Pokemon: Journeys of Anteceon Mount Anteceon


Conquering New Realms 1 pair of Oppai at a time

The last obstacle on Route 1 before reaching the next city is Mount Anteceon. Mt. Anteceon is a dormant volcano where fire Pokemon live and thrive.

Fire Pokemon levels 1-5 will spawn here.​
Anthony had lead the group to the base of the dormant volcano. The ground is warm and soft. Vegetation was rather sparse around the base, but for the most part the group was relatively safe as there wasn't any where Pokemon can ambush them.

"I guess. I remember there was a popular hotspring back in Hoenn, made by a local volcano. Maybe we'll find one and get these clothes off." Anthony joked, but shut up rather quickly as he quickly realized how stupid the joke was.
"Right I haven't told you. Tom is the Litten. Sherlock is the shellder I befriended at the lake." Timothy said.
"Well let's start looking for pokemon." Timothy said. He took out the bean safe and took out 7 beans. He gave one to Tom and walked into the tall grass while Tom was eating his bean.
Audrey took in a deep breath of the fresh mountain air. Well, kinda fresh. There was definitely the smell of smoke and ash from so many years of fire and fire types. "I hope I can find a growlithe." Charley said, and Audrey watched Tim enter the tall grass.

A wild houndour has appeared!

Level: 5

Action: The houndour waits patiently for the trainer to step into the grass, separate from the herd, then it pounced! It jumped out of the grass to growl at the trainer and the litten.
"Hello." Tim said. He put a bean on the ground before the Houndour and took a step back. Tom was chewing his bean when he looked up at the Houndour.

The pokemon followed you stepping forward one step and growling. It's nose caught sent to the bean and it looked down. It sniffed at it and ate it. It contemplated the flavor then wagged it stubby tail.​

The houndour sniffed them then ate them happily. It padded up to the Trainer cautiously, sniffing for more beans.

The houndour takes the beans happily then stands next to the sitting trainer, looking at him intently for more.​
Tim opened up the safe getting 3 more beans. He locked the safe and put it in his bag. He put the beans in front of the houndour. Again.
"Uh....so Timothy seemed to be rather busy. Oh uh I forgot you- TO!...ask, but are you ok after that whole fishing fiasco?" Anthony asks
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The pokemon ate the beans and sat next to the trainer. It no longer thought the trainer as prey or threat.​