Chronicles of The Omniverse Archived Otomos the Crazy's Omniversal Toybox

Otomos the Crazy

That Which Resides in the Stars Beneath the Land
Since I was given permission to pitch and put characters in my own little hideaway, this will be where my little cinnamon buns will be placed!
Full Name: Blank "the Obsessed"

Age: 41

Gender: Male

Height: 5'5"

Weight: 185 lbs.

Eye Color: Brown

Hair Color: Black

  • Puzzled Blade - The blade that made him how he is today. A strange weapon that separates into pieces, and reconnects quickly, acting as both a sword and a whip. Controlling it has taken much training on Blank's part. Good thing there were plenty of times to practice.
  • Sharpened Crystal Staff - Though he has no talent or experience in spell casting or any sort of magic, the staff does help him for when his time on the road tires him. It also acts as a sort of makeshift spear with its sharp, pointed crystal.
  • Dagger - A small, reliable blade. Useful for a variety of reasons.

Personality: Eerily kind, even to those who he will attack or has already attacked before. He treats everyone the same way, laughing and spouting out hints and warnings of his ambush, either discreetly or not so discreetly. He has a special longing to chase after a certain old friend of his, often attempting to make sure she is alone when he does. This means he tries to attack those his former companion befriends. Failed attempts on a person's life do not matter to him. Hell, he would even congratulate them on surviving, if he could. His liking of interesting items and oddities brings him to traverse around while he follows his former friend.
In the Past, he was different, much more genuine in his kindness, and determined to see strangeness and rarities for himself. There was something that changed him. Something that led him to become obsessed with an old friend.

History: Blank was once an adventurer, scouring the lands for ancient treasures and sights more beautiful than he could have ever found just sitting around. He ventured through many places, barely surviving and returning to the road with not even the memory of a glance of a unique object. Still, whenever he managed to find what he wanted, he was filled with a joy that was only rivaled to what he would feel later on.

Eventually, his travels led him to a skilled Swordswoman. After several chance meetings, the two would agree to travel with each other as company. The Swordswoman Akane and the Adventurer Oto traversed many lands and kingdoms. His friend fought many warriors, and Blank claimed many intriguing objects. Whenever one was in trouble, the other was there to assist them. They were a team, and Blank treasured her company more than any sight or treasure he came across on their travels.

But all things must come to pass.A day came where Blank came across a unique item. A strange Sword that seemed to have been so awkwardly repaired that cracks could still be seen. But the chest he found it in had a trap. A unique trap that altered a person's mind. Blank fell victim to it, and became obsessed with his friend and her duels. He was overcome with a want to fight her to the death, but knew she would hold back if he had challenged her. So, he lied to her about being tired, and ambushed her instead. After his defeat, he realized what he had done, and fled from his companion, trying to fight against the curse that had been placed on him. Eventually he had to give in, and since then he has been trying to find the perfect time to challenge her again...

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Name: Girania Agidyne

Age: 35

Gender: Female

Race: Nightmare-possessed human

Magic: The Sigil that can be seen from behind her acts as a symbol of her mastery of fire magic, while also acting as a gate for her more powerful spells. With it she can alter the intensity of her fire, raise great pillars of flames, and even summon constructs of her design to assist her.
On her own, Girania is still plenty powerful, being able to conjure and manipulate fire. From basic fireballs, to enchanting weapons and objects, to making an arena of flames, and much more. Growing up, she devoted herself to studying magic, and eventually learned how to levitate her chakram, so she can fight without them necessarily being in her hands.

Weapons: Sun-inspired Chakram

Girania is a nightmare that possessed the body of a human girl. To indicate her control, her eyes glow like that of the nightmare monster's. She has the ability to switch to her host's original eyes, but that's only on occasions. Through years of research and experimentation, she had managed to grow large, white, beautiful wings. In order to make herself seem like an angel to the people of her world, she wears regal-looking garbs that she had enchanted to act as light armor. Behind her follows a sigil of her own design. It changes colors every now and then for simple aesthetics, but serves more of a purpose than that...

Personality: Girania, for lack of better phrasing, is overall insane. She's sadistic and and murderous and always willing to take in (or just take) volunteers for her studies in fire magic. The reason for her obsession over the suffering of others and fire magic is because she wishes to become real. Not just her simple existence as she controls her host's body. She wants everything that she was, the entire nightmare that little had so long ago, to become a reality. Death, despair, suffering, and at the end, nothingness. That was what she wants to happen to her world. So she learns and experiments in order to become stronger, and craft an army of her own to accomplish this.
But somewhere inside, the little girl still live, and if she finds chances to control her body, albeit for short periods of time. Not having a chance to live her childhood, she still acts like a child, though she has all the knowledge and intelligence as her nightmarish jailer.

Bio: Girania started off as a nightmare. A horrifying dream that a little girl had after hearing some story about a demon. A dream that was filled with things no child should be allowed to witness. Burning corpses, melting flesh, charred skeletons, and all sorts of agonizing, fearful screams all made their homes within the mind of this little girl. At the very center of this nightmare, a monster that terrified the girl through its eyes alone.

The nightmare continued to haunt her. Once a month, at first, then once a week, once every three days, every other night, until finally, she was forced to see that nightmare every single night. She had experienced it so many times, that her mind and soul had begun to weaken. The nightmare sensed this weakness, and proceeded to take over. What was left of the girl was hidden away somewhere in her own mind. The Nightmare took over and adopted the name that girl had given it: Girania. Just to torture her even further, Girania had taken her surname, so that anything she did that caused pain, suffering, and whatnot to others, would be as if the girl, herself had done it.

The night it took over, it used the girl's body to burn down the village and act as a poor survivor in order to take advantage of other people's pity. She made use of it to gain an education in magic, focusing mainly on pyromancy, but gaining an understanding of most types of other magic.

For the rest of her life, up to the Present, Girania devoted herself to the suffering of others, and the advancement of her magic. All to realize the rest of the nightmare the little girl had once only dreamed...

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Full Name: Jirou Hamasaki
(or Hamasaki Jirou, if we're doing surnames first)


Age: 30

Special Abilities:
  • Jirou has been modified with a device that rearranges light particles surrounding him. This allows him to become invisible, or look entirely different.
  • Jirou is fitted with an arm blade that can generate an aura of high voltage plasma energy.
  • He was given a small, deployable, floating sentry bot that he can remotely control to scout out threats and survey an area. It can shoot out an electric wire that can be used as a taser of sorts.
  • With all the cybernetic modifications, there are things that perform a sort of "Self-Destruct" function. Small but powerful detonation devices were made part of some of his vital organs, still allowing them to function, but also making him a walking bomb that can be remotely detonated.
Personality: He's normally so calm and quiet that he goes by unnoticed even without his modifications. In the past, it would have been because he grew up that way, but now it's because he doesn't want to die. He prefers to seem calm and kind, but it's really to hide his fear and depression from others.

: "Be polite and calm, no matter what someone says or does."
"Do not anger anyone for your own selfish reasons"
"If you must choose between being important or being supportive, be unnoticeable."

These were some of the words etched into Jirou's mind since childhood. This was the rule he was raised to live by. He was raised by parents that wished for him to be a pacifist. They were too paranoid that he'd be killed if angered the wrong people with what he thought was right or fair. So he grew up gray and broken. He never got bullied in school, but he never stuck up for anyone who was. He never strove to make friends, for doing so may gain him other people's enemies. He never strove to show himself as a great student, because that would draw more potential bullies to himself. This just about sums up his life from childhood through his teenage years.

Then, one day, he just found himself thinking. Thinking about where his life was going, and how he felt empty. What was he doing in his life? And why did he feel as if nothing changed after all these years? Jirou was questioning the words he was brought up by. He spent a few months thinking, and pondering, and trying to make a decision. In the end though, he ended up convincing his parents to send him to a faraway college, where he'd be able to do something different.

Despite the thoughts he had, Jirou never could get rid of those words in his head. Not entirely, anyway. He was silent in college and learned all he could, just to get it over with, but with all the information and knowledge he got from those years, he never seemed to use them after he got his first job. He managed to make a few friends of his own, but once he got his job, they kinda just faded away.

His job was alright. It paid well, he was acquainted to a few people, and heard about other, more important employees through the quiet gossip whenever they happened to pass by. Despite this, Jirou was still just another office worker. A guy that was just there. A face, hidden in a crowd of hundreds...He didn't know if he liked that, or was just comfortable with it since he lived like that all his life. Then, as all strange stories tend to go, something happened. One of the acquaintances he made kidnapped him, and some of his coworkers. They were taken to some sort of terrorist organization, and experimented on. When he awoke, he found that most of his body was modified. He had been turned into a cyborg, and forced under the control of a terrorist organization.

They let him and others go, but he knew if they asked him to do anything for them, then he'd have to obey, otherwise they'd kill him, and anyone near him. Since then, he had quit his job, and tried to make them forget his existence, only to be forced into their service over and over again. They send him a generous amount of money every so often, but it was meant to be taken as an insult. It was to make him feel as if he was on their side. No matter how much he struggled or protested against it, he had no choice but to follow their commands.

With Suit On:


With a jacket on:

Name: Hikaru Yoshino
(or "Yoshino Hikaru", if you want to put Last names first)

Age: 16

Height: 6'2"

Weight: 145 lbs.

Path: Hikari

Weapon: A whip that is wrapped around his arm.

Personality: When it comes down to it, Hikaru is just a normal teenager at heart. He freaks out when something big happens, he gets jealous of others, and he doesn't think before he speaks his mind. He's clumsy, laid back, and does not have the same amount of passion and determination as most other students in the dojo (which is why he doesn't take losing in sparring matches personally). He can be cowardly when panicking, and a jerk when frustrated.
Still, when he needs to face something seriously, he'll do just that. When he needs to fight, he'll do his best. The difference between how he normally fights and when he's trying to win would honestly astonish people who know him.
He may not know what exactly to say to anyone that's feeling down, but he'll always be willing to listen if it'll help them get over something.

Biography: How does one describe the life of a normal guy? A guy who hasn't gone through anything special to bring him to where he was now. He didn't have any special training, he suffered no tragedy, nor was he given any unique qualities or characteristics. He was just a kid growing the way most kids did.

How did he come to attend a Shaolin School? It was honestly on a whim. He wanted to look cool by learning how to fight like the warriors in myths and stories. He wanted to learn how to do all the awesome moves and techniques that martial artists do. So, he ended up joining a famous shaolin school. Of course whatever motivation and excitement he had before, died off when he saw people obviously more skilled than himself. He watched as they took their lessons seriously, and with the intent of actually using it for something more than whatever Hikaru himself was going for.

In the end, he ended up staying in the school, but seemingly treating everything like it was a hobby. When he left it, he had a few tricks up his sleeve, but nothing all that special. It kinda makes one wonder if he's ready for the coming events...

Martial Art Style (Name and descriptions for each.):
  1. Free-Style: Quite possibly the worst fighting style anyone will see in this RP. As the name implies, it has no concrete style, and is completely dependent on the user's intentions. That means that it involves plenty of sloppy, and unnecesssary movements, as well as unpredictable control over the power behind the hits. On the positive side, however, if the user has practiced enough, they can incorporate moves that they've seen in action before. In Hikaru's case, he also incorporates the whip on his arm as a weapon.
  2. Flowing Togakure Ninpo Taijutsu: A modified version of the original fighting style. The modifications sacrifice a majority of the power behind the attacks in favor of nimble movement and evasiveness.

Magic Style (Name and descriptions for each.):
  1. Trap-Happy: Through Light Manipulation, Hikaru is able to create orbs of Light energy to float idly. These orbs are activated on his command to become a variety of objects meant to bind or injure enemies.
  2. Twilight Teleportation: Hikaru has access to one spell that utilizes Twilight magic. This spell allows him to teleport from one place to another place within 15 miles of his original position. There are several drawbacks to using this magic:

Drawbacks - One of the drawbacks (or maybe not, depending on the situation) is that everyone (enemy or ally, willing or unwilling, etc.) within 2 yards of his body will be teleported as well. The 2 yards parameter will be shown as a momentary magic circle around his body.

-Another drawback is that the place the spell takes must be known to Hikaru. If he doesn't know where he's going, then the spell will not work in the slightest.

-The final drawback is that the spell will use so much energy that he will fall unconscious the moment the destination is reached. Although he may wake up within a few minutes, his body will be extremely stressed, and he will not be capable of fighting for an entire day.
This spell must only be used as a last resort to escape a dangerous situation.



Close-up of face

Name: Atomos

Gender: ???

Alias: Adam, Tintin, Atoli, Kitten, Persona

Age: 1 year (technically)

Personality: Though varied when its in its other forms, there are two traits that they all share: Hunger and Curiosity. It's curious about the realities that have made themselves known, the complexity of things that had previously gone unnoticed. Its hunger remains unsated, no matter how much it consumes, but can only devour so much in the vessel that it has, leaving it a bit frustrated every now and then. The forms it has managed to focus on have different personalities.
  • Adam is a naive young man that acts like a little boy during a festive holiday. Prone to singing and humming, and "enjoying life" as others may call it. A bit annoying, really, but quirky. For example, he considers himself a vegan, yet forces a loophole in order to eat, if there's nothing fulfilling around.
  • Tintin, as one would think, is not as childish as he looks. If anything, they try to be mysterious, tending to use their powers to move about and taunt anyone that it wishes to play with. As one would think, his games are dangerous, and the cost of losing to him is high, while the reward for winning is low.
  • Atoli is its most sensible form. She acts the most normal...for whatever that's worth. She gets angry when something doesn't go her way, she laughs at things that she finds funny, and gets upset when someone teases her about her appearance. At the same time, because she doesn't eat much in this form, her hunger builds up, eventually leading her to become obsessed with consuming anything that she can find.
  • Kitten is seductive. Her hunger is easily kept in check with her deceptive nature. She flaunts her beauty and brags about how much better she is than other women. In fact, when she leaves her victims as vegetables, she makes it seem as if she's "that good." Aside from that, she likes to tease and play with others as much as her Tintin form, albeit without any games.

Powers: Though on a much smaller scale than that of its true body, Atomos' many forms share the power of manipulating portals, and creating a vacuum that allows it to ingest as much as its vessel can take at a time. It can summon creatures that Girania has named "Oz", which are essentially small versions that hint at its true form. These creatures can only stay around for a moment, but serve the same purpose as their summoner.

Bio: The creature that is seen is not what it truly is. It is simply a presence that was created in order to bind the consciousness of a powerful creature. This is that presence. Though it takes many forms, it doesn't control which one it takes or what personality comes with it. Still, it has managed to focus its switching in order to limit it to a few forms. It watches everything it can with a curiosity that would have gotten it killed, if it had not been what it was.

Its presence came into existence when Girania was looking for a new way to cause pain, suffering, and destruction. She, along with some others that were working alongside at the time, created a vessel of sorts that would serve to contain a great monstrosity. What was pulled into it was the consciousness of a being of a local legend. A being that was said to devour that which needs to be, or has already been discarded. Possibilities, diseases, fading memories...much did the creature consume, until it had eaten enough to fall into a slumber. It was during one of these times of rest that its consciousness was sealed within the vessel. The vessel was split between them, and forced to serve under them.

Joyous at the result, Girania allowed the vessel to do what it willed in order to see what it could do. It attempted to devour her and her allies, but found that its mere consciousness was not enough. It could still ingest much, but regurgitated its mistresses' beings when they found a way to escape. Girania was disappointed that she didn't get what she wanted, but found that her servant was much more useful. Through its powers, she was able to find many other "places" that would aid her, and the servant's more lethal powers would prove to be helpful as well...






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Name: Petrea Genevieve

Appearance: Her true form is that of a terrifyingly old hag, with warts and sagging skin, and clawed nails. Her body is like that of a skeleton trying to wear a long, worn out suit of skin, and the bones are visible. Why, if it wasn't for her magic, she'd either be dead, or scaring all who encounter her to an almost literal death. With her magic, she takes the forms of her younger selves when not caring to keep up an appearance, to all else, however, she dons a disguise over her disguise. She dons the guise of a traveling cook, searching for wondrous ingredients and those who would eat her cooking. She wears the garments of cooks, and carries enchanted bags filled ingredients and tools.

[hider=Mature Witch Disguise]

[hider=Young Witch Disguise]

Personality: As a chef, she tries her best in seeming charismatic, exciting, and passionate about the culinary arts. She makes a spectacle of her cooking when in the eyes of others, and deflates into disappointment when no one reacts to her. As a young witch, she allows herself to be seen as the stereotypical mischievous trickster of a young one, and the alluring, seductive kind of mature witch. However, deep down inside, her true personality, the one embedded in her being from all the way back when the with she would call mother raised her as a child, she is willing to help. She is neutral in all matters that do not concern her personally until the matter becomes so. Above all else, she is concerned with fairness. What she does to help must be compensated by something of equal value. Nothing more and nothing less. An eye for an eye. A life for a life. A pound for a pound.
She longs for a home to call her own, and travels with her imp companion everywhere, unaware that the imp is her true mother.

There are witches that are born into the coven, and there witches that were brought into it. Petrea was the latter. She was the daughter of a baker and a chef. She was taken in exchange for a Witch saving the life of his wife. Of course, she played with the deal, and turned the man's wife into a monstrous imp servant that killed him in anger and confusion when she found her daughter in another woman's hands, and her own body so utterly different. The Baker died, his wife was became an imp, and Petrea was raised to be a witch from that point on, and was cared for by two mothers.

As she grew, Petrea learned some basic spells for spatial manipulation, leviatation, and small control over nature's elements, but her expertise was in potion-making. Like her mother and father had been before, Petrea was a natural cook in several respects, and it showed in her potions and poisons. They were doubly potent in their uses, and could be put into normal food with very little trace of anything being tampered with.

When she was old enough, the witch that had raised her allowed Petrea to set off on her own, and gave the imp servant as a gift. They traveled about, trying to find a place to settle, and begin Petrea's life as a witch in earnest, all the while disguised as a traveling chef. In the many years they've lived, they still haven't found the right spot, but that hasn't deterred them. They would continue to travel about, occasionally causing mischief and trouble woth their potions and poisons and food...

There was one event in which she was approached by a man that sought the death of another. She gave him a poison that would do the job without any trouble following the man, but in exchange, she wished for another's life. In exchange for the poison, the man gave her a child, and history repeated itself from that moment on. The girl was named Quelana, and Petrea would bring her along on her travels.

  • Basic mastery over elemental spells.
  • Basic mastery over standard miscellaneous spells and enchantments (example: Levitation).
  • Mastered the brewing of poisons and potions, as well as hiding them within cooked foods and baked goods.
  • Expert in the culinary arts.
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