[OOC] Lore

Rachel Rider

Smol Turtle Girl
Looking up, all you see are the sandstone walls reaching forever, the sky seemingly engulfed by the rock. Looking down, the deep abyss beckons you to jump and see if there really is solid ground at the bottom of it. Clinging to the side of the cliffs that are the world, creatures of all kinds live and work in the massive city called Ledge. Perhaps there are others like it elsewhere, perhaps not. Well, if there are, they aren't worth looking for. Here, the four sentient species live and work together, for it is all they know. Gloz light up the ramshackle houses and pathways that span the chasm with their bio-luminescence, floating on currents like delicate butterflies with their helium-filled sacks next to the the Krua as they tunnel through the rock, spitting it out to form the ledges on which Wali cultivate the plants which produce the oxygen, food, and water for all the colony as the Esky toil away at strange mechanisms and inventions using resources found in the abyss below. All four must work together to survive in the vertical world of the Gorge. Each one performs a role vital to the city, but there are still divisions among them. They were all brought together by necessity, each one providing something vital that the others needed.
Even though most are content to stay in the safe walkways and well-lit bubble of civilization that is Ledge, the call of the great abyss for them to explore it and discover its secrets cannot be ignored. Deciding it was better to make sure that people didn’t travel aimlessly into the depths, the Government of ledge created the Expedition department, where those that hear the whispers of the caves and crevices down below meet up and plan expeditions. Many base their entire lives on them, heading down into the abyss to find hidden treasures among the crevices or collect the many strange creatures that live among the stone walls. Each one is government-sponsored and requires at least one of each species, in order for each to have a chance at making it back. And so, our tale begins in the large cave that is home to the Expedition Department, filled with Gloz, Krua, Wali, and Esky all looking for partners to go into the depths for either excitement, fame, or necessity.
To read about the various creatures in The Gorge please click the creatures tab.
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