Vitam et Mortem OOC - Sorcerers and Hunters


Well-Known Member
The difference between ordinary humans, sorcerers, and hunters is simply genetics. There is something in the biology of hunters and sorcerers, a gene, that grants them access to potential that regular humans simply cannot reach. Their immune systems are better, their metabolisms are faster (though this is more true for Hunters than for sorcerers), and they live longer. In terms of the immune system and their metabolisms: Hunters>Sorcerers>Humans.

What it comes down to is you either have the gene or you don’t.

Magic is a dominant trait. This means that in most cases, a sorcerer procreating with anyone else (mundane, hunter, other sorcerer) is going to produce a sorcerer. It will depend on how genes are carried in each parent, of course, but as long as one parent at least carries the gene, the chances for a sorcerer child are high.

Hunting is a recessive gene. Generally unless producing with someone carrying the Hunting gene or producing with another Hunter, the chances for a child with the Hunting gene are lower when procreating with sorcerers and mundanes.

Hunters are faster, stronger, and more scientifically advanced than mundane humans. Their strength is also seen in their durability and tend to heal at a faster rate than regular humans do. To put a Hunter’s strength into perspective, a hunter near or older than 18 can break human bones with ease and punch into concrete walls to no ill effect. That’s without training. They also have an innate resistance to most magic.

Sorcerers don’t have the added strength, though they do get the longer life-spans and the improved immune systems, but most importantly they have access to the magic that resides in humans. On top of their general ability to cast spells, mix potions, and perform magic, each sorcerer has a specific gift: earth, water, fire, fauna, wind, or clairvoyance. Though they don’t have the enhanced reflexes of hunters, sorcerers do have an impressive immune system. They hardly ever get sick, particularly with human diseases, but they can catch magical strains of certain illnesses.