Neptune: Ghost to Ghost

Raynar Saassin

Multiverse RP'er

After finishing off a strike organised by the official; Commander Zavala, Vortex-25 decided to go on a routine patrol on the moon of IO, to help clear out any pockets of Taken, Cabal and Vex that were still lingering on it's surface. One of her stops led her to the buried construct known as a Pyramidion:


This Vex Construct was one of returning trips as Vex and Taken were constantly reported inside of this construct and is still teeming with such enemies. Asher Mir called the Guardian despite his own judgement to investigate a particular Warp Gate that had been reported to be sending people to other dimensions and asked for them to confirm if there's any sort of Taken Influence and report back.

So they delved in with their weapons loaded, and cleared out as much as they could on the way to the Warp Gate when they discovered something odd about it, the Gate had numerous fallen technology around it as well as a few guards which they had to take out. "Asher, it's not the Taken. The Fallen were involved. They have numerous technology set up around it which appears to be modifying the Gate." "Hmm... I'm registering that the warp gate is emitting both radiolorian and electrostatic influences which could teleport any organic organism to any---" "In English please, Asher..." "Sigh... The Warp Gate could in theory take you anywhere outside Radio Contact." "Thank you. Hmm... Well, only one way to find out where this goes." And then they stepped into the modified Warp Gate and felt themselves teleported. But where?


Once the teleport finished, however, they discovered that they weren't exactly in their world anymore. Where were they? The place they were teleported to had beautiful blue skies and very odd looking buildings and roads, surrounded by forest and plains-land. Then they realised something; they were teleported into the skies themselves and began to drop! The Hunter had triple jumped into the Warp Gate and was unable to use it to save themselves.

"Ghost, what's going on?!" "Whatever that Warp Gate was modified to, we're falling right into it." "Tell me something I don't know!" "That there appears to be a being down where we're falling to." "Shouldn't we try to warn them about our decent?!" "Of course we should but you don't have to yell..." "What else am I supposed to do while potentially falling to my death?!" She then turned her head towards the being that they were super high above and attempted to shout towards them:


The Virtua Forest. A classic place to be sure for the young, lovable, and adorable goddess known as Neptune! The lush forest area, filled to the brim with simple, easy, monsters to best, and the perfect place for every newcoming adventurer, as well as the perfect place for a picnic! What? A goddess can do two things at once! As Neptune lay back on the forest fields, the blanket under her body and a sandwich in her mouth, with the warm sun shining down on her and gently warming her body, it was a near-perfect life. Nearby Nepgear, Nep Jr. and Gearsy were all sitting down with Historie, the oracle of her nation, having their own little snack.

"I say, it really upsets me that, despite the whole reason we are out here being to get Neptune to finally earn some shares again, you just had to bring along an entire picnic Nepgear." said Historie, sipping on a small cup of tea.

"Oh. Well... It's been so long since I've seen Neptune outside that I just wanted to stay close to her." said Nepgear, rubbing the back of her head before pulling out a rice ball. "And I know how she likes to idle about so I made sure to bring some snacks for all of us."

"Yes, but it took us three hours to reach this spot and now..." Histoire motioned over to the lazy Neptune. "She's not even going to fight the dogoo's in this condition."

"The sun... So bright." replied Neptune, the sandwich moving in synch with her mouth. "So... Bright. Uggg..."

Suddenly something seemed to... twitch... inside of Neptune. She couldn't quite put her finger on it, trying to piece it together, until she realized exactly what that small twitch, that exact feeling was.

"NOIRE! Where are you? I need you now!" cried out Neptune at the top of her lungs as she tried to get up.


Noire smiled as she admired the new needlework on her most recent costume. Then, suddenly, for seemingly no reason at all, her nose felt itchy. Then, slowly...

"Achoo! That was odd."



"Noooo!" cried out Neptune, raising her hands up to catch the falling ghost. "Noire! Save me! Vert, I need cushoning! Someone! Anyone! Is... Is it my time at long last? To be the one landed upon?"


"Ugh... I felt my inner workings start to malfunction a little..." Vortex-25 exclaimed as she scratched the top of her helmet. "Surprisingly enough, I had a relatively soft fall... Unlike the last time the height was much much higher. At least I'm alive... I couldn't possibly fathom the looks of disappointment to Cayde if I let a fall like this stop me." "Uh, Guardian? You might want to take a look underneath you..." "Huh?" She then looked down to see that she was sitting on top of someone. She couldn't imagine the pain they must be feeling to have a machine drop on-top of them which was wearing full armour and had been carrying three military-like weapons with. She got up slowly, trying not to crush the poor girl anymore than she already had done.

"Sorry... I did shout you to move, how come you didn't?" "Probably because they couldn't hear us." "Yeah, but seriously. Wait a minute, you can't hear him can you... Hang on. Grab onto my hand, I'll help you up." She then outstretched her right hand to help the girl up as well as extending her left hand straight outwards to release her companion:


"You look pretty banged up. Sorry for our unexpected drop-in, we were kinda teleported here investigating something involving a Warp Gate altered by Fallen Technology." "I don't think this girl knows what we're talking about, Ghost." "Oh."
