Non-Canon Old HABITs Die Hard


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Due to the allegations against TribeTwelve creator Adam Rosner, this side-story will be non-canon.
Thanks for your attention.

What have you done?
You monster!
Fuck you!
I thought I could trust you!

HABIT was used to all of these statements. They don’t mean nothing to him, he wears them like badges of honor.

The Boardwalk was a peculiar location where time and space doesn’t move like it normally does. Things loop, patterns loop, there’s eyeballs everywhere, watching, waiting.

HABIT could only hold so much influence on the body of Evan Jennings for a short amount of time due to it’s destruction at the hands of Karinith Elsinorin in the Underworld, and so he had one last thing to do with this body.

He approached someone, someone who was sitting on a bench underneath an observation deck.


“I am aware of why you are here. I may not be free fully, but I know what’s gonna happen,” said the man on the bench, Firebrand.

“Well, you just took away half of the fun stuff...” HABIT said, fake-offended over the turn of the conversation.

“Just do what you came here to do,” Firebrand responded.

And he did.

With the last of his body’s strength, HABIT broke Firebrand’s chains.

HABIT’s hands began to crack open, like glass, soon the glass cracking covered Evan’s body.

With one last toothy grin, HABIT shattered into a million pieces.

HABIT is not dead yet, for he is currently standing on the edge of a dock, awaiting the arrival of a family.

He is playing the part of a character he made up. A chef, disgraced and blacklisted due to an extramarital affair, hired by a wealthy socialite in order to cook for the big family event.

A conference, he called it.

The boat inched closer and closer, HABIT practiced his best fake smiles in this new body. He was supposed to be a servant after all, being all smiles just to reveal his inner cruelty.

The boat arrived soon enough, and HABIT’s new persona greeted them.

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“Welcome, Hideyoshi-sama.”

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