something like that when you're alone? All the same, don't speak of it from now, or you'll be risking your life further." Hearing his response she glanced at him, "Try me. I'm fully aware you can't be from this world. You smell a lot different than any of the creatures here. It's a very distinct smell." She thought of his sweet smell and shook her head facing forward. She would probably be the only one besides the elves to believe him. "This world is called Namera. I'm assuming you aren't familiar?"
"Familiar enough. Before yesterday, I lived on the moon." The boy found it interesting she would mention his scent. "What do I smell like, to you?"
He almost stumbled on something else, but caught himself before he fell. Saifu didn't mean to try changing the subject, but it was something he wanted to know, especially since she had brought it up on multiple occasions. Was there something significant about it?
"Interesting, as you are right unbelievable. Namera has two moons. Do you live on Tanic moon to the west, to Lenerix moon to the east?" She tilted her head as he changed the subject but didn't meet his gaze, "You smell sweet, and earthy scent that I can't place. Almost like honey and the scent of a clear night. As I've said it is not from this world." She shrugged once more before stopping to stretch, "We have arrived at our first destination, the Vampire's city. Manesti the city of blood." She looked over to him with a serious look. "Stay close to me, they will not harm you so long at I am here. But, if you leave my side they will drain you of life and blood."
"Neither, I don't think. It was always just the moon." He answered, then let it drop.

Saifu inched just a half-step closer, wanting to keep his blood and his life; he glanced around, suddenly wary. There were vampires? Here? Just the thought of one was nightmare fuel enough, but a city of them? The boy rubbed his arms, goosebumps rising across his entire body.
"They aren't bad people, you are just like foreign meat. You smell sweet and I'm assuming they can as well. We are stopping here to visit the castle, stay for the night and restock our supplies before leaving." She made sure he got close enough before walking, she walked at his pace to make sure he could keep up. As the walked the streets towards the looming dark castle, she could see the glint of red in every eye as they passed looking at Saifu.
He could feel the color drain from his face. They were staying the night in a kingdom full of things that wanted to eat him. This was a terrible idea, agreeing to travel across the country to these mystical elves who undoubtedly would also want him dead for some inexplicable reason. Doomed was an understatement. There was no possible way he was getting out of this alive.
Saifu tried to keep his gaze on the ground in front of him, but feeling the eyes of so many, he couldn't help but continually glance around.
Artem flashed her fangs a few of the gazes stopped, she noticed Saifu's anxious gaze and whispered, "The castle is a safe place, my father's friend is the king fo this area. He won't harm you, but he can sometimes be a bit..weird." She didn't mention the fact that the king was supposed to be her betrothed, but she left him and refused. But, she also didn't think it was all that important. "Here we are." She walked up to the gates, the guards noticed her and opened them for her giving a small bow before glancing at the boy behind her. Walking to the door there was a man, looked around the same age as Artem, standing at the bottom of the steps. He had Magenta colored hair and deep green eyes. "My oh My, if it isn't my betrothed. And what's think, you brought me a present I see." Artem grabbed Saifu's wrist and pulled him behind her, but didn't let go. "No he is not your snack, and we are not betrothed Yamo."
Saifu remained very quiet. His hands could be felt shaking slightly as the boy peered to look out from behind Artem. This would have been the opportune time to bolt, but her firm grip prevented him from leaving. It was probably for the best, anyways. He'd be dead otherwise.
Yamo walked towards her smirking with every step, Artem's fox-like ears lowered on her head as if she was ready to attack. "We came to seal shelter for the night. And to replenish supplies. Nothing more, nothing less Yamo." The male walked in front of her and tilted her chin with his finger, "And that's all?" Artem's gulped and unnerved manner could be evidently seen, with a swift movement Yamo pulled the boy from her grasp and looked down at him. Yamo leaned into Saifu's face and stared into his eyes. "Well, aren't you cute. Like a small forest animal, I can smell your fear." Yamo chuckled his fangs in full view before releasing the boy and looking at Artem. "If you wish to stay you must first grace me with a request." Artem sighed and walked over to Saifu standing in front of him once more. "What?" Yamo smirked and tilted his head leaning his chin on the back of it, "Grace me with a kiss and your blood dear. Or I'll happily take your pet here as a gift"
"I-I-I am not a pet," Saifu stuttered, his voice almost completely broken in terror. There wasn't a chance he would even bolt at this point, given the opportunity. He was frozen stiff, petrified by the circumstances. By this... creature standing before the both of them. He was doomed, he knew it.
Yamo merely laughed at Saifu's words, "Really now? Then what exactly are you? Only pets reek of fear like you unless you're just that-" Artem interjected stepping between them once more, "I'll do it. Now leave him be. Treat him as a guest, anything less and I won't hesitate to slit your throat." Artem straightened her back growling slightly, Yamo only smiled and nodded before turning away expecting them to follow. Artem paused before following, "Are you okay?... Listen I will do what I must to keep you safe here, but whatever room they place you I beg you not to leave. I can't protect you while I am with him."
The boy nodded, listening and hearing, though he couldn't take his eyes off Yamo as the vampire turned and slipped silently away. It was enough to bring back the goosebumps, and it dawned on Saifu that he was still shaking as his senses returned little by little. It was all he could do not to bolt, instead following far too closely behind Artem.
Yamo lead the pair into his home, it was victorian style castle, darkly lit and dreary was the feeling it gave. He walked them down the halls before they stopped at a room. "Here we are your sweet. I will stop here later to pick you up my dear wife." Artem frowned and rolled her eyes, "I am not your wife Yamo. Now begone with you." She growled at him and pushed Saifu in the room stepping in after him. She closed the door and let out a sigh, "Stupid Yamo." A string of curses inaudible followed afterward as Artem began to pace the room. She can't believe she was letting this demon drain any of her blood, it would practically tie them together if she wasn't careful. But, it was the only way to protect Saifu so she didn't mind all that much.
Saifu rubbed his crossed arms through his sleeves, holding them closely to his chest and nervously observing the room. His gaze drifted, and he watched her pace, back and forth, muttering profanities under her breath. Even if he didn't have much of a sense when it came to self-preservation, he knew Artem had accepted only to protect him. For once, he was grateful. This was not how he wanted to die, but neither did he enjoy observing her suffering in this. Yet, he wasn't sure which side he was more on, so he kept silent in his shivering.
She glanced at him noticing his shivering and stopped pacing to crouch grabbing the blankets from the bag. "Vampires love this cold. They don't feel it regardless. Here." She carefully placed the blanket over his shoulders and sighed. "You'll be alright. I promise I won't let him harm you." It was then that she heard a knock on the door, she looked at him reassuringly and went to open it. Exchanging a few words with the woman she looked back at Saifu and nodded before leaving locking the door behind her.
"Don't die," he mumbled seriously, watching until the door clicked shut. The boy sank to his knees and pulled the blanket further around his boney shoulders. There had to be something interesting to do while he waited.... All he could think about was Artem; his mind had little space for anything else, and Saifu appeared to almost completely zone out from reality as he contemplated and imagined.
It had been nearly two hours before Artem returned, there was a rustle behind the door before she was lead by a guard into the room. Fresh fang marks could be seen on her neck and wrist, her eyelids dropped heavily as he stumbled in the room. "damn vampire scum.." She muttered as she stumbled her way to the bed. Her lips were dry and her skin seemed slightly paler than normal. She looked around the room, "Saifu? Are..you alright?" Her words were just a mutter but loud enough to be heard.