Chronicles of The Omniverse Archived Pithly's Barracks


Turret Wen


A Psiplasma weapon platform of Myrkul's Vein, Turret Wen is the result of an odd assimilation.

As a Wen, like all Hairworms, it sought only to serve humankind. It decided to do this by "repairing" a broken security turret outside a Van Leugen building. The engineer in charge had stormed off in frustration, leaving the machine sparking, and smoking.

Said engineer came back just in time to watch a Wen eat it, and then ressemble itself into a humanoid weapon.

Turret Wen's offensive capabilities are a hybrid of the base turrets plasma-flamethrower, and the powerful psionic abilities of the Wen, the result is a corrosive, extoplasmic substance. This is channeled through the arms, down the fingers, and out as a boiling, translucent cruor flame.​