Vitam et Mortem OOC - Sorcery Police Force


Well-Known Member
[The police force is run a little differently, depending on country. This explains the way the Sorcery Police Force (SPF) is run in the United States]

All SPF Officers are trained in the Sorcery Police Academy located in Kyle, Texas, which receives frowns and criticism from other academies around the world for having too much of a "Magic first, questions second" type of approach to their teachings in regards to handling issues and suspects.

There are many different departments within the Police Force to handle various issues that come up ranging from domestic disturbances, to solving various crimes, to reigning in magical creatures that are disturbing the mundane folk.

The SPF is in charge of making sure laws are followed, mundanes don't catch wind of magic happenings, and keeping sorcerers safe. They have other duties, as well, that generally fall under one of these categories. The motto "serve and protect" is aptly applied here.

Each country has a committee of nine members who are in charge of running and monitoring the SPF as well as handling the punishments of rogue or corrupt officers. The committee is voted in every seven years, by sorcerer citizens. Beneath the committee, each state has a State Overseer who is in charge of managing the precincts within the state. Beneath the Overseer is a city commissioner who will manage the precincts within his/her domain. Answering to the Commissioner is the Police Chief who manages an individual precinct and the officers within.
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