

An Odd

As you slip on your headset the first thing you see is a vast valley spread before you as far as the eye can see. You glance up to look at the gorgeous blue sky and felt the golden sun spread warmth across your body. For a moment, you are surprised to feel. You feel a light breeze tickle your face and hear the birds chirping happily. It's then you look ahead of you and look at the beaten path. It's worn that's for sure, as nature slowly creeping into the man-made pathway, cracking the golden stones that led into the distance.

You take one step forward and another until you walk the golden path to a small town with rather small people. There they stand to greet you and many of the other new players as they give you small quests to get you familiar with the world around you. As you do these quests, you notice a small icon pop in front of your face. Raising your hand to it, it reacts to your touch and a menu pops up.

On your menu, there is a little red exclamation point near the equipment tab. You open it and you see and item highlighted in your inventory, "
Lvl. 2 Tailored Shirt." Tapping on it, you feel a weird sensation as your equipment changes and you look to see your novice attire sitting snugly in its little spot. The new armour feels snug on you as you continue on to your next quest.

As you work, the once shining sky is overfilled with dark clouds, as if a threatening storm loomed over you. In a way, it did as a thunderous voice roared across the dark sky with four simple words.

"Welcome to OZ."

The new game, OZ, was all the hype lately going off the shelf at an alarming rate. It was the very first MMORPG that could be played using a virtual reality headset and motion sensors rather than the typical WASD format. Yet, despite all the hype, there was something more to this game.

It happened on September 21, 2021. Dorothy Simmons, a very avid gamer had spent hours upon hours playing this game until she never left from her spot. There she sat, unresponsive, dead to the real world. This was the first reported case. After that, a storm of reports came in very similar to that of Dorothy's case. Day by day, people were losing loved ones to this game and no one knew how or why.

This is where you come in. You, the player, the one who is stuck in this game with no clear way out. This is your world, your new world, and what you do with that is in your hands.

Again, I say,

Welcome to OZ.
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This is a cool idea.
The wizard of Oz mixed with gaming and an SAO style plot.
I'm definitely interested!
Lol, can the "wizard" be a hacker who goes around God modding and then when we learn the truth it's really just a 12 year old on his older brothers account? XD
Best idea right here
Lol, can the "wizard" be a hacker who goes around God modding and then when we learn the truth it's really just a 12 year old on his older brothers account? XD
Best idea right here
A twelve year old? Make them 9 and I'm sold! Lol.
That is only three words. I was hoping no one discovered my amazing ability of not knowing how to count XD.
^fam this died like a month ago
No, it didn't. IRL stepped in and I had to focus on things outside of STC, now that those things have calmed down. I can give proper attention to the rp. Sorry for the delay on it though.