Prehistoria - Legend of the Dinosaur Knights

Information and OOC

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It was well into the afternoon before Lani began to stir from her nap. The sun shone brightly in the sky overhead, but she was sheltered by the canopy of the forest's edge, small pools of light dappling the ground at her feet. In the distance she heard cicadas whining their songs in a monotone chorus and crickets playing out an accompaniment in the grass. She lifted her back from where it lay against a rough stone and stretched slowly, then casually elbowed the stone before she got up.
"Come on Oko, wakey wakey." The stone stirred and grumbled, a plated head unfurling sleepily. Five more minutes...
Oko blinked, focusing on the small piece of stone jutting out from the ground just a few feet away, sunlight pouring onto it from every direction but in the shadow it cast. The triceratops blinked at the sundial and then gave a bellow of shock. We're late!
Lani felt the ground shiver as her dinosaur lurched to his feet. "Are you sure?!" Then she saw the sundial and cursed.
She didn't need telling twice, vaulting onto Oko's back as he was already moving into a gallop. The motion of his strides felt as familiar as her own gate and she clung to his shoulders and watched the ground begin to fly by beneath them.
Workers in the neighboring farms waved at them as they galloped by. Lani waved back and grinned at the wishes of good luck. Oko tossed his head happily in their direction. It was their first real day at training, and everyone knew it.
The city gates stood open as they always did, but this time a steady stream of people and dinosaurs were pouring in. Most laden with goods to sell and materials and supplies to help set up for the annual sun celebration.
"My favorite time of year!" She cried as they barreled past the gate guard, who had his hands full with new visitors to the city. He called to them as they went.
"Not too fast mind! The streets are a mess what with the preparations!"
And the guard wasn't joking. As soon as they cleared the first stone ramp it became a dodging game. Carts and stalls, people and dinosaurs of all shapes and sizes.
"Hard left!" Lani called and nearly fell off as Oko swerved to avoid the foot of a Brontosaurus. He scattered a few archaeopteryx instead who rose into the sky with angry squawks.
"S-sorry!" She called over one shoulder, trying not to slow his pace.
They thundered down the main through fair, Oko's stride strong and even and never faltering. Lani knew he'd make a good racer, as soon as they let him run. Maybe it would be this year, he was almost full grown, this spring he'd even gotten his plate colours, beautiful blues and yellows now painted brilliantly over his head, a sure sign that adulthood was not far behind.
Upon the main square just before the palace the elder and her human companion gazed out at the activity buzzing through their city. They were waiting for the last of the Kunpari to appear. The aged styracosaurus, with her proud horned plate and soulful eyes chuckled as she caught sight of Lani and Oko, racing up the slope towards the palace.

@Korruption @ChelonianCommander @romamaro
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That afternoon an armored teenage boy, Humbert, and his partner, an armored green skinned Pachycephalosaurus, Ludger, were busy patrolling the fairgrounds, looking for both trouble and people in need of help. As the sun reached its peak Humbert begins to yawn.

"Aw man. Why am I so tired?" He asks

"Probably because you woke up early this morning." Answered Ludger

"You sure? I've been waking up early every day for the past two years. You'd think I'd be used to it by now."

"Then maybe it's because you haven't eaten breakfast yet." Added Ludger

"Uh...yeah that might be it. You think the servants would tell us to eat some breakfast before we left huh."

"They usually do. But you usually leave before they finish making breakfast."

"Right....and how many times did I skip breakfast if I may ask?"

"Hmm....when did you start waking up early?"

"Point taken Ludger, point taken. how about some lunch then?" Asks Humbert, but Ludger didn't get to answer when a Triceratops ran through the market with a red headed girl on its back.

"Look out!" Ludger quickly butts Humbert out of the way, just as the Triceratops ran past them, almost trampling the Neophyte. "Are you alright?" Luger asks and Humber nods while dusting off his armor. "What do you think they're in a rush for?"

"Whatever it may be, someone's going to get hurt evnetually. Come on, we can catch up if we really try!" Humbert saddles Ludger and the Pachycephalosaurus takes off following the path of mild destruction and chaos the two were causing. It didn't go so well as the Triceratops was actually out pacing Ludger. The Pachycephalosaurus had to stay at top speeds for a solid minute before he catches up with the two at the main square.

"You there, Triceratops and Rider! Stop right there or I'll be forced to shoot!" Humbert shouted as he equipped his bow and drew an arrow.
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Amongst the chaos, a pale skinned girl drifted absentmindedly amongst the stalls, looking at every stall, having a few words with every owner, and she would have bought something every time, had it not been for the green Parasaurolophus shadowing her. Every time she reached into her pocket to pull out her money purse, the dinosaur pushed her onwards, corralling her into a path with her tail. The dinosaur managed to juggle babysitting and keeping out of the way of other, more frightening dinosaurs quite well, though she failed once or twice and Genissa managed to buy a few things, including a pair of matching bracelets. "Look, Camu, they match!" She pointed out, trying to prove that they weren't a waste of money.

The Parasaurolophus groaned and shook her head. "We already have matching bracelets, we don't need any more," even still, Camufarre didn't resist as Genissa slipped the yellow beaded bracelet onto the dinosaurs right wrist. "We've got somewhere to be, Geni," she scolded, taking a hold of the human's shoulder with her small arm and guiding her out of the crowd, into less densely populated areas. Just as the two were about to escape into the larger main square, a Triceratops went speeding past, someone with red hair on it's back, though that was all the two could distinguish in the blur. Genissa and Camu both squealed in a mixture of excitement and fear, and watched as someone on the back of a Pachycephalosaurus followed at an equally fast speed, barking something that, again, the two couldn't tell. The pair synchronised an escape to a place near a wall, feeling safer near something solid.

"I didn't realise how busy it was going to be," Genissa admitted with a sigh. She lifted up a paper bag and pulled out a few sweets, half for dinosaurs as indicated by their brown colour, while the others were red. She handed a few of the sweets to Camu and then ate a few herself, saving the rest for later. When they felt that they weren't in imminent danger of being trampled by more fast animals, Genissa got up onto Camu's back and the two walked at a leisurely pace towards the palace, Genissa not wanting to be on the ground any more for fear of death.
Lani grinned, they were almost there. Hopefully they wouldn't suffer too bad a punishment for the tardiness, a few laps in the training yard or, perhaps trash duty about the city.
"I think we nearly flattened two people!" Oko called as they rounded another bend and continued to climb the ramps. The trail lead in an elegant switchback from here on up, the palace at the very top over looking the flatlands from the edge of the plateau.
"No time to worry about 'nearly's." Lani said, but it wasn't long before one of the 'nearly's caught up.
Lani heard the threat before she turned her head to catch sight of the boy, he looked about the same age she was.
"Is he serious?!" Oko yelped, suddenly looking nervous. Lani simply shot the boy a winning smile.
"That's a bit of an overreaction isn't it?" She called cheerfully from her dinosaur's back. She was still smiling, her eyes holding a roguish glint.
"You can't really mean to shoot your bow in the middle of a crowded city, can you?"
Oko slowed a bit as they rounded one of the final bends. The palace in view now. They came to a halt as they reached the square, Lani vaulting off Oko's back with practiced grace.
"I'm sorry I nearly ran you over." She apologized sincerely when they were both stopped. "Its only my first week of training, and I uh, sort of overslept."

"Did you indeed now." The elder ambled down the shallow steps of the palace, her human companion in tow, looking a little pale. He had seen most of Oko and Lani's hair-raising ride through the city.
"You're lucky I don't have Humbert arrest you." He said peevishly, but the elder shook her plated head and smiled. "The vivacity of youth." She sighed softly. "But she can't spend time in the cells, we need them both for a special task."
Lani's heart leapt at that. A task? Already? After the first week of her training she was beginning to doubt they would trust her with anything, but now?
"What do you need us to do?" She asked eagerly.
"Patience patience. You and the knight of the realm will need help. We must wait for it to arrive."
Humbert listened to the girl apologized and he lowered his bow. "Accepted I guess...just don't do it again." He replied to girl.

"<You know this isn't the first time this happened.>" Ludger thought to Humbert

"<Oh you don't even start.>" Humbert replied. The elder continued to lecture the red-head, and when she mentioned she needed some assistance, Humbert's intrest was firmly peaked.

"A special task?" He asks, but the elder said to him that the two needed to be patient. "Alright. Then who's going to help us?"
Genissa and Camu didn't speed up, and reached the palace after a little while. The two both quickly realised that the two people that had nearly trampled them were standing there, and the two had widely different reactions. Genissa smiled eagerly, deciding that these were people with great drive that felt the need to hurry and be one time. Camu wrinkled her face and turned her nose up at them, seeing that they were irresponsible and careless. Their thoughts were clear on both of their faces. Genissa didn't get down from Camu's back until they were just near the people who had before been in chase. Genissa slipped off Camu's back with a sigh, dusting herself off.

She beamed at the two. "Hey!" She chirped. She clapped her hands together brightly, while Camu stood protectively behind her, tail curled around in such a way that it curled around Genissa. The dinosaur seemed to have many things to say about them. 'They almost killed us, Genissa!' The dinosaur pointed out, poking the girl in the shoulder with her beak.
Genissa shook her head and waved a hand at her companion. 'Don't be silly! They were just in a rush.' She said, and turned back to the other Kunpari. "I'm Genissa! What's your name?" She asked to no one in specific.
Avery smoothly sauntered through the crowd, making it look seemingly effortless. Gaeilge was walking behind her, no apparent signs of trouble walking through this massive bunch of people. The 13-year-old girl squeezed between two people, managing not to touch either, while still keeping an even pace. Gaeilge followed. Suddenly, a wild girl with red hair on top of a triceratops dashed through the crowd, having no care for the people's well-being. The Kunpari pair glared at her as she dashed through the crowd, not hurrying up even though both knew they were late. I don't like her, Averill and Gaeilge thought simultaneously, both sounding somewhat disgusted, even if they weren't speaking out loud.

Avery grew up in a harsh and somewhat rude village, and although her personality was bitter and competitive, she could taste bile in her throat watching the older redhead almost trample a couple people.

Averill caught Gaeilge eying a booth full of treats. We both know I don't have money, Avery snapped at him harshly. She could practically hear Gaeilge scowl in her mind. Shut it! the two growled at each other. They were both in bad moods today. The two approached the main square, their calm composure and even stride looking out of place in the rambunctious crowd. Averill saw the redhead and scowled in unison along with Gaeilge. It's like you can read my mind, she thought sarcastically. Oh yeah - you can!
Oko shifted uncomfortably at the glares they were receiving from the new arrivals. Lani just laughed, turning her attention to the only friendly welcome.
"Lani. Its great to meet you Gen." She said happily, shortening the other girl's name right away, offering her hand in greeting. She noticed the poisonous stares provided by the raptor and his companion and stared right back, seemingly nonplussed.
You can't really blame them. Oko said through their mind link.
Like anyone was actually in danger, we know what we're doing.
Oko rolled his eyes.

The elder stepped into the circle of kunpari then, making Lani and Oko still and listen.
"The sun celebration begins officially tonight," She started and Lani felt the excitement pulse through her. The festival lasted a full 24 hours, beginning at sundown tonight. The entire city would party for all of it until dawn came on the longest day and the ceremony began. The more devoted citizens would fast from then until dusk when there would be the largest feast of the year.
There would be a slew of competitions and races during the feast hours too, including the races coveted by Oko and Lani.
She was so deep in thought that she nearly missed the next part.

"Nearly all merchants from the other cities have arrived." The elder stated.
"Wait, nearly?" Lani asked. The elder nodded.
"There is one supply wagon that has not arrived. It was carrying the entire supply of meat needed for the festival."
Lani knew they had quite a few carnivorous dinosaurs in the city, and they needed the beef and chicken provided oftentimes by the other areas. Not to mention Lani loved a good roast now and then as well.
"I need you four to go out beyond the gates, into the forest and search the Southern trail. See if you can find out what is delaying our last wagon."
Lani crossed her arms, the task seemed somewhat mundane but, she said nothing. It was sort of important..."I guess...we'd better get started then."
Genissa couldn't express how glad she was that she hadn't been ignored. With the atmosphere the group was giving off so far, with the young girl and her Deinonychus seeming to seep pure hate. Their appearance didn't make Camufarre calm down at all, and she seemed to get more aggressive and possessive as the seconds went on and nobody seemed to chill. In stark contrast, Genissa took the redhead's hand in both of hers, shaking a bit too fast and a bit too eagerly. "Great to meet you!" She said, voice louder than it likely should have been. She was far, far too eager. She finally let go of Lani's hand. "This is Camu! She's a Parasaurolophus. We met a few years ago..." Camu thanked all that was holy that the Elder had started talking then. Any longer and Genissa wouldn't have been able to stop herself. The girl stopped talking rather quickly at the elders presence, turning to face her.

She listened to the situation carefully, frowning. "But the meat's the best part!" She complained. Genissa loved any and all meat that was sold during the sun celebration. Camufarre found it distasteful, as shown through a great upwards turning of her nose. The dinosaur quickly remembered her place and lowered her head in something like shame. The blonde girl turned to her dinosaur. "C'mon!" She chirped, and the Parasaurolophus lowered herself to let the human mount her. She rubbed the dinosaur's neck and looked at the others, waiting for them to take up similar stances. "Who's leading?" She asked.
Averill and Gaeilge removed their cold gazes from the redhead at the exact same time. Stop that, they hissed simultaneously, a dramatic mind conversation soon to come. The two glared at each other out of the corner of their eyes, yet they weren't truly angry.

Avery saw the blonde girl looking at her and the others expectantly as she mounted her Parasaurolophus. "Who's leading?" she chirped. She continued to look expectantly at Averill and the others, like she thought the were going to mount their dinosaurs.

"Chances are that I won't listen to anyone here," Avery spoke up, her tone and expression cool and nonchalant. She looked at the blonde who was on top of her dinosaur, her gaze a bit disdainful. "Before you ask me to hurry up," she said. "I can walk myself." Averill let out a half-sigh, half-hiss, turning away from the blonde girl to speak to Gaeilge out loud. "Sadly, people apparently depend on their Kunpari match like a walking stick," her mutter was directed to Gaeilge, who was right next to her, but her words were loud enough for the blonde to hear, "rather than rely on them as an equal." She cracked a half-smile that did not reach her eyes as she spoke to Gaeilge. "We should totally let you guys ride us one day," she muttered sarcastically. "Savor the experience, you know?"
Humbert jumped at the idea of going on an actual quest, from an elder no less! He keeps his compsure despite his obvious excitement. If this doesn't get him ascends him to the rank of Knighthood, then it would at least earn him some reputation. Ludger can hear Humbert's mind racing, as he would except.

"Alright sounds simple enough. Why don't you go introduce yourself." He tells Humbert. Humbert wasn't realyl paying attention, but did catch Ludger's suggestion.

"Hmm? Oh yeah, I should really do that." He said and Humbert clears his throat. "Hello there, my name is Humbert Wildner. I'm training to become a Knight of the Realm. This is my partner and mount, Ludger."

"Pleasure to meet you all." Added Ludger.
Lani decided she liked Gen immensely, the other girl was definitely someone she could call friend in the future. She wasted no time, bounding onto Oko’s shoulders as he shook his great head.
“A nice, quiet mission,” he mused. “This should be easy, the guy probably just broke a wagon wheel or something.”
The elder chuckled at Genissa’s question. “The leader? Why, that would be you dear.”
Lani nodded in approval. She could certainly follow someone like Genissa. She gave an exasperated huff at the other girl’s testy response, but before she could formulate a retort the elder spoke calmly.
“The fact that you won’t listen to anyone is precisely why you are going.” She explained in an even tone. “Young one, you must learn to work in a team, to trust your partners and better yet, have them trust you.”
Lani frowned, she didn’t like the idea of having to trust their moody companion but she said nothing.
“Oh,” The elder added, “And since you will need to keep up with the other dinosaurs, I have asked a horse be prepared, it is waiting for you at the city gates. It’s either that or, ask one of your teammates to carry you.”
Oko, ever thoughtful, spoke up: “You can always ride on my back if you like, I don’t m—” he was cut off by a short jab in the ribs from Lani’s elbow. “What? I was just trying to be nice.”
Finally Lani turned to Humber and his dinosaur and grinned broadly. “Pleasure’s all mine.” She said in a warm tone. “Knight of the realm…they’re the pachycephalosaur warriors aren’t they?” It felt like a silly question when she looked at Ludger, but there were pachyceph companions who weren’t in the knights. Lani followed Genissa’s lead and jumped onto Oko’s back.
“To the front gates!”
Lani and Oko took their time going down. By now the streets were almost packed and it was all they could do to squeeze through some parts. The gates still stood open, a steady stream of people still pouring through. Lani waved at the guardsman again.
“Wait, I should probably get Oko’s saddle. Can we stop by my farm? It’s on the southern road anyway so, not out of the way!”

The farm was small, the fields un-fenced and peppered with the odd weed. A large crop of pumpkins grew in the field closest to the roads, looking plump and almost ripe enough for harvest. Lani ran into the small wood house. It was in sore need of repair and the thatched roof was falling in, the saddle she brought out however was new and intricate, gleaming with inlaid abalone shells and coloured embroidery. It was the latest racing model from one of the best saddle makers in the city.
In truth Lani was a little embarrassed at the state of the farm, but what could she do? It was hard pulling in a good crop even with Oko’s help, and now she had Kunpari training too, taking even more time away from the small piece of land.
“The last checkpoint is a few miles down the trail, I guess we should check with the guards at the outpost and ask them if they’ve seen our wayward merchant.”
She said this as she pulled the last few straps into place, Oko lifting his head helpfully so she could straighten the decorative tassels.
“Okay, ready. Let’s go.”
Genissa looked at the youngest member of the group. She frowned at her presumptuous and somewhat rude attitude, and this was before she even turned her back to the group. As soon as she could hear how loud the girl was talking, she knew that it wasn't going to be a nice thing to say at all. She tried to distract herself to no avail, and she and Camu heard every word. Genissa seemed to shrink into herself, full of self doubt, while Camu grew stubborn and angry. She padded her foot on the ground, tail dragging along the ground from side to side with great anger behind it.
'What now?' Camu asked, a small growl in the back of her throat.
'I don't know,' Genissa admitted, 'we've got to get along with her. Let's just ignore it for now.' She decided, rubbing Camu's neck to try and calm her down.

The two quickly became distracted when the elder declared her leader. The two stared in similar bafflement, Genissa's small form quickly becoming quite big and alert in surprise, sitting straight on Camu's back. The Parasaurolophus' anger dissipated in seconds, body very still. After a nervous laugh, Genissa shook her head. "N-nah, not our field!" She remarked, laughing anxiously, face flushed full of blush. She had never been too good at leading, being a follower more than anything. She was glad for the change in topic to how the girl was going to keep up with them. At mention of the girl maybe riding on someone's back, Camu huffed in disgust. Genissa turned a little paler than she already was at the thought.

The two turned to the only male in the group, a boy with a Pachycephalosaur. She smiled eagerly at the pair. "Nice to meet you!" Genissa said. Camu didn't speak, just nodded her head in acknowledgement, a sort of 'I won't have a problem with you if you don't have a problem with me' agreement. The two followed quite closely behind Lani and Oko, taking advantage of the space they were making to make it easier on them. If she could have, Genissa would have helped, but there wasn't really all that much she could do to help. She nodded at Lani's request, still smiling. "Sure!" She said. She was glad that Camu had remembered to remind Genissa to put on the saddle. Otherwise she definitely would have forgotten.

When they arrived at the farm, Genissa did her best to not stare. At least, until she found something good to stare at. As soon as her eyes fell on the pumpkins, she licked her lips and smiled. She looked over to Lani, about to ask how she grew them, and then noticed that saddle. Her jaw fell open in admiration, and a tiny 'whoa' escaped her lips. The saddle sparkled a thousand stars in comparison to Camu's saddle, an old one made of leather. "That's...really nice," she said slowly, getting close enough to examine the tassels better. She then backed off respectfully and nodded. "Yeah, the checkpoint," she said, getting ready to leave down the road.
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"I can have my own opinions, can't I?" Averill asked mildly. She was raised this way - she wasn't sure if she actually had her own opinions. She turned to the elder. "If people thought I could actually be obedient, they probably would've tried to teach me that quality." Avery shrugged. "Guess I'm a lost cause." Averill started to walk forward with the rest of the group in an even stride. Why is there always one right?! Avery's thoughts exploded as soon as she finished speaking. People like the elders are supposed to be wise! Gaeilge looked slightly taken aback. True, he thought, perhaps slightly cautious. The two walked side by side, trailing the rest of the group. It wasn't until the group reached redhead's farm when Gaeilge decided to "speak up." No offense, you're awesome with me, but you always seem to be wrong wherever you go, Avery raised her eyebrows, curious at what Gaeilge was going to think. He seemed to brace himself before sending Averill his thoughts. Even in your overly brutal village. And the Academy. Averill snapped her head up, glaring sharply at Gaeilge. "That's why I was always tied to the whipping post!" she hissed, before letting out a sharp mutter of a curse when she realized she was speaking out loud. Her companion chuckled, a slight scoff in his laugh. "You practically drove that much-too-sadistic village insane," Gaeilge spoke softly to Averill, not wanting to send his thoughts to her. "Good job. They needed a dose."
Humbert wasn't really pleased with the elder's choice. He was sure he was the most skilled and experienced out of the group. He spent his time being an example to all those around him, but he was trained to take orders so he just kept his mouth shut and mounted Ludger. Ludger can hear Humbert's frustrations but he didn't say much to the boy. The experience would be good for him. It might be because it wasn't his place to argue with an Elder, but in human years he was already a young adult, and his own training had finished years ago so he was probably just more content. Ludger just let Humbert work off his frustrations as he followed the group out of the gate.

On the way to their quest they stopped at a small and simple farm to get Oko's saddle.

"Seriously? Why wasn't she already prepared?" Humbert thought. The idea that of losing time on this quest just because this one was unprepared.

"Calm yourself Humbert. The Elder has spoken and there's nothing we can do. You being this angry can't be good. It'll cloud your judgement in the time to come" Lumbert replied

"Can't be any better then me. I bet I can take her easy!"

"Careful Humbert. Arrogance and ignorance can lead to downfall, you know this."

"Yeah I guess..."
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Lani beamed at Genissa's praise for the saddle.
"Oko and I have been ogling the saddles in the tack shop in town for our whole lives. We never had enough money to buy anything. But since we became Kunpari that changed!"
The triceratops nodded his large head, trying not to preen too much. "It was the first thing Lani bought when our pay came through. Cost a whole month's wage, but we had enough from the farm that month to get by."
Lani knew it would have looked foolish to some to spend all that on something so unnecessary, but Lani and Oko had spent their childhoods only worrying about the necessary, and it was time for a change.

Once the saddle was secure Lani packed the bags with a few light snacks (several whole pumpkins, some apples, a quarter bale of hay and sandwiches for the human travelers.)
"I'm sorry, I don't have any meat." She said to Averill, gesturing to her dinosaur. "Its pretty expensive and well...the vendor hasn't arrived with the fresh order."

Lani paused awkwardly upon hearing Averill's quiet outburst. She was at a loss as how to respond. Oko however came up to her slowly, concern in his small, thoughtful eyes.
"Why would they do something like that?" He said softly before lowering his head to look her in the eyes. He stayed like that for a long while before nodding.
"Nope, you're not bad." He said finally. "You've been hurt before,'re free of that now. You're kunpari, and that means you have friends."
He tilted his head slightly, a gesture for her to take hold his his head plate and climb onto his back.
Lani didn't look happy at first but in the end she sighed. "Fine. Its your back Oko, guess its fair you get to say who sits on it."

Whether Averill chose to take the ride or not they headed for the Western checkpoint. The forest rose up to meet them, making the air cool and damp while masking the sun's light with a refreshing green filter. Lani began hearing birds, their echoing squawks filtering through the trees and the chorus of other noises the forest offered.
The ground was soft and spongy underfoot when Oko compared it to the hard stone roads of Tolares. He liked walking here. The trees grew larger quickly, some getting wider than Oko was long, the canopy so far above they almost couldn't make out individual leaves overhead.
"I love it in here." Lani said happily.

They walked on for an hour or so before Oko scented it.
"Lani..." he said, his voice held a slight quaver which made Look around. "I smell...blood."
The wagon wasn't far down the trail. It had been overturned, one side completely ripped apart. Most of the contents was gone, but what was most unsettling was the fact that there was blood everywhere, and no sign of the driver or the dinosaur. Claw marked slashed the canvas covering to ribbons and it lay in a ruined heap by the wagon. Lani was the first to jump down and step closer.
She knocked something with her foot: a gold bangle, also covered in blood.
"Lani! Over here!" Oko had moved on a little farther and stopped dead when he saw something dragged just off the trail. It was a small sauropod, only 12 feet from nose to tail. Its neck sported a savage bite mark that could only have belonged to a huge carnivore.
Lani felt fear creep into her heart and Oko looked about ready to bolt.
"...what...happened here?"

@romamaro @Korruption @ChelonianCommander
Genissa and Camu seemed happier in the forest, somehow. Camu walked with broader, lighter steps and seemed to stand taller than before as Genissa skimmed the leaves around them with her open hand, laughing and giggling lightly. They had been to this forest before, but only really to take notes. They never stayed very long. Already, they had been in there longer than ever, as Camu took short pauses for the two to take note of things they had never seen before outside of their textbooks - circular pink fruits that smelt of honey, broad, flat leaves that fell from the shorter branches of the trees that crumbled to pieces under Camu's feet, and spiders that stuck strongly smelling berries to their webs being highlights - but they always picked up the pace to stay together with the group.

When the rest of the group discovered the crime scene, Genissa and Camu had stopped to appreciate a patch of mud teeming with wildlife that they had never seen before. "Look!" Genissa said, pointing to something that looked like a black and brown ladybug, but Camu was looking elsewhere. Genissa followed his gaze and gasped at what she saw. They walked away from the patch of mud and stared at the carriage. For once in her life, Genissa was speechless, staring around the scene with no words to say, slowly dismounting Camu. At the sight of all the blood, her legs trembled and nearly came out from under her, but she held on tightly to her Kunpari's back until she could stand on her own. The two of them turned their heads at the sound of Oko's voice, and slowly approached. What they saw made Genissa bury her face in Camu's side and Camu give something between a whine and a cry of distress.

Genissa forced herself to look back at the sauropod. "It's dead, isn't it?" She whispered.
Camu broke away from her to get closer to the poor dinosaur. "I'm afraid so," she said, bending her knees slightly to look closer, "and I'm willing to say the human is too," she said, looking at the bite mark.
Genissa looked around once more, trying to figure out what happened. She looked to the cart, going up onto her tiptoes to see into it without moving. "If that's empty, this was probably a robbery gone wrong," she said.
Camu nodded sadly. "Very, very, very wrong." She breathed.
Humbert smelled the body and nearly vomited. Ludger could admit to doing the same as the two had never seen death before, at least not of another living creature that wasn't livestock or pets.

"The smell is sickening." Humber commented. Still he walked closer and examines the cuts and wounds. Ludger stayed back to keep watch. Flies and other creatures had already begun to eat away and next in the body as Humber pushed a hand into the founds to see if the blood was warm. "Still a bit warm, but cold. Whoever did this must must have done this quite recently, at least within the past few hours. He turns to the others. "Is there anything within the area that could do this? Stray carnivores or wild predators and the like? He asks before wiping the his blood soaked hand in the dirt to clean it.
"Bad people are whipped and get weeks of labor with nothing in return," Averill told redhead's dinosaur companion. "But that's better than being weak. Losers are killed." Avery ignored the triceratops' offer to his back as she and Gaeilge trailed the group, preferring to stay in the back. The group walked for about an hour before redhead's dinosaur - Oko - stopped. "I smell blood," he said softly in a quavering voice. A distance away from a demolished wagon was a sauropod, a large bite to its neck. While the others seemed disturbed in some way by the overly large amount of blood, Averill wasn't bothered at all. "Happens a lot in childhood," Averill and Gaeilge mentioned to each other in unison. Avery nodded.

"Wow, we're really similar," she muttered. Averill stepped forward to inspect the dead dinosaur. She stared at it, not very "into it" as much as the others. "Either a stray, a pair from the Darklands, someone from Gaelic's birthplace," Gaeilge spat at the mention of his old home, "or...them." Gaeilge's eyes widened as he muttered an angry curse. "Your village?" he questioned Averill, slightly frustrated. "It seems like they're always coming back, no?" Avery gave her companion a stiff nod before turning to the others to explain what they were talking about. "My village is a group of people who act like Darklanders," she stated simply. "Most of them are opposed or neutral on dinosaur hunting, but we're harsh people," she continued. "We're successful and powerful, but awfully competitive, and if someone doesn't get their way..." Averill narrowed her eyes. "A lot of us try to get into the Kunpari Academy under the age of 15, preferably under 10," she said. "I got in when I was 6, but most aren't as lucky. The older, more bitter people, are branded failures. Some are sensitive and kill themselves, some are a bit humble and work in the village, but some turn darker than they already are. They tend to stay in the village, although some are nomads, but they go out to steal things, kill people, whatever it takes to be better. My village was mainly divided by an invisible line - the 'normal', and the corrupted failures. They're angrier and get sent to the whipping post even more than me, and they go out to kill." Averill chuckled heartlessly. "We never cared," she mused. "Their life is their rise and fall, and no one should be their to hold someone's hand." The brunette turned to Gaeilge. "High chance it could be them," she stated. "The village is less than a quarter mile away. Hidden, but not far. It's not hard to stop a wagon in its tracks. We could visit them," she raised her voice. Avery chuckled. "Some fear me now," she mused.