[OOC] Ages Eternal - General OOC

Nice. I'll talk with Laz about it when he gets back, because I do think Nonpa and his Hellions would be very interesting characters to be around. Psychopathic, but harmless as long as you didn't do anything to see you as evil too
Sorry to double post, but I made my lore page. If you want some MEGA DETAIL on the crap Hakku barfs up then go ahead and read it, because I forgot this is a fantasy roleplay and decided to make an info dump. Have fun reading if you're interested. Gonna be updating it a lot.

Also, new icon.
Hey @FriendA ! Just two things: I know you missed it, since unfortunately I failed to tag you, but Dymos was talking to feara. But lets just say his conversation with her was 'pleasant, but uneventful.' Sound good?

Also, I think Hakku was in a different valley, in his Land of Lead. Best I can figure, there is a major continent with Dymos, you and paloria, and then two other smaller continents and an ocean, one of which is hakku's and the other is Eira's north pole.
Hey @FriendA ! Just two things: I know you missed it, since unfortunately I failed to tag you, but Dymos was talking to feara. But lets just say his conversation with her was 'pleasant, but uneventful.' Sound good?

Also, I think Hakku was in a different valley, in his Land of Lead. Best I can figure, there is a major continent with Dymos, you and paloria, and then two other smaller continents and an ocean, one of which is hakku's and the other is Eira's north pole.
Alrighty sorry for that.
Alright, I get that both of you are angry at the situation. But @Drakey, and I already talked to Horicabu about this, don't assume what happens to someone else's character. EG the people of lead dying without a chance to respond or evacuate. I just feel this might devolve the situation. From now on, we should all make these world changing events occur in two post, instead of one. Thank you for your attention guys!
By that he means (skyping Lazz btw) don't just make thing happen, give your victim the chance to at least get ready for it.
The Map of the World
@Horicabu I deleted my post from the lore page due to it being in the wrong place, but ill put it back in here for refrance

The Lore Page posts are divided by gods not players each god gets its own post there
Just to let everyone know, I am actually leaving Saturday on a trip, and will be gone until Wednesday. But I'll be able to travel with a laptop so I can post, just much less often.