Pokemon: Journeys of Anteceon Mount Anteceon

Audrey struggled against her captor but being a small child, it was fairly ineffective. She dropped the block case at their feet in the struggle. Charley fluttered angrily overhead, no longer able to use his moves on the man. She growled low at him, unable to scream. Over head Charley said "What do? What do? Audrey's in danger! Danger! Help! Help!" He said.

Munchies saw the trainers run at them and figured that she would soon get fed again. She tried to get free of the carnivine and sniff around for food. She caught sight of the Block Case and began drooling.
Anthony stopped when he saw the poacher with Audrey in his arms. He saw Robin flying at full speed towards at the poacher but he grabs her mid air to make sure the pokemon doesn't make the problem even worse.

"Ok you little brats, here's what's going to happen!" Shouted the poacher "If you don't want anything to happen to your little friend here, then you're going to hand me all your pokemon and leave like nothing has ever happened ok?" Anthony's mind rushed to think of a solution, but he couldn't think up a good way of doing things without anyone getting hurt. The poacher, seeing the people's hesitation, pulls out a crystal and calls out his second pokemon. "Come out Stunky!" The poacher calls out his Stunky. The purple skunk pokemon flies out in a bright light and immediately used smoke screen, blinding the trainers and their pokemon as the man and his pokemon abandoning his truck, and leaving behind only Munchie as the Munchlax had already loosened herself from the Carnivine's grip.

"Audrey! Cotton!" Anthony cried out as the smoke clears. He was horrified when he found out that the poacher was now gone from sight along with Cotton and Audrey.

The poacher runs alongside one of the volcano walls, carrying Audrey in one hand and a caged Cotton in the other. Cotton was too terrified to say or do anything, and the poacher cursed Audrey and the trainers as he and his pokemon make their way into their camp, a carved out cave in the mountain wall. With his Carnivine, he ties up Audrey with vines before throwing the cage down next to her.

"Now I lost my truck AND the rest of my equipment. All because of you little twerps!" The poacher covers up the cave entrance with a couple bushes before tending to the two. "Now lookie here girlie, if you want to see your friends again, I suggest you be a good little girl and stay where you are." He turns to the Stunky. "You watch over them." The Stunky nods and guards the two, making sure they don't try anything funny.
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Audrey couldn't do anything but struggle as she is lifted off her feet and whisked away through the smoke. She has tears streaming down her face as she watches the man. Never before has she so wished she could yell and scream like other children. All she can do is keep a wary eye on the stunky and sit close to the cage containing Cotton, trying to calm the pokemon.

Charley is enveloped in the cloud of smoke and adjusts his wings so that he can gain altitude trying to keep an eye on the battle. When the smoke clears, Audrey, and the man and the other pokemon are gone. All except Munchies who is looking around confused. She walks over to the Block Case where her trainer had been. She looks around confused "Munch?"
The Chatot comes in and lands on Anthony's shoulder, giving him a one eyed stare. "Audrey? Audrey? Find her! Can't talk! Danger Danger!" He says emphatically. Munchies walks up to the two trainers, chewing on the head of the block case that che can't get open. She can't find the girl who knows how to open it. "Munchhhhhhhhh" She cries, sad and confused and hungry.
Tim finally got to the fight. He looked away for a second and they were gone. He looked around and saw Tom, Holly, Charlie, Munchie, and Anthony.

"Where is she!?!" He yelled.
Anthony looked around after the smoke cleared, and just like that the Poacher, Cotton and Audrey were all gone. "I...I don't know..." He replied. Anthony was still process everything that had happened. The mixture of confusion, sadness and anger had froze him.
""Holly, Tom, Charlie Search the area. Charlie whistle around or something! Anthony Get the rope, some matches, a couple of pine cones out of my bag. This guy chose the wrong pokemon to steal." He said.
Charley bobbed anxiously on Anthony's shoulder. "Call Officer Jenny. Call Officer Jenny! In the event of an emergency call Officer Jenny!" He said, before taking off to search.
"Huh....uh yeah I-I got a pokegear but it'll work I think." Anthony hands Tim opens up the pokegear. "Do you think anyone will pick up?"


In the secret base, the poacher sits deep in the cave, fiddling around with a broken radio, with his Carnivine, all the while, cursing under his breath. Near the entrance, the Stunky has now made it a hobby to terrorize the poor Fennekin trapped in her cage, with scary looks and mock attacks.
Munchies walked over and sat next to Anthony, putting one arm around his ankle to make sure he didn't dissapear like her trainer had. All the while chewing on the block case absently.

Audrey looked at the poacher who seemed engrosed in something or another. She saw a rock on the floor near her foot. She shot her leg out and sent it skidding across the floor to hit the stunky. Then she growled low at it, trying to draw it's attention and give poor Cotton a break.
"Of course. My father picked one up in Johto. It works with two way radios and phones. Jenny will hear our distress call." He put his bag down and took out the rope, matches, and pinecones..
"Uh sure. You call. I'll tend to the pokemon." He said, looking down at the Munchlax who had just latched herself onto Anthony's leg. "Don't worry Munchie, we'll find Audrey..."


The Stunky hissed at Audrey before it walked off to the cave's entrance, leaving Cotton alone. Cotton was rather relieved and crawled closer to the mute girl in order to stay safe.
"Of course. It's not the first time I had to use a pokegear to call Jenny." Tim said taking the pokegear he called Officer Jenny and waited for her to pick up.
On the end of the line the Jenny of Blackberry picks up the line. "Hello this is the police, what is your emergency?" She asks
The munchlax looked up at Anthony. "Munchhhhhh" She said, ever the philosopher.

Audrey put just the tip on one finger through the bars of the cage, asking permission to touch Cotton. If only Charley were here, then she would be able to give the tiny fox orders and maybe escape, but as it was, she was next to useless. She wipped away a fresh wave of tears. They would get out of this. Anthony and Tim would come to save her, and Charley knew to call Officer Jenny. They would get out of this.
"Hello Jenny. It's me Timothy. Again. Remeber the fire. That was me. But right now is a different situation." Tim said into the pokegear.
"Oh! Hi Timothy! I do indeed remember! How can I help you?" Officer Jenny asked, smiling brightly at the young man.
"Well one of our friends is being held hostage while some of our pokemon are being poached. Do you think you can send some help. Because I half a mind to start another fire. And on someone who may not like."