Isn't It Grimm? Monster's Characters

Monster the Vamelfaer

Sells all the Shubi
Name: Viola Tucker

Age: 32

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Species: Human

Role: Scotland Yard Enforcer

Occupation: Spy

Bio: Not many people know Viola's past, as she is very secretive about her personal life (for good reasons). Viola grew up in London in a poor family, finding herself in and out of the poorhouse for most of her childhood. In order to help support her family, Viola was forced to work in factories from a very young age. By the time she reached the age of 14 she had a tendency to get into trouble. She stopped working in the factories, disguised herself as a man, and began to spend more and more time with a prominent street gang, mostly acting as an "errand boy." Eventually, the law caught up with her after she was caught stealing from an aristocrat. However, rather than taking Viola in, the officer (who always had a soft spot for kids) decided to take her under his wing and teach her about right and wrong. Four years later, Viola started working for Scotland Yard, and has been working there ever since. She still sends money to her remaining family every month in order to help keep them out of the poorhouse, though she tends to keep her distance from them for their own safety.

Interests: She likes to go to the park and simply people watch for hours on end in her spare time. It's almost a ritual for her; it helps clear her mind. Otherwise, she's obsessed with her work, and when she isn't out in the field, she practically lives at the station. Has a fondness for anything mint-flavored though.

Hates: Seeing anyone abused for their social status. People prying into her personal business. Small talk. Romantic gestures. Chocolate.

Looks: Viola's fairly tall for a woman; about as tall as the average man. Her build is athletic, and she's somewhat flat-chested. Her rich brown hair is usually up in some kind of elegant bun, and when she's working she's almost always wearing makeup, which makes her deep brown eyes stand out. Without makeup, however, her face is pretty plain; neither ugly nor beautiful. On the job, she'll wear whatever she needs to in a particular situation, however when she isn't working she likes to dress in a white shirt and black pants. Taboo, yes, but it's what she's most comfortable in. She didn't spend years dressed as a man with no side effects, you know.

Viola has two sides to her: her working side and her personal side. When she's working, she's a total social chameleon. Whoever she needs to be for a given situation, she'll be. She can slip seamlessly from one persona to another. She's willing to do anything she needs to in order to stay undercover, short only of taking an innocent life. However, when she's alone, Viola becomes an entirely different person. Silent and reclusive, she shuts out anyone who might dare to approach her. She has no friends or close ties, and she prefers it that way. When you learn as much about people as Viola does, you tend to not trust them. A downside of this is that she bottles up her problems, which will slowly eat away at her. It's entirely possible that she might one day have a complete breakdown.

Weapon (If Any) : A pistol, a couple of knives that she hides on her person, and usually has a small tin of poisonous tablets, just in case.

Blending in in any social situation
Good aim
Reading people and predicting their movements
Knows the streets of London like the back of her hand

Can "lose herself" if she's undercover for too long
Not particularly strong

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1/10 scale

Intelligence: 9

Creativity: 5

Wisdom: 3

Physical Strength: 4

Mental Strength: 3 (if by that you mean "psychological strength")

Accuracy (only with weapons) : 9

Social Skills: 10​