Monsterkind: The growth

Dreamless Realm

Restless writer
Life on the Edge GM
Under a broken moon and a starlit night sky, a young centaur filly looked up at her mother, and asked about the broken buildings and metallic remains in the distance. They belonged to the Age of Metal, her mother answered. The time of humanity, nature's torturers. Back when the Fae lords and ladies were almost dead, choking on polluted air and artificial manipulation. God's and goddesses, brought to their knees by people who didn't even know they existed. Thankfully, though, monsterkind had crossed over. From a different world and a doomed timeline, led by a hero that had recently perished as well. Along with the fire and destruction. Now it was the monsters' time to thrive. Build their civilization and society. Dare grow beyond existing and surviving.

"That sounds like a lot of work, mommy" Said the unicorn centaur filly, while her mother sharpened her only horn.

"That's because it is, love. But we're not alone in this" Answered the mother. They were on their way to a Riverside village, where some warriors were gathering for a series of expeditions. Their purpose, to find whatever humans still had fight in them. Whoever would resist change, and annihilate them. Aided by magic, and the power of shapeshifting will'o'wisps. In a world that was still young and only now coming alive truly. If they were ready to join their people, though, they would be spared.

Will you join them, or fight them?

Weeks later

Ziessel the Sharp, was a warrior knight in the service of light, the Rhonda forest and the Fae Realm. She had a daughter that now also belonged to the Vierno village. They had both arrived very recently, and as expected, they had been welcomed warmly by their kind. Vierno was populated mainly by four legged monsters, and led by a council of six.

Now Ziessel had become the Sharp as she was knighted, and her daughter was given the surname InVierno. Since it was where they resided, their anchor in case of dissipation. She was to find a partner for patrols, close and far. Maybe ventures into the wilderness in search of the last bastions of humanity. The mere thought of them made her blood boil in her veins.

"Careful mom!" Sasher complained.

"Sorry dear, lost in thought." Mumbled her mother in quick apology. She had been braiding her daughter's hair for the day, one of the few activities they shared in the mornings. Next would come the communal breakfast, in silence to accommodate those still grieving. A snap of the older unicorn's fingers turned off their lamps and torches, closed their windows and locked their door once they'd left their shelter. It was temporary, but helpful as they became acclimated to the village. Later on they'd move into separate buildings. Ziessel to the barracks with her fellow warriors, close to the outer walls for protection, to provide it. Sasher to one of the buildings closest to the center, where children resided. Near pregnant creatures, and fertilised eggs among others.

They chatted amongst themselves until they arrived to the dining hall, where silence reigned, for now.