Ages Eternal Pawnige's Characters


“All the truth in the world is held in stories.”
Traveler Form:

True Form:

Name: Ather, The Eldest son of the Allfather
Domain(if applicable): Elder God of Magic, Deals, and The Twisted Creatures
- All Magic (Not All Godly Powers) Stem from Ather thus he has (Almost) complete control over it and any who wield it
- Ather has two Forms A ragged traveler in which he appears to most and A Terrifyingly powerful true form that few behold
- Ather can give and take Magic as He pleases, though all magic comes with a price
- Ather can easily entice mortals to except his "Gift" of Immortality and Magic
- Few know what Ather gave for his power, Some think it was his sanity, though I think it was his ability for compassion and sympathy
- Ather is not easily swayed once he has chosen a course of action he deems best and is slow to forget or forgive a trespass
- Ather is generally disliked for his un-Kind and merciless ways, Though The Allfather (And Probably Ezreth @Cyrus Blackwater) Know that once he was a loving and gentle soul
- Many mortals seek his Power but few obtain what they truly desire
Athers wishes are to seduce mortals with power and entice them to his service, to empower them to shape the world and bend it to their (His) aims. He wishes to make them more then what they are and give them the gift of Immortality and magic. To create the perfect Servant
Appearance: Ather is missing his Right Eye and stands tall looming over those around him
Name: Hrothgar Windforge
Race: Dwarf
Gender: Male
Bio: Hrothgar was spent his young life in the shadow of the great mount wandering the country and working for every scrap of food. It is said he found a small bit of Dymos's power and along with the help of the elder dragons, became the best Smith in all of Idain. With fury he carved out Begdor, the dwarvish city and made his home. Many traveled their to admire his work eventually creating the thriving city of Begdor. Few know the truth in this legend, and fewer believe.
Motivations: To further his craft, Protect his People, and take on great challenges.
-Smithing, metallurgy, and carving
-Engineering and Tinkering
-Endurance and Determination
- No skill in Magic
- Old wounds that act up
- Stubbornness
- Takes many things as a personal challenge


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Race: Dru'Dar (Deer/Fawn)
Gender: Female
Bio: Zeme spent her childhood living carefree in the forests of the Magic's Crux. Her father would take her walking on the beach and running through the woods. He taught her Magic of all forms, He taught her the use of her body, and He taught her the use of the pole-arms.

As Zeme matured she prepared herself for the trials. These trials are a coming of age for Dru'Dar and help find your place in the tribe. In preparation Zeme was gifted three things;
- An intricately carved and etched glaive
- Light blue swirling magical markings (Tattoo magic)
- Lastly a simple soft grey cloak
Zeme Succeeded all of her trails but one, She could not summon an Eidolon, and thus was not considered an adult Dru'Dar. Zeme decided to leave the Tribe to find her way, for no Dru'Dar had ever failed to summon and Eidolon. In fact most already had one before the trials.
-To gain an Eidolon, and to Find her place in the world.
-Very Competent in all forms of magic.
-Good with most Pole-arms especially the glaive
-Charismatic and Charming, Zeme is very Persuasive
-no Eidolon which causes; less control over her magic and erratic bursts of power linked to emotion
-Zeme has a hot temper
-has no training with weapons aside from pole-arms
-Has no armor training
Zeme's Physique is very human, aside from her legs witch are more deer-like, a pair of antlers, a snout, a small tail, and a pair of deer ears. Zeme's body is completely covered in fur. Her fur is red in most places except a white Stomach, tips of her ears and tail, and white above her hooves. She has slightly glowing blue swirling tattoos covering her back, arms, and hips. Zeme wheres nothing but a simple pair of short breaches, which she finds extreamly uncomfortable, and her Cloak that was gifted before the trials.



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Name: Taliesin
Race: Dru'Dar (Deer/Fawn)
Gender: Male
Taliesin was born to be the champion of Aether and honorarily held that title since birth. Once Aether re-emerged from his mansion he officially gave the title of champion and was bestowed with his Eidolon. Of course, he grew up with Frailtear though his charge is to further Aethers will and aid his allies.
-Extremely Loyal to Aether and works to further his will
-Extremely versed in magic
-Confident and Charming
- Has no Martial Training
- Lust for Knowledge
- Clumsy
Name: Kix
Race: Kobold
Grade: C
Gender: Female
Kix was born in the sprawling city of Begdor. Having no parents nor memory of them, Kix quickly was involved in several Pick-Pocket enterprises. Where their where only two rules; Don't steal from town guards (They allow the operation to continue, as long as they get a cut) and Don't rat out your fellow members. Kix



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