Equinox Pica


Just a grumpy, hungry, and smol Shrumlin
Name: Pica
Age: Unkown
Hair Color: White
Eye Color: Red tones
Hair style: Extremely thick and soft to the touch
Height: The size of an infant
Weight: 20 pounds
Personality: Very cautious when around new people but if they offer Pica some object for it to eat, it will be very tankful. Very aggressive when it comes to food and extremely lazy when it comes doing nothing
None at the moment (Pica is a lone wanderer)
Gender: Asexual
Background: They was born underneath pine needles and sprouted from just a shroom, but given that it is a Shrumlin he started out as a small embryo that grew in a few weeks, into a full fledged adult. It got their name from a child as it came across it in their first few weeks of being an adult. Pica just ate anything, consuming what it deemed was delicious and started to eat metal, feces, bark, dirt, sand, and so forth. The child named it Pica, given that it ate anything. It hasn't really been out adventuring but just wandering and surviving for the most part. Trying to find its own purpose
Abilities: Pica is able to ooze blood out of it's pours by pumping pressure from their veins and releasing it. It can either smell of rotting feces or a sweet smelling substance that attracts small animals to it. They are also able to puke on command, basically it's the "blood" and it can temporarily blind an enemy. Sharp teeth that can gnaw and bite. Sharp claws for digging and climbing and as well as it's think coat for keeping it warm in the winter and cooler in the summer.