Ame Damnee Official Roleplay Rules: Must Read

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  • @Kian, @jrusso20.@Revelree. @Pupper, & @~Nemo~ are the GM's of this roleplay. Any final decisions should be left to them. When asking questions via private message, it is preferred that you create a conversation and address all five of them.
  • The following users are acting assistants, or Architects as I like to call them, of the RP: @Lux, @Luxin, @RyunaSiege, @Isla, @Ethereal, & @Pupper. While decisions are solely left to the GM's, you can expect these users to make some decisions on our behalf as it pertains to the direction of the RP.
  • The rules and/or any other information pertaining to this roleplay are subject to change at any given time. You can expect announcements will be made in the case of such a change.
  • Take advantage of available OOC topics. There is plenty of information and resources available, so please be sure to utilize them first. To add, OOC topics exist for a reason, so please use them and do not post OOC while IC. We do have our own active Discord server. Here is the link.
  • There are various different avenues for ensuring you receive announcements. One is through Discord, which you can find the link for above. Another is through both our OOC and IC Announcement threads. Alternatively, I do send out periodic mass private messages to users through STC. Generally, there are no excuses for being misinformed!
  • Each player will only be permitted a maximum of five characters. In order to create more characters, one must be killed off and/or removed from the RP. Of these five, only a few can be involved with major GM directed plots. Exceptions apply, and there are no limits on NPC’s. (Effective as of February 9, 2017)
  • Both godmodding and metagaming are strictly forbidden. In other words, you are not allowed to control the actions of another character without their permission nor are autohits permitted. You must give each user the time to respond to each action and you cannot take advantage of OOC information that your character would not otherwise be aware of.
  • Proper spelling, punctuation, and grammar are a must. People should be able to understand you. There are plenty of resources out there that can help you, such as Microsoft Word and Grammarly to name only a few. Posts must be written in third-person!
  • Quality over quantity. There are no word count requirements, but try to be considerate of your fellow roleplayers. If someone posts a few paragraphs, try to keep up versus only responding with a few sentences.
  • You are expected to follow ALL site rules as well as the rules outlined here.
  • This roleplay was designed to be dark and mature. There will be language, religious and sexual themes, and potentially much more (i.e. slavery, torture, etc.). In light of this, if you believe your words could hurt sensitive eyes, please put them in spoilers while denoting what the contents include. Smut is explicitly disallowed. While I approve of suggestion, I expect such scenes to fade to black. If you wish to write more, you are free to take it to private message.
  • Respect your fellow roleplayers and use common sense. Collaboration is highly encouraged if not required on all levels, whether OOC or IC. Expect your characters to be killed. While there should always be discussion and collaboration, death is a natural part of life and will have its place in this roleplay. With common sense comes the understanding that if you allow your character to get into a sticky situation, you should be prepared to face the consequences.
  • Try to remain active. If you are not going to be able to post for an extended period of time, please make arrangements and inform those involved - including the GM's.
  • Keep in mind that further rules and guidelines may be found in relevant OOC topics which you are expected to have read. Such guidelines include character creation. You are not permitted to post until your character has been approved by a GM.
  • And last but not least, have fun! Please keep in mind that this roleplay was meant to be very flexible. There is a lot of room to explore and build on the foundation we have set in place. Nonetheless, be sure that you run your ideas by the GM's first. Otherwise, don't hesitate to plot your own adventures - especially ones that other users might be able to get involved with.

Here is a list of official OOC topics.
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