Deus Ex Machina Monster's Minions

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Monster the Vamelfaer

Sells all the Shubi
View attachment 1239 Name: Mors
Gender: Male
Age: Immortal, usually looks to be in mid-20s or early 30s
Class: God
Role: God of Death

Medella - Mors has an interesting relationship with the Goddess of the Living. Most would swear they hate each other, while some would say otherwise.

Personality: Mors has an overall careless and lazy personality. He tends to be fairly apathetic, and it takes a lot to get him truly interested in something or someone. Understandably, the one thing that really fascinates Mors is death itself, which intrigues him in the same way a child might burn an ant under a magnifying glass.

Appearance: As a god, Mors has many different forms. However, he is often portrayed as being a tall man with a skeletal face, dark hair, dressed in black robes, with giant raven’s wings sprouting from his back. Nowadays, he prefers a slightly more modern (and humanoid) look. Still tall with black hair, he has yellow-colored eyes, a human face (adorned with stubble), and an average body type. His skin isn’t bone-white as it once was, but he’s definitely on the lighter end of the spectrum. Usually, he’s wearing a black trench coat over a dark grey suit. The soft plumage of the raven wings have now been replaced by solid, mechanical wings with razor sharp metal “feathers.” Each “feather” (small knives, really) is black in the center with a copper-colored edge. When fully extended, these wings are as wide as Mors is tall. The wings are also capable of folding up upon themselves like an accordion, storing themselves into a compact, metal pack on his back.

Wings - Mors’ metal wings are useless for flying, of course. They’re far too heavy. However, the metal is practically impenetrable, and serves as an effective shield. The blades that make up the wings are also capable of detaching and shooting out in every which direction with nothing more than a shifting of his shoulders. This can trigger either one or many of the feathers. It’s possible to shoot out all the feathers at the same time, in which case returning the wings to their pack would allow the wings to reload the blades one time before he ran out of blades.
Reaper - A scythe with a copper-colored blade. The scythe has two forms; a pole and a flail. In its pole form, the scythe is even taller than Mors. This pole can break into chain-like sections in order to become a flail. However, other than just being a super cool way to slice people to bits, Reaper has another purpose. This scythe can cut the bond a departing soul has to a body, allowing it to pass on to the ether.

Soul Searching - Mors can literally see souls. A living soul is usually hard to spot, but a dying soul lights up in his vision like a beacon, allowing him to know when to cut it free.
Reanimation - Can turn a dead body into an undead being. Does not work on gods or automatons.
Soul Recollection - On rare occasions, he can place a soul back into a body, but only if it has been removed recently. Godly power.
Leeching - Upon physical contact, he can drain a person’s life force. It takes about 10 minutes of constant contact to fully drain someone. Does not work on gods or automatons.
Death Aura - When he wants, he gives off a general aura of fear and death, which often presents itself with the faint scent of rotting flesh.
Shapeshifting - General godly power. Can shapeshift into any living thing, humanoid or animal.
Immortality - General godly power. Does not age. Can only be killed by another god.

Combat Skills: Doesn't have to fight too often, so his skills might be a little bit rusty, but Mors is very good with melee weaponry. He's not so great with guns though.

Weaknesses: Mors' greatest weakness is his laziness, which can often lead him to take shortcuts or perform a shoddy job. Due to his apathetic nature, though he could likely win most fights he stepped into, it's possible he would just avoid the fight altogether because he didn't care enough to get involved. He also doesn't often think through the consequences of his actions, which has led to... Problems in the past.

Other Skills: What, being a god isn't enough for you? Please.

Bio: Mors would be qualified as one of the "ancient gods,” meaning that he wasn’t really born so much as he just appeared out of the blue. (Don’t ask.) Though there have always been questions about Mors’ origins. Is he actually Death incarnate, or is Death merely his charge? Not even he seems to know for sure, although he fancies that Death is an actual person. Needless to say, in addition to his dubious origins, Mors has never really got on well with the other gods. His careless nature tends to irk them, and one particular incident a few centuries ago only further fanned the flames. He’s still trying to pay penance for that, but Mors has always felt a little more at home in the mortal world than he does in Caeles. Being the God of Death and all, living in a realm filled with immortal beings is hardly interesting. He often goes down to Auroris to release dying souls from their bodies, but doesn’t usually interact with the people too much more than that, although he’s been quite the subject for ghost stories. Really, humanity is basically just his personal science project…

Additional Info: Nah
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Name: Subject Number 5; Calls herself Elsie
Gender: Female
Age: N/A
Class: Automaton
Godly Parent: N/A
Relationships: TBD
Role: A new, experimental, electric automaton.

This automaton’s psychosis is as unstable as her body is. Number 5 is extremely vengeful and creatively violent, and yet strangely affectionate. She loves to get physically close to people, and tends to touch them while she’s talking to them. Number 5 is prone to spontaneous fits of laughter, and it seems that the more live electricity she absorbs, the more psychotic she becomes, almost like it’s a drug to her. She has no respect for human life, although she’s quite fond of her fellow automatons, believing them to be “the people of the future.”

Number 5 is about the height of an average, adult woman, and has a metallic body which has slightly feminine qualities (the chest, however, is flat). Her body is made of thin, steel plates, all sculpted around a skeletal structure which is made of actual human bones, marrow hollowed out of them to make them lighter. Beneath the plates and wrapped tightly around the bones lie a multitude of stretchy bands to mimic muscles, and live, electrical wires twisting through every part of her body. These wires and bands are visible in all of her joints, but most prominently in the back of her neck. All of this leads to shockingly fluid and human-like movements. A gold masquerade mask that has been carefully sculpted to show the face of a beautiful woman covers her entire face. Beneath the mask lies her human skull, where there are two mechanical eyes mounted in the eye sockets. These eyes have the best optics money could afford, which can see in the dark and are enhanced with zoom features, allowing her to see clearly hundreds of feet away. The eyes glow with a pale, blue light, which flickers periodically like blinking. The glow of her eyes and her vocal inflections are the only way to read her expressions. There is a large plug sticking out of her back which is merged with the plating there. This plug can be attached to electrical cords, which may give her varied range.


Springs - Number 5 has large springs in her legs that allow her to jump three times as high as the average person.
Magnets - Embedded in her hands and feet are large magnets that she can trigger at any time to allow her to cling to any metallic surface (excluding non-magnetic metals such as gold or silver).
Electric conductors - While she can conduct electricity from pretty much any part of her body, the power is condensed and amplified in pads in her fingers. Upon contact, she can release an intense pulse of electricity.

Combat Skills: Number 5 isn’t so much skilled as she is wild. Her ferocity in a fight makes her a worthy opponent, and she tends to think with her environment. She’s good at knowing how to wield her electricity, and is also known for even using her power cord in a fight as well.

Number 5 is restricted in her movement by the length of her power cord. While the cord can be extended, she obviously can’t do this on her own, nor can she move herself to a different plug. She is trapped in a single environment unless someone moves her to another one. Her psychotic nature also inhibits reason on some occasions, especially when she’s high on a strong electrical current. She is also prone to spontaneous delivering electric shocks to anyone who touches her.

Other Skills:
Number 5 loves music, and it seems to have a soothing affect on her. She has a knack for learning instruments if anyone should give her one.

Subject Number 5 was one of five prototype electrical automatons, with her being the most advanced, but also the most unstable of the bunch. She has been locked up in a lab in the Moon Level ever since her creation, but now that her testing is almost done, she’s going to be sold in the Black Market to the highest bidder.
Number 5 seems to have some strange notions about her past. She believes that in another life, she was a demigod named Elsie, a child of Amor.
Additional Info: Eh.
Name: Briar Reid
Gender: Female
Age: 16
Class: Demigod
Godly Parent: Artifex
Ophelia - Tutor
Role: Miscreant Noblewoman

: Briar is a very free-spirited and rebellious girl, who gets a kick out of causing mischief. She's a bit spoiled, having grown up in a noble family, and doesn't always act her age. She enjoys being feminine, but hates to be ladylike, saying that it's "stifling." As a child of Artifex, she loves all things art and it seeps into her thought process, always thinking with an artistic mind. At heart, she's not really trying to hurt anyone, just looking for a little fun and secretly dreading that her future will be as boring as her mother's.

: Briar is a lithe, skinny girl with long blonde hair that's usually in some kind of updo. Her eyes are constantly subject to changing color at her whims, but usually she likes them to be a pale violet color (though naturally they are blue). She has metallic, floral tattoos all across her back, and a small tattoo of a rose on her right wrist (these allow her to access her demigod powers, the only reason her mother allowed her to get them.) Briar likes to wear dresses, skirts, bustles, corsets, and all those other fancy noblewoman clothes, but with her own little spin on each piece of clothing. She tailors her own dresses so that they maintain a look of elegance while simultaneously allowing her a full range of motion, enabling her to run, jump, and climb with ease.

Fex - Fex is a little bluebird that Briar managed to tame. Generally she keeps him in his cage at home, though sometimes she'll put a little chain on his foot connected to a bracelet on her arm, allowing her to take him outside so he doesn't fly away.
Paintbrush - Briar always likes to carry a paintbrush with her. Mostly, it's a reminder to her of her heritage, though occasionally she finds uses for it when she's out causing mischief.

Chameleon - Briar can change the color of anything she touches, whether living or inanimate. After she breaks contact, the effects can last up to 30 minutes before returning to its normal color. This also means she can change the color of any clothing she's wearing, and can even change her own skin, hair, and eye color if she pleases.
Animation - Can cause 2D images to come to life on the page.

Combat Skills
: Can't fight, but has been dashing around the city enough to know her way around, and is quite fast and agile.

: Briar tends to get into trouble, and while she hasn't yet fallen in with the wrong crowd, it's only a matter of time before she gets in over her head. Her impatience and immaturity often backfire on her, and she has no combat experience.

Other Skills
: Dressmaking; a skill learned from her mother. Also has a good eye for artistic detail, and loves to paint.

: Briar was the daughter of a seamstress who had managed to catch the eye of Artifex with her skill. Her mother, however, was already betrothed to a nobleman at the time. In spite of her unfaithfulness, Briar's mother and the nobleman were married anyway, and Briar was born shortly afterward. The marriage has been rocky because of this, and Briar's stepfather is none too fond of her. However, a demigod in the family is usually seen as a good thing, and so he tolerates her, even if he doesn't spend too much time around her. His frustrations were only multiplied when Briar's mother made it clear that she didn't want anymore children until Briar was old enough to be married off. As a result, her stepfather has actively been searching for a husband for her in order to finally get her out of the house. Briar hates the idea of getting married so young, preferring to make the most of her youth while she can, but her mother continues to remind her that "such is the life of a noblewoman." A small part of Briar hopes that one day she'll be able to meet her father and he'll help her to follow her own path, but she knows that's just a pipe dream.

Additional Info
: Briar is currently being tutored by Ophelia (Jr's character), although she's certainly less than an astute student.
Name: Lucian Summers
Gender: Male
Age: 26
Class: Demi
Godly Parent: Somnium
Relationships: His best bro Aaron (Alfredo) and his friend Sylvia, who's also their contact.
Role: One of Luna's Blades; a pair of vigilante assassins

Personality: Lucian is more the quiet, serious type, preferring to focus on the task at hand than waste time with petty small talk. While his sense of humor can be prompted in certain circumstances, when he's working, he's strictly business, and will probably get irritated if someone tries to distract him. Tends to be much more relaxed around people he knows well. If someone doubts his expertise in any area, he's quick to show off and prove them wrong. Lucian is also known to hold quite a grudge, so much so that many people ask if he's actually a child of Vindicta.

Appearance: Lucian is of average height with a lean, athletic build. He has short, somewhat messy ash blond hair and dark grey eyes. He has silver tattoos on his chest, back, and arms that have to do with various Moon Temple rituals. Even when he's not working, he tends to wear darker colors, but when he is working he'll be in black clothes with a silver mask.

Sniper rifle - Very accurate; has a scope. Can hit a target from a mile away, max. Lucian always keeps it clean and well-cared-for, because it's his baby.
Revolver - For use in emergencies, as it has no silencer.
Switchblades - Has two switchblade knives that he uses for more up close assassinations.
Smoke grenades - For distraction or a quick getaway.

Healing - When Lucian's asleep, he heals much faster than normal. For example, a bullet wound in a non-vital location would heal after 24 hours of rest. Major injuries still require medical attention.
Knock out - On an unaware victim, if Lucian taps their forehead they'll fall sound asleep for at least 2 hours. Doesn't work if the person is on guard.
Coma - If a person is already asleep, if Lucian taps their forehead they'll fall into a coma, only able to be woken up when he releases them from spell. He can only hold up to 5 people in a coma at one time. He can release the spell regardless of distance.

Combat Skills: Lucian has been trained as an assassin for about 14 years. He is a crack shot, and is quick and efficient in hand to hand combat. While he's just as good fighting with or without a knife, he prefers a more fatal outcome, and so usually fights with a knife.

Weaknesses: Tends to be tired a lot, and sleeps more often than the average person. Has been known to allow his personal grudges to get in the way of missions.

Other Skills: Too lazy to come up with something

Bio: Before Lucian was born, his mother was a servant in the Moon Temple and deeply religious. One day, she came across a man who seemed interested in her, but she turned him down. A month or so later, she realized that she was pregnant, and the man she had met earlier was Somnium, the God of Sleep. Eventually, Lucian was born, and his mother raised him in the temple until he was about 3 years old. At that point, she left, unable to look upon the child she had never wanted in the first place. Lucian continued to be raised in the temple by the people who worked there. When he was 12 years old, he was given a letter left by his mother explaining why she left and who his father was. Lucian swore two things then; to find his mother, and to avenge what his father had done to her, in order to regain her favor. Around the same time, he started training under Luna's Blades, whose existence he hadn't known about until then. A few years later, another boy came to the Moon Temple, and he too was trained as an assassin. Aaron and Lucian became fast friends. Three years ago, the pair became full on assassins when their mentors retired to do mercenary work instead. A year after that, they met Sylvia, who served as their contact in the Sun Level to help them pick assassination targets. As Luna's Blades, Lucian and Aaron work to purify the streets of the Moon Level, weeding out corruption as they come across it. Mostly, this is done through carefully chosen assassination targets, though occasionally blackmail or subterfuge will come into play. While they listen to their superiors within the temple, their ultimate loyalty lies with Luna herself, their patron goddess.

Additional Info: Meh
Name: Nelson Zicari
Gender: Male
Age: 43
Class: Demi
Godly Parent: Cassis (Goddess of War)
Relationships: TBD
Role: Leader of The Blue Devils

Zicari is a down-to-earth kind of man, who always prefers when people speak clearly and say what they mean; no amount of flowery words will impress him. He's blunt and straightforward, and has a nasty temper. While he has lackeys to do his bidding, he prefers to handle his personal vendettas himself. Zicari's not afraid to get his hands dirty; in fact it seems like he rather enjoys the dirty work. Oftentimes, he will perform interrogations or torture himself. He doesn't trust easily, and if he even begins to suspect that someone's about to stab him in the back, he'll strike first.

Once a handsome man, Zicari's age is finally starting to show through. His red hair and beard are peppered with grey hairs, and his blue eyes have paled slightly. The wrinkles in his face have become more pronounced over the years, but his body is still strong as an ox. Zicari is by no means a small man, and his stature alone is usually enough to have people shaking in their boots. His left hand is made entirely of metal, perfectly calibrated to his body, and 10 times stronger than his right hand. He tends to avoid using his left hand for more delicate tasks though, as it's been known to completely crush things with just a slight twitch of his fingers. He dresses in common clothes, saying the fancy clothes some of the other gang leaders wear are impractical and a sign of weakness. He has a gold tattoo on his right forearm; the shape of a devil and the symbol of his gang.

Has brass knuckles for his right hand, and always carries around a small bottle of laudanum with him.


Battle Cry - Zicari can perform a battle cry that will instantly reinforce his own men's resolve while breaking down his enemies'.
Berserker - In the heat of battle, Zicari will feel no pain and his strength increases. Loses all sense of reason in this state.

Combat Skills:
Zicari is naturally very strong, and prefers hand-to-hand combat above anything else. Boxing is his personal favorite. Not bad with guns, but not such a great shot at a distance.

In a fight, Zicari is all brute force and no tactic or speed. If you can out-maneuver or out-smart him, he shouldn't be too hard to take down one on one. However his biggest weakness is his recent addiction to laudanum (opium). He can't go more than a few hours without taking a dose.

Other Skills:
He be skilled enough to break yo face in, punk.

Nelson Zicari was the son of Phillip Zicari, the original leader and founder of The Blue Devils. Nelson was 17 years old when he murdered his father, usurping his control of the gang. By that time, he had already earned his fearsome reputation, and so his authority went unquestioned even at his young age. Nelson has led The Blue Devils to immense prosperity in the last 20+ years, and after he took over the automaton auction business from another gang, their stranglehold over the Black Market has been unparalleled. 6 years ago, Zicari fell fatally ill and was bedridden for months. Miraculously, he pulled through (the doctor attributed it to a blessing from his mother and Zicari's fighting spirit) but not without becoming heavily addicted to laudanum. He almost lost control of The Blue Devils in that time, but his second-in-command managed to keep things under control until he was well again. Now the gang sees Zicari as "the man who fought death and won," their respect for him compounded, but there have been rumors of a new upstart hoping to take control of the gang. If only Zicari could find out who it was, he'd take the kid out without a second thought.

Additional Info:
Because of his dependence on laudanum, Zicari isn't nearly as sharp as he once was, nor as crafty. However, he's still very intelligent, even if he does prefer to shoot first and ask questions later.
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