Mr. Moonglade's Extraordinary Orphanage

"I might have told this girl about magic. I accidentally read her name from her heart and she wanted answers. Maria Mabel. Brown hair, red eyes, clearly fake but it helps, fair, roughly sixteen or seventeen if I guessed the age correctly-" Kardia stopped, thinking. Probably too much information. "She looked at me like I had a glitch in my code and... left. I can name the coordinates of where I met her if needed."
Remi tensed up as Mr Moon nonchalantly flipped pancakes. Well that couldn’t be good. But his tension was due only to the shock of the older centaur's unexpected presence, and the obvious disapproval he was showering them with. Remi fouggt down the automatic instinct to shadow step away, out of danger. He'd never quite kicked that habit of panicking a little whenever someone looked at him like that. Fortunately, these days, he could step back into a shadow and vanish. Nothing could scare him now. Nothing. A blink of an eye later, he unclenched. Mr Moon was mad that the orphans had gone on their little field trip and risked exposure. He could be as mad as he liked. Remi himself felt no cares at all. He knew he was fine. Remi had an invisible gift, as long as he wasn’t stupid enough to yell for everyone to watch or grab some normal's shadow. They'd still probably blame the weather or some trick of the light. It was hardly Remi's first trip to the outside.
Remi ducked in and swiped a pancake. He raised an eyebrow at Kardia. When had that happened? Oh well. He wasn’t responsible for the new kids. He sat back to watch it unfold, eyeing off the pancake stacks and setting his nearly empty coffee on the counter.
Haji was relieved when they got back, however Mr. Moonglade asking about any exposure or injuries had her upset. That incident would certainly count, but those women didn’t know her name or anything, and it was so small… she decided not to mention it, but she couldn’t help but feel a pit of uncertainty brewing in her stomach. But that may just be her hunger. Regardless, she walked over and grabbed a pancake, putting it on a plate and covering it with whipped cream and strawberries.
“Oh. Uh, hi!” Xylia stuttered, caught completely off guard by the sudden appearance of Mr. Moonglade. Relieved to be back, she relaxed her arms and let her bags slide off them, being caught by a long stretch of her vines and carried away to her room. Rubbing away at the welts that had formed from the weight, she walked around to face the man with a large smile on her face. “I apologize if we have broken a rule of some sort. I did not know and we felt a common tingle to journey to the mall for a few things. You see I have this concealing mist from my parents that we used to help some of the group who may have gotten noticed .” She had realized how selfish the trip was after he had spoken and knew that she needed to explain the past few hours respectfully. Without breaking her smile, she glanced at the food resulting in a loud growl from her stomach.
“Do you mind if I make a plate?” She chuckled nervously, not really sure what to expect.
Mr. Moon nod his head over to where Haji stood by the plates. "I already had known about the mist, I guess I was just a little too quick to assume that it would only be used for emergencies... Either way, yes Xylia there is indeed a rule about leaving the ranch without permission and its obvious you weren't aware. Because of that, I suppose i'll let this slide for the majority of you;But there will still be some kind of punishment." He pauses giving a heavy sigh and places the spatula down. "Everyone but Haji, Remi and Duskly may begin eating... You three i'd like to talk to separately from everyone on the porch for a minute. I've got something I wanna say." At this point, Mr. Moonglade had more of an tired look if anything as he exited past the teenagers and towards the door.
Dusk gave Remi a worried lookas he followed his guardian outside. Dammit Rem! Why do I let you talk me into stuff like this for... N-No, f*ck it. I have no one to blame but myself...i'm too much of a pushover!
Remi raised an eyebrow as Dusk sent him a worried look. He tipped his coffee cup back, finishing the last dregs and leaving it on the counter. He glanced at the pancakes. He'd already eaten one. The rest of the food, he wanted. This talk had better not take too long. The others had asked before starting, but at least Haji already had a plateful. He snorted as he realised she'd have to leave her food behind or take it outside for their scolding. Mr Moon would only scold them after all. What else could he do? He chose to look after them. He couldn't stop them from leaving. And, Remi had already decided he wasn't to blame here. Nothing had happened. He couldn't be mad at them for acting like real teenagers. They needed to learn how to interact with people, ordinary people, and how to do basic things like shop. It wasn't even like they had to catch public transport or anything to get there.
Remi felt a petulant desire to ignore Mr Moon and stay inside, but his slightly more mature mind didn't quite let him. Instead, he rolled his eyes and stepped back into a shadow, turning around and stepping out onto the porch. He leant over the railing with his back to the others, shadows plucking leaves off the bushes.
Haji was slightly upset that she didn’t get to finish her pancake, but she could wait. She knew it would be best to just listen to whatever he had to say. She set her plate down and gave a look at everyone, almost daring them to try to take her food while she was gone, and walked outside. The air here was much less polluted and fresher than that of the city, and she liked that fact. She stared at a patch of grass, which had somehow become a bright green in contrast to the fuller tone around it. It almost reminded her of how they lived in their own world of interest and buzz aren’t things, surrounded by the mundane.
(oh shite, sorry!)

Osiria didn't even glance at the three trailing after Mr. Moonglade, and dropped her bags on the floor. She helped herself to a pancake, and collapsed into a chair.
"Maybe I shouldn't have bought so much stuff," she muttered to herself, reaching for the whipped cream. Osiria made a swirl of cream on the pancake, before standing up and making her way to the fridge.

"I don't suppose we've got chocolate chips, have we?" she asked, shutting the door and turning to search the cupboards. "Not really fond of fruit."
(Oh my god I made a huge mistake. I meant to ask for Kardia instead of Haji Xd Poor girl)
"We're going to take the big pill first and get you two out of the way first. Haji, sit tight for me darling" He turned his attention fully to Duskly and Remi with a scornful look. "Now if anything, the two of you should be the most aware about the dangers of leaving here without permission. What you did Remi, escorting everyone like that, you put everyone here in danger not only because of the risk of exposure, but because of the potential dangers of your abilities as well." Whilst saying this, he pulls out a pack of cigs from the front pocket of his blue button up shirt.
"Mr. Moonglade, please" Duskly cuts in. "We were just trying to-"
"Duskly Moonglade you be quiet!" he snapped. "With your condition you out of everyone else here should know best not to show yourself amongst in public like that. Even if you have concealment such as this, there's always a possibility for something going wrong and you all being taken away from me."
Satisfied, Xylia made a plate for herself and sat the table. She looked out behind the ones that followed Mr. Moonglade wondering what they were being scolded about. Surely it wasn't such a big deal that they went out, maybe something had happened before and it didn't end well. Hmm, maybe this means that there wasn't a big chance that they would attend school with Remi and her. Does that mean that he offered some sort of home schooling for the others? As she ate and waited for their return, she wondered about that and exchanged texts with the boy from the mall.

Pancakes? What did these taste like? Hmm. Kardia took a plate and filled it. Xir stomach made another annoyed grumbly noise, and xe sighed, finally giving in. "Ugh. Fine. Make your complaints," xe muttered to xemself, adding another pancake. Two. Hmm, what did people do with two slices of something again? Oh, yeah. Sandwich.

There was whipped cream. Xe took the bottle, lifting one pancake and spreading cream over the second one. Xe then put the top one back and took a bite.

Too sweet. Eh. Food was food.
Remi scowled at the bushes. Everyone was fine. Mr Moon was wrong. All that could have happened if he dropped someone was them popping out in some random shadow. They would have to find their own way to a bus stop or something but they would have been fine. And it wasn’t like they had been in any danger. Everyone had kept it all hidden. That mist of Xylia's had done its job. And as if Mr Moon actually cared if they went away.
A flash of guilt went through him, the first he'd felt since Mr Moon had started in on them. Not for what he'd done. But because he did know Mr Moon did care if they left. It had taken them a few years to figure that out, but even if the sight of him pulling out a cigarette still made Remi flinch, he wouldn't fight him on that. Mr Moon might be completely wrong, but he grudgingly had to accept that he did at least say it from a position of not wanting to lose them. He turned slightly to try and take a cigarette. "It's not like anything happened," he grouched. "Dusk even made a friend."
Mr. Moonglade pauses taking an heavy puff of the smoke(Which was strangely never seen being ignited by any source) before blowing upwards. "Did you now, Duskly? Wasn't it as easy as I said it'd be?"
"No..." he replies bluntly with an hint of embarrassment.
"Well look, i'm proud that you were able to have a good time despite never really going before, but I just prefer y'all come talk to me about things like this rather than go off out and about yourselves. Its my job to anyways and it may take some debating and time, but i'm sure it could be done with the right kind of effort, understand? Now, don't think that because im softening up, i'm going to overlook this. You're all going to have punishment with some being more mild than others...I think you two already know who'll have things the worst." He puffs more smoke. "Boys you can go back in. Just expect an early rise in the morning... Haji, I have a favor to ask of you."
The teen rushes back inside the house and into his room before closing the door quickly behind him. Dammit, the mist is about to wear off, I can feel it... Just a few more minutes and Remi's pants would've been toast.
Haji looks at Mr. Moonglade, as she had been preoccupied with staring at a puddle in the yard. She wondered what her punishment would be, but she could worry about that later. Standing up from her kneeling position on the edge of the porch she tilts her head slightly and asks. "What do you need?" She hoped it wouldn't be anything to drastic, as she was already planning to wolf down her pancakes then go pick up sticks for carving before hunkering down in her room. Alas, she had no new fabric to sew into clothes, so she'd have to make do for now until she got some new rolls. Perhaps she should make something more suitable for going to town... Well, like most things, that would be an issue for another day.
"I would like for you to be my eyes and ears for the next few days if that's alright with you, sweetie. Naturally, i'd see trust in the boys and everyone else here but, things may be changing for whatever reason. If you could just report to me the major things, that'd be swell."

(So sorry for the short post, but i'm currently packing to head to Louisiana and then Colorado for the next few days so I won't be too responsive. If you'd like, you all can keep going andnot wait up on me. Just assume Duskly and Moonglade had gone out to check on neighboring land to be potentially purchased by Moonglade, and they'll be gone for some time; If y'all want to continue that is.)
Duskly sighs heavily in relief as his body returns to its fully normal size, much bigger than his previous size. "Better, way better..." He puts a hand on the doorknob and turns it slightly before thoughts about the recent chat filled his head. Mr. Moonglade got really mad at us for going out today... I wonder if maybe he's still out there to scold even more at us. W-What about Remi? He didn't seem all to happy either about the talk. Maybe he's mad at me for rolling over and not even trying to defend what we went through and the fun we had. "I'm back..." he says to no one in particular after emerging from his room in full centaur form. No sign of Mr. Moonglade...good.
Remi held a hand out for his pants as Dusk emerged. A cigarette hung from his fingers now, smoke trailing from his mouth. He was still leaning on the railing outside. He'd decided to have a smoke before dinner. Maybe Dusk would join him. He didn’t particularly care. He didn't glance back as he clopped into the room, instead staring out at the lawn and the road beyond. An early rise? Good luck getting him out of bed. Remi vaguely recognised somewhere in his head that he only fought those boundaries because he wanted to check they were still there, but he ignored that part of him. He didn't like working and he didn't doubt that that was what Mr Moon had in store for them tomorrow.