One Mans Dream Is Another's Nightmare

The King Of Rats

An open book, not the best written, but still open
Chapter One-Dream Chaser

Richard lit up a cigarette and turned to Blair "This is gonna be it, finally the little shit is gonna ours. I just know it" he said, sounding very sure of himself. "Remember they want him alive" he said before checking his pistols, he had two, one shot bullets and one shot a sort of sleep dart "One for his dreams, the other for him". He took a puff of his cigarette before flicking it to the ground and stamping it out. He took off his glasses and cleaned them, speaking as he did "This is one of the few times we've found him in the open, that park over there" he said, pointing down the road to a park "So we have two options, split up and search more more ground but less manpower or stick together and do the opposite, what say you?" he asked as he put his glasses back on.
Blair shifted on her feet. She had only gone on three missions before, meaning she was quite new, and they had never gotten this close. The place where she had learned about all of this -- a warehouse in an abandoned area -- hadn't given her explicit instructions on what to do. Just: find him; kill him. Problem solved.

She could feel adrenaline start to burn through her body. What would happen if things went wrong? Still a newbie, and she had let the little freak get away. Still a newbie, and she hadn't been careful enough not to get killed. Still a newbie, so she wouldn't be mourned. Except by Richard. They had only been together for a couple months, but it was wonderful. Richard wasn't the perfect man, but Blair wasn't the perfect woman. It suited her great. And Richard seemed to like it.

She was nervous, though she tried not to show it. "Right." She did in no way want to split up. The stories she had been told... Some of them had to be false -- hyped up stories to scare the new guy -- but she knew not all of them had to be just a story.

She ran over the details she knew. He was young, probably about eight to eleven, blond, and usually dressed in a nightgown, though not always. He had this freaky aura about him (if you believed in that sort of thing). And sometimes... sometimes he was hand in hand with a monster. She shuddered, but tried to blame it on the cold November breeze that tickled her bare arms. The weak morning sunlight was just reaching it's pale fingers over the landscape, but there were no bird sounds. Maybe they knew the boy was here.

"You scared to go alone?" she challenged playfully, her eyes sparkling. "JK, I want to go together. Strength in numbers and stuff."
"Why?, too spooky for you?" Richard said, raising up his hands and waving them about "WooooOOOOOooooo" he said, trying to sound like a stereotypical ghost.

"Listen, it'll be fine. All we have to do is stay level headed and remember the briefing" he said smiling at Blair "If found asleep then don't wake up. If found awake" Richard cursed under his breath "But really, he's just a kid, what could he possibly do? You know what people are like. They see a creepy kid at night and all of a sudden he becomes magic" Richard explained in an attempt to console both of them. In truth Richard was also somewhat worried but he had always been a skeptic. "Magic, yeah and I'm the emperor of china"

He looked at his surroundings and check the time on his phone "Hmm, morning soon but I bet the freak likes to sleep in, come on, the early bird always catches the worm" he said as he quickened his pace through the park, making sure to keep Blair by his side.

He hushed his tone "If you see anything, tap my arm three times, ok? Makes the least noise" he whispered as he began to inspect the area, noticing several small footprints, whoever left them was the kid in the gown.
Blair noticed the footprints too, and a chill went down her arms. There had been rain the last night, so the footprints were pretty clear. Light, but obvious. Blair was simultaneously happy and worried that they could see the tiny marks in the mud. She knew that, without the rain, the footprints never would have appeared, so at least they had a trail to follow, and they wouldn't go blundering around and probably run into the boy. At the same time though, she knew that the more apparent the footsteps became -- the deeper they were -- that they were closer, and closer meant her heart picking up it's rate.

She tried to keep her breathing down, but, as they passed around bushes and the marks grew deeper, her breaths became slightly panicked and definitely audible. After a glare from her partner, she tried even harder. She counted in her head, and only allowed a breath every five seconds, ensuring that she would need deep breaths to continue on. It worked, for a time.

And then the footsteps ended in the middle of a clearing. Blair looked around, definitely panicking.

And then she looked up.

She couldn't breath.

She grabbed Richard's arm and tugged on it three times, not even glancing away from the thing in the tree above her.
Richard has been keeping fairly calm throughout the situation and he too noted the impact the rain had on the prints. Of course he was caught off guard when the tracks ended, "tracks don't just end" he thought to himself. How did they just end? There was a tree nearby he could have climbed up but it was too far away. But he knew kids could be crafty, he wasn't once one after all.

Richard was finding the whole thing fairly boring, this allowed his mind to wander a bit, he thought of Blair she was a nice girl she was imperfect as was he "hey Blair, provided we don't die, wanna go see a move or something?" He thought that was a good line, get rid of some of the stress via humour.

That's when he was brought back into the real world by Blairs tugs. He darted his head around before looking at Blair, and noticing she was fixed on the tree. For a split second Richards mind raced with creatures plucked from his nightmares, all waiting for him atop that tree. For a moment all the rumours felt true.

But as fast as the thought came it went and Richard looked up at the tree......Every single nightmarish image his mind concocted paled in comparison to what lay in the tree.

The boy

Sleeping silently

And something else....

It was perched over the boy, it's body...was...not right. It was lanky and it looked like it had no bones due to the strange angle at which it was perched. It's bright blue skin was almost childlike, one solid colour, save for the singular red eye it had dead centre in its face. The things head turned to face the two hunters, rows of perfectly equal and bright white teeth where visible...and turned into a smile.

"God save me...." where the only words that could escape Richards mouth before the create leapt from its position and landed on him, pinning him to the ground. The attack sent a pistol loose from Richard, it landed at Blair's feet.

Richard was knocked out whether that be from shock or a fight was unknown.....but the creature turned its head to Blair and moved a finger over its mouth

"'ll wake the dead being that loud"

The creature said in a hushed tone.

"You're not planning on doing that, are you?"

It asked titling it's still smiling head.
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Blair's knees were weak. She had not been prepared for this. The creature's one eye seemed to bore into her mind, seeing her darkest thoughts and thinking them amusing. Its teeth shown in the growing light, and all Blair could do was to beg you the light to get brighter.

What the hell was she was supposed to do against this thing?

She quickly drew her own gun from its hip holster and held it at the monster, her hands shaking. "Get the hell off him, you freak," she said in a surprisingly calm voice. It was low and steady. She cocked the glock. "Get off him, or I will kill you."

The monster's smile grew, and chills ran up Blair's spine. The monster climbed off of her boyfriend and started toward her. "St-stay back!" now her voice wasn't so steady. It walked on its fists, it's shoulders hiked up into a spike at the peak. She was faintly reminded of a gorilla. Faintly.

The creature stopped and tilted its head. "Would you really use that?" asked the monster. "Would you really?"

"Y-yes! I would! And I will!"

The monster clicked its tongue reprovingly. "I don't believe you. You had never thought it would come to this, did you? Capture my master, yes, but shoot a freak like me? No, no you're too scared. You couldn't do i-"

Blair pulled the trigger. A bang that must've filled the whole park penetrated the air rudely. The monster took a step back, looking surprised. Then its face changed and it lunged at Blair.


The monster slumped to the ground, yellow fluid pouring from its eye and chest. "I'll be back," it gurgled as it fell to the ground.

Blair raised a certain finger it the air. "I'll be ready."

The monster burst wetly into great globs of black, oily goop. Blair slogged through it to Richard. She couldn't lift him from the muck, so she grabbed his wrists and pulled him as hard as she could out of the mess. She pulled him to a tree, then flopped down with a groan. She dadn't even been sitting for ten seconds before she was over Richard. "Come'on, man." She listened at his chest, then lightly slapped his cheeks. When nothing happened, and a minute passed, Blair wiped the black stuff from his face the best she could and bent over it. Taking a deep breath, she tilted his chin open with her fingers and matched their mouths up, exhaling slowly.
The only sound that was present was the faint breathing of Blair. It was rather fluent, almost like a metronome. That was until a young, somewhat soft voice rang out "Mister Clarence!" The voice was very worried and it was coming from.....somewhere.

It was as that moment a pattering sound could be heard as the now awake boy clambered down from the tree "What did you do to him!?" The boys asked Blair, while still looking at what was left of his companion "It'll take ages for him to come back!" He sounded both annoyed and sad.

"AND you woke me from my nap!" The boy sounded truly angry, almost offended at this, almost more so than the "death" of his friend. "Now there's no one to protect me.....from the bad people" His tone changed from annoyed to worried again, he was still a child after all and his last guardian had just been killed.

Thomas could always count on his dreams to save him, most people just ran away after seeing them...especially mister Biggs....he was really scary and he would always protect Thomas.

"I-I'm really scared now..."
Blair, as soon as she had heard a voice behind her, had twisted and risen in one motion. She pulled her gun as she rose, and pointed it at the boy as he climbed out of the tree and stood over the mess that had once been... Mister Clarence? The boy turned around and looked up at her with angry eyes. Then his eyes turned worried and he looked down. Bad people? What bad people were there to him? He was the bad person.

Yet as she looked at the little boy, his nightgown a little dirty, his hair mussed. He looked absolutely harmless. And scared.

Blair lowered her gun. She wasn't sure if it was a particularly good decision, but she couldn't help herself. The boy was so young. He wasn't the problem. He couldn't be the problem. The tears that were glistening in his eyes weren't fake.

She put her gun away and dropped to her heels, better able to speak to him. "Hey," she said quietly. "Hey, it's okay. No one's going to hurt you." She reached out a hand. She couldn't take this boy in. It wasn't his fault. Probably. She would stay with him, keeping him away from the others while she figured out how she could help him.
Thomas didn't take Blair's hand, he swatted it away and stepped back "N-no! why should i t-trust you!" Thomas shouted, the tears that where previously just glistening begging to fall across his face "You s-shot Mister Clarence! you'll just shoot m-me wont you!" Thomas was confused, bewildered and terrified. The woman who just shot his only guardian was now offering him safety, how could he trust her? he didn't want to because she was one of the bad people.

He stood there for a moment try to keep himself composed but he could do it no longer and buried his head in his hands, crying.

Richard was still out cold, thanks to Mister Clarence's handiwork, who was now just some slowly dissipating mess on the floor.

Thomas kept crying, his soft sobs echoed just a little bit. That's when another noise made itself, cars...people more hunters where coming, they must have been tailing Richard and Blair or perhaps they where tracking them. The noises where very, very distant but they wouldn't stay that way forever.
Blair dropped her hand in frustration as the boy's questions slipped out in a rush. How could she answer them? Then she heard the cars. "Dammit," she said under her breath and stood. She walked over to the boy and grabbed his hand. "Look, I'll explain later, but unless you want to get thrown into a tiny metal room and poked with needles -- lots and lots of needles -- then you need to come with me. We have to run, and we have to hide. I may be making the most stupid decision in my life, but I'll going to help you. I'll carry you, if I have to, and you won't yell -- probably -- because then that will bring people that will hurt you, and eventually kill you. I won't, okay? You are going to have to trust me. I know this is weird, and you don't want to trust me, but if I've just, uh... damaged your last protector, then you need me."
Thomas heard the cars, he knew that wasn't good at all, he knew more people would be after him. He was about to say something else when his hand was grabbed by Blair. He listened to her words, the though of that tiny metal room and all those needles terrified him and worse yet, death. He decided that his best shot was with her, even if it was a trap his worried mind rushed him to a conclusion. "O-oh, ok the...i'll b-be silent" he said in a still worried and shaky voice, he clutched the large pillow he had, hugging it like it was a loved one. He stared up at Blair and in a short lived moment of seriousness he said "I just...need to sleep".

Richard began to come to, albeit very slowly. This caused Thomas to hide behind Blair "C-can we go now?" he asked timidly.