Oh, pinfeathers and blotches! (Zul'Zae'ju'Jun & TatlTails) To be deleted/archived


the Hugger Troll
"This is just brilliant! We could be nice and snug in that tavern. All warm and comfortable. Food. Ale. A bunk to fall into. But hark! No! Here we are in this deluge traipsing after gods know what!"

The figure continued pulling a trench coat tighter around himself as horse and rider picked their way through the dense forest that they had headed into. Rain fell heavily all around them, falling in droplets from where it had collected on leaves and grown too heavy for the leaf to support. The rider shivered as one such droplet found the small space between the collar of his coat and his neck.

"See! You could be all warm and snuggled up on covers, not getting rained on and making me shift my perch!"

The complaints seemed to stem wholly from the owl that rode upon one shoulder as the bird ruffled its feathers irritably and held tighter to the man's shoulder with sharp talons.

"Is it any wonder you were cursed to be what you are now?" the man returned eventually, his voice husky and low but the owl heard him anyway, responding with irritated hoots drawing a chuckle from the man. The man seemed to be in no rush letting the seventeen and half hands horse pick its way through the leaf litter and churned roots of the trees that surrounded the travelling pair.

"Always complaining about everything, you make me regret saving your feathered butt sometimes," he muttered with amusement which earned him another hooted snort of derision.

"That witch has no sense of humour! Not my fault she was cranky as that mule!" the bird huffed before something caught both their attention. "You hear that, long ears?" the owl asked drawing a glance from the man before he nodded.

"I heard," he replied before he steered his dapple grey destrier towards the source of the sound which had crackled through the trees. As they drew nearer and nearer the horse grew more testy and tried to go a different route several times and the man eventually gave up trying to correct her course. The owl alighted and flew into the trees as he dismounted, landing with a wet thud into the ground. He looped the reins over the mare's head and tied them loosely to a branch before he turned and carried on with a wary stride.

The sound of steel broke the crackling as the sword was free from its scabbard. He advanced with a wary posture and the owl returned to his shoulder. "I see nothing, put the sword away."

The man had no cause to doubt her world. Owls had exception nocturnal vision but he kept his sword where it was drawn in one hand, fingers flexing expertly around the hilt. Just because the bright orange eyes of his cursed companion had not picked up whatever was causing this disturbance didn't mean the culprit wasn't nearby hidden by some means, magical or otherwise.

He sniffed the air but could not gain any sort of tell that told him what or who was causing this. The air was thick with crackles now, leaves lifting and frolicking waywardly as the disturbed air caught and played with them. He shook his head, he disliked this. Something was happening but he couldn't tell what as he slowly crept further and further along and he finally reached a small clearing in the heart of the forest.

"Peculiar, I must say,"
"Must you? Always stating the obvious, silly bird,"
"Pfft, your eyes suck!"
"Only for now."

He sighed as he advanced stopping only when he had reached the centre of the clearing and he turned slowly peering around them. He knew his feathered companion, a bird he had saved a while back and now owed him her life, was doing the same. Despite their differing attitudes and mannerisms, they had become close friends. Only she knew what he truly was and he was intent on keeping it that way. He would be cast from knighthood if anyone else found out.

The air snapped and crackled around him sounding like someone was cracking a whip about his ears. It was loud and painful and showed no signs of stopping anytime soon. In fact, it was getting worse. "Lucifer, we should get of here," the owl cautioned and he was slow to nod in return. He was about to make a swift return to his waiting mare when the air thundered about them. His grip tightened around the hilt of his long-sword as he was suddenly thrown to the ground. He was further dismayed when he learned he could not rise. A frightened hoot made him turn his head painfully towards his feathered friend. The owl was in the same problem, her wings extended and flattened around her large body with the tips of her flight feathers reaching out ahead of her face.

He could not move his jaw to speak. Whatever was causing this had them squarely where it wanted them or it seemed that way to the Knight. With a sound that sounded like the earth opening up in a giant crack, he saw nothing more. The air sharpened, his could feel every hair stand on end but he could see only total darkness. He heard the hoots of his companion as he felt himself being lifted by the collar of his coat as if he were nothing more than a kitten that had wandered too far from its mother. He felt talons pinch into his shoulder and he grimaced as they held on too tightly in the bird's fear of losing him again.

The forest disappeared entirely in the black void they were enveloped in before without further grace or ceremony being dropped from a decent height. He landed in a heap of flesh and metal, groaning at the impact. It was enough to have killed a mortal man but this Knight was anything but. The fall and the impact however had still hurt and it hurt a lot, his nerves felt as thought they were on fire.

With effort he rolled to his back and stared upwards at a dark sky, completely open and not even a single tree to disrupt his view. This was strange. his vision felt hazy and he knew he was probably close to passing out with no idea that the culprit wasn't that far from him now.

"Bird?" he croaked, his voice breaking halfway through. At first there was silence and that worried him immensely. However, after a few more moments that seemed far too long to be acceptable, the owl hooted and climbed atop his chest using her beak and talons in weak movements before she collapsed.

"I'm still here..." she returned before her big orange eyes closed and he lowered his head back on a hard surface. He turned his head, the floor was as black as onyx and that confused him for he knew no road or floor that offered such darkness. He heard movement and he reached for his sword that was usually by his side. It was absent from its scabbard and he frowned knowing just how vulnerable he was. A face stood above him and he frowned at it, raising his head which supported a good length of chocolate brown hair and a groomed goatee before he groaned in pain again and knew nothing more as he lost consciousness. He had not been aware of where he was nor of his hand that moved protectively over the owl lying prone over his chest.
Oh crap.

That was all that went through Madi's head for what felt like the longest time, after she realized what she'd done. She must be the most inept witch in existence if she'd managed to heck up this badly. She'd probably just freakin' killed a man! And his owl!

OK, OK, back up. Just try to think this through. She'd just been practicing a teleportation spell, that's all. Zapping an apple to different spots in her room, it should not be that hard. She was even doing OK at it for once, it was going great!

But then her stutter came back.

It always came at the worst times, especially during magic spells. It was always when things were going their best, AKA when she started doubting herself. It was hard enough to keep the impediment at bay in normal speech, but speaking spells quickly required a lot of concentration. Even more than what most witches needed. As soon as she lost that...

Well, stuff like this happened. She'd thought losing her snack to the void was enough of a punishment, but then a flash of lightning came from out front and came with a sound like a motorcycle being dropped from a forklift. A terrible clanging metal thump that could not have been good. She may have screamed thanks to it.

But then of course this was almost the middle of the night, so she couldn't just ignore the only noise on the entire street at this hour. So she ran outside... and there was this guy. He was kind of moving when she ran up to him, but she barely got a look into his eyes before he completely passed out, clutching his just-as-unconscious owl friend like a teddy bear.

So of course, Madi was freaking out. She'd clearly caused this! She had no idea what to do with an unconscious possibly-dying knight guy person with an owl who was also probably dying who had just crashed into the street in front of her house because she'd botched a spell!

Except maybe try to get them inside. If she could. And maybe see if her family could help? She didn't dare try any healing magic on her own. If teleportation caused this, no way in heck was she going to risk these two's healths even more. Instead, she managed to magically airlift the duo into the house, and onto the living room couch. The guy's armor was too heavy to carry any farther, but at least they could rest better here...

Half the night was then spent with Madi trying and failing not to panic, as her siblings helped her make sure the knight and owl didn't die.
It was the owl that woke first after all the efforts to heal the pair and she came to in a hoot of of feathers. Wings flapped as she tried to get away from them, unsure who they were or what they wanted. Their clothes were strange as was everything else so the bird figured it was smarter to pretend to be a dumb bird. she had flown about the house before eventually settling on the back on the couch, talons pressing holes into the fabric as she watched her only friend with large orange eyes.

The owl was big, an Eagle Owl no less and made a Staffordshire Bull Terrier look like a Chihuahua. She ruffled her feathers in protest but the bird still felt pain. She allowed none of them to get close to her again nor her friend.

He did not know how much time had passed nor did he care to right now. His body was groaning under the stress of slamming into hard ground. Lucifer was much slower to wake than his avian companion and he did so with his breathing increasing to an uncomfortable level. He blinked and groaned audibly not yet realising where he was nor did he realise entirely what had happened to him or his feathered friend.

A hand rose stiffly to rub his face and he was dismayed to feel the trembles running through it as if the muscles were protesting every cost of movement. He blinked his eyes open wearily and peered upwards. The sky was gone. There was a ceiling but it was not like any ceiling he had seen before. furthermore, he felt that the ground he was lying upon was now soft and seemed to wrap a little around his heavy frame. That was disconcerting .

He tried to rise but something stronger pushed him back down again. He tried again but received the same treatment and he glanced with confusion as to why he could not rise. A face stared back at him and instantly his heart began to quicken its pace. Had his identity been discovered? Was he now waiting for the shaft to his organ that would return him to hell?

Green eyes shifted and he finally began to slowly take things in. Things like the person's clothing. THey were alien to him. Absolutely and shockingly so. He frowned before he spoke, his voice breaking as his brain tried to deal with the trauma of what his body had received, "Wh-where am... Where....am...I?" he struggled with the words and scowled heavily. His brain was fuzzy and their was a need to fall back to his dreams and hope he woke back up in that clearing. He also had to pee.

He felt whatever it was he was lying upon and again found it strange and peculiar. This was quite unlike any bed he was familiar with and equally unlike any seat he had come across. He felt for his sword and found that missing as were the smaller knives he carried. Whoever these people were seemed to have searched him. He was also dismayed to find his armour had been removed leaving him in the simple tunic that protected hi skin from wear and tear plus the chafing.

"I... don't... What is ...." he scowled and concentrated, "What is this place?" he asked to the face still watching him. He raised his head a little, long black hair shifting with the movement.