Physical vs Digital


Umbra Witch
When it comes to the media we consume, things are becoming more and more digital as time goes on. But physical media will always have a lifespan as long as there's a demand. The main issue with digital is that you don't completely own the media that you bought and it can be taken from you at any time. Media gets delisted all the time from stores for various reasons (usually licensing issues). Plus they aren't treated like physical goods, meaning that you can't trade and swap with friends nor get a refund (depending on where you purchase from).

What's your preference for media? Physical or digital? For me, it's the following:
  • Video games: Physical. I'll only get a game digitally if it's digital only, I'm pre-ordering it, it's on sale (or in some cases free), or if I'm getting it on PC.
  • Music: Digital only. I've literally never owned a CD a day in my life. MP3s for the win!
  • Movies/TV Shows: Mostly digital thanks to streaming services. But I do get physical copies of a movie or TV show if it's not available on a streaming platform that I own. I have a pretty extensive DVD collection as a result.
For me, I don't really care.
There is no difference to me between digital and physical games, just the digital ones take space, and I have enough. I'm not a collector. I just enjoy games for what they are, digital or physical.
Music: I have a few CDs, but they are basically just fun objects at this point. I don't really care.
Movies: Mostly digital. My dad has a whole lot of DVDs, but it's pretty much digital because it's more convenient.