Demon's Broken Promise Quarantine Zone

Glumisun Palma Cristi
Location: Outside the Quarantine Zone
Mentions: @happydeath @Sanity43217 @Abroxis
Time Of Day: Mid Morning
Weather: Cloudy

The journey to the most dangerous area of the city has Glumisun asking questions. Information was vital in their line of work and everything known by the others should be shared. Theories were also welcomed, as well as suggestions on how to actually start their project and how to help the people already working there.

"Why is it that when we enter this zone, it feels like we are reliving a horror story," one of the grand masters commented, shuddering at the aura of the entrance. She did sign to ward off the weird aura before moving closer to Glumisun. "Stay on your guard, alright? I do not want Sir Airen to shove my weapon deep inside my ass."

Glumisun chuckled, adjusting the strap of her boxed instrument before moving forward to greet the beings from Black Rose.
"Greetings, sir," she chirped, moving to shake the hand of what she presumed the head engineer before stepping back. "Serpent's Kiss' barrier masters are here to assist, sir. We could help in the sealing and are also trained to fight when there are sudden attacks from the Ferals."

With the hood of the robe covering most of her features, the head engineer did not distinguish her as one of the clan leaders. Thank Sir Vokrec and Sir Avaddon for exhuming large amounts of authority and power that most of the citizens associated as a characteristic of all four leaders. Glumisun knew how to blend in the crowd and hide most of aura. She knew how to use her abilities and make it so that the people who never actually saw her think of her as merely a volunteer.

The head, along with his subordinates, talked to her like an associate. He did not stutter on his words and never gawked. He had politely requested the unit to wear proper protective equipment. Some of the grand masters turned to each other with raised brows but said nothing. The Serpents followed what was protocol to the engineers before they were all led to tents for briefing.

"Not going to introduce yourself to them?" another of her companions asked once they were seated and a hologram was floating before them.

"Why? They are already overworked. Telling them the truth would only have them work stiffly and that would be bad especially with a project this time essential."

The coordination was done so smoothly that it only took a few minutes to have a number of groups where both the physical barrier and the magical barrier were going to be fixed simultaneously were established. The critical points, as well as the most dangerous ones, were pointed out. Glumisun volunteered to help in the communications and she, along with the head engineer, took up the widest of the gaps.
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Location: Neutral Zone -> Outside Quarantine Zone
Interactions: @Vague o3
Mentions: @GreenPhoenix3 @The Speaker
Time Of Day: Morning
Weather: Murky/Humid
After landing in front of Sanctum tower and dusting himself off, Avaddon wasted no time to head straight for the Quarantine Zone from the spire. He knew quite well that his persona guard; Shula was not going to be too pleased with the fact that even with her long winded explanation and speech, Avaddon still continued to decide to head straight for the Quarantine Zone anyway in the end. Luckily with how loyal she was as well as Arakiel, the order that he had given the two was probably going to be enough to at least keep them busy while he investigated the area without possibly risking their lives as well.

As he traversed through the Neutral Zone towards the Quarantine Zone, the closer he had gotten towards the site where his engineers were located, the more warning signs and tape could be found hung up all around to warn civilians that they were in a highly dangerous and restricted area. Drawing ever closer towards his destination, Avaddon only shifted his gaze at his surroundings every so often as the scenery was quick to change from fully constructed buildings to rubble and ruins of vehicles, homes, and businesses all around. Luckily without a single corpse to be found anywhere on the streets or cracked sidewalks at least meant that there weren't any curious people lurking around where they shouldn't be as well as confirming that the majority of the ferals were still indeed locked behind the barrier of the Quarantine Zone after all.

Nearing the entrance fully into the restricted Quarantine Zone, the sight of the tents and engineers gathered together in several spots brought a mental relief to Avaddon that everyone was still safe being as close as they were to the barrier; of course he knew they were all trained to battle against feral threats or let alone any other kinds of threats as well as special forces being ready to take action in a moment's notice if anything were to go wrong, though with everything going on with the unusual feral activity, Avaddon couldn't help but be concerned for the safety of those near the barrier even if he did not show it.
With everyone focused on strengthening the barrier however they could followed by the sight of Serpent's Kiss' scholars wandering around to assist with forming a magical barrier over the already physical barrier that was placed; Avaddon had wandered through the site as everyone had seemed far too busy to even notice that a leader was present.

The male only came to a halt when the familiar presence of another came to his attention, turning his gaze over towards a hooded figure; Avaddon raised a brow as he approached the hooded figure from behind just to place his hand upon their shoulder to attempt and get their attention. "Glumisun, what are you doing here? I was informed by Yew that you were back at your manor for your...uhm...monthly problem." Speaking up as he soon began to walk forward till he stood beside the hooded leader of Serpent's Kiss, his own eyes directing straight towards the large path before him that would lead into the deeper regions of the Quarantine Zone.
Glumisun Palma Cristi
Location: Outside the Quarantine Zone
Interactions: @happydeath
Time Of Day: Mid Morning

The work was somehow a mix of teasing, formula, ideas, warnings, and chants. It had been easy to become friends with the engineers, with her pheromones and her cheerful disposition, she had attracted their own friendly characteristics.

"This is where the most damage is at," the head engineer informed the young leader, pointing at the wide entrance to the heart of the area. "We cannot completely close it off since the Ferals always come by and ambush those who are working. Thankfully, right now, it's quiet."

"That is a problem," she murmured. "But isn't it a bit suspicious?" From her experience with the infected, they usually attack without the fear of dying. They would rampage through the area, killing anything that was breathing until someone decapitates them. The reports from earlier was of the same mangled body from a Feral taking its victim but to not have the body of the Feral was... well, suspicious. That means that the infected took off and hid themselves before anyone could witness it.

"Suspicious or not. For as long as our work is unhindered, we are okay."

Glumisun shrugged, proceeding to instruct the others on what to do and to keep track on the progress. Both head engineer and her then started discussing how to effectively seal of the gap with the least possible time. They were into the conversation that they did not feel a powerful demon approaching the area.

With the demons sensitive to the shift of energy and aura, some stiffened when they felt the Black Rose's leader's signature coming towards them. "Heads up," one of the grand masters warned before walking past their leader. To them, it was somehow of a joke and their amusement to have their leader in a compromising position with the other leaders.

That warning was a confusion for the red-haired demoness. Was there an attack~! Her body froze when a hand was placed on her shoulder and the familiar clothing of none other than Avvadon was seen in the corner of her eyes.

"Glumisun, what are you doing here? I was informed by Yew that you were back at your manor for your...uhm...monthly problem."

The engineers around them stiffened, staring at their leader then at the Serpent who has been helping them. Some paled in realization that the person they bumped hips with in retaliation from jokes was the person way above their rank. Why nobody outside the Serpents ever noticed this, they do not know.

Jumping away from both surprise and to make sure her pheromones would not affect anyone, Glumisun faced the direction of the voice to see the stoic leader wearing a... pink ornament. Glumisun blinked, confused and somehow amused. Her eyes did not miss how the older one stared at the entrance as if he was going in for a stroll. "Ah... M-my cycle just finished... a while ago," she stated, stepping away from the male. Her pheromones might have been controlled to a tolerable degree but it still reeked from her being. And she was sure not to tell this to the other leader even if it kills her. It took her a few moments to compose herself and stretch her arm to block the path. "I know what you are thinking, sir. We could see it in your expression. If you want to enter, I suggest that you take someone reliable with you. I also want updates on what you are doing there. If something bad happens, I will be stepping in," she declared before her eyes shown as another idea came up. "Or I could convince you to take me with you. Cute ornament by the way. I did not know you look good in pink," she smiled.
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Location: Outside Quarantine Zone --> Interior Quarantine Zone
Interactions: @Vague o3
Mentions: @GreenPhoenix3 @The Speaker @Sanity43217
Time Of Day: Morning
Weather: Murky/Humid
Standing with his arms crossed while his thoughts roamed his head as to what he should expect and as to what he would even be looking for when it came to the problem with how ferals were able to leave the Quarantine Zone and even go around killing this many people without someone noticing them around.
Even once Glumisun had jumped away from him, Avaddon's gaze only shifted slightly over towards the Serpent's Kiss leader for a moment with a raised brow before returning his attention forward once more.

Listening as Glumisun spoke of getting updates on what would be going on in the Quarantine Zone since it appeared as though everyone was quite well aware that Avaddon was going to be heading into the deeper parts of the region even while knowing the dangers that lurked inside. "I will report back everything I find out in there...Besides, it seems that Vokrec and his Midnight Legion will eventually be arriving as well. If anyone else arrives here and attempts to go inside, keep them here at all costs. The more people in there, the higher the chance someone may get trapped and planning a rescue operation will not be so simple--" As he had spoken, the sudden comment about the 'ornament' he had caused Avaddon to gasp and raise his brow even more so before realizing that the strange pink creature from earlier was still resting upon his head.
Soon shaking his head at the thought that he was about to drag along the small creature at the risk of getting it killed, he lifted the sleeping creature off his head just to hold it out towards Glumisun for her to take it before he had actually begun to make his way towards the hole that the engineers and scholars were attempting to completely seal off.

As he entered the interior of the Quarantine Zone there were a few engineers that were still new to the clan that were whispering under their breath in concern for their leader heading into such a dangerous area completely unarmed as one of the older engineers was quick to bring up the fact that even if it had appeared that Avaddon was unarmed, he was able to bring forth his weapon at any point and that there was no need to worry since all four leaders may not have looked it from their exterior appearance but they were people that should never be underestimated.

After entering the the inside of the Quarantine Zone, the appearance of what was once just open barren lands had now been fully revealed as another separate section of the city just it was in complete ruins with even nature overgrown everywhere. Homes and businesses were nothing more than rubble as other buildings were on the verge of collapse, abandoned and destroyed vehicles littered the empty streets but yet there wasn't a single corpse to be found anywhere. "Something's not right..." Whispering under his breath, Avaddon began walking down the middle of the abandoned street with nothing but complete silence aside from the wind and his footsteps.
Surely there was no way that all the ferals had already escaped into the rest of the city, if they did than surely Arakiel and Shula would've already gotten in contact with him after he had given them their orders.
Glumisun Palma Cristi

Location: Outside Quarantine Zone to Interior Quarantine Zone
Interactions: @happydeath
Mentions: @Sanity43217 @Abroxis @Yew XD
Time Of Day: Morning
Weather: Murky/Humid

"I will report back everything I find out in there...Besides, it seems that Vokrec and his Midnight Legion will eventually be arriving as well. If anyone else arrives here and attempts to go inside, keep them here at all costs."

Those few sentences from Avaddon already had the female raising her brow and staring at him down. "Report 'everything' back," she snorted quietly. Upon the mention of the orange-haired leader, Glumisun tilted her head to the side mainly out of curiosity. What has happened in the meeting to have Ravinca's special forces come to this part of the town? "Sir, wh-what~ why would the Midnight Legion be coming here?" If memory serves her correct, they were usually deployed for genocide and assassination. If Avaddon was just going to investigate... She shook her head then, dismissing whatever dark theories that started flooding her mind. She needed a distraction.

And that distraction came in a pink ornament as the horned leader gently plucked the object from his head only for it to stir awake. She blinked in realization that that ornament was Strawberry, the poisonous experiment she rescued from being killed years back. Bringing her hands together to carry the small creature, the red-head could not help but give out a breathy chuckle. "Wakey, wakey, dear."

Strawberry made a tiny sound of protest from being dislodged from its nest. Opening its beady eyes with a hiss before turning to see its owner holding her. It gave a thrilled little chirp before flying around its owner. Glumisun giggled before shaking her head and giving a soft whistle. The pink creature stopped its air dance to float to the nearest grand master and use him as a nest, zooming inside the hood and almost outbalancing the poor demon. "Spirits, Straw, can you not do that next time? I do not want my uniform all muddy," the scholar scolded, nodding to both Glumisun and Avaddon before going back to his reading and muttering.

Watching the male dismiss what she just said about taking some precaution and maybe waiting for Sir Vokrec and co. to come and join them, the female leader shook her head and rolled her eyes. Typical. Why can't Sir Avaddon just stop shouldering things alone? There were others there to help, why can't he see that? Jumping over a barricade that set up the limits of the barrier, she grabbed the botanical eye from a passing grand master. "Borrowing it for the time being. Returning it after. Be prepared for anything," she called out before quickening her pace to follow the other leader inside the Quarantine Zone. Though she was still a good ways from the male, she knew Avaddon could sense her; either from her pheromones or her energy signature. With a simple flick of her wrist, the botanical eye she took floated towards the demon and latched itself on his arm. Glumisun already has hers, resting on her shoulder as it recorded everything.

Doubling her pace, the red-head followed closely behind the older one, eyes trained on the empty streets to the shadowed areas when Ferals might be lurking. It was impossible for all the Ferals to have escaped. If they all did, there should have been mass murders and whole communities infested by them. This idea had the younger demon turning to her companion. Being the least experienced in this area, she did not know how the Ferals moved around in their own territory. Her heartbeat started to go faster, a huge disadvantage for her. She was still recovering and this might be her downfall.

Walking deeper and deeper towards the bowels of the Quarantine Zone, Glumisun could not help but shiver from the eerie quiet. They have stopped in a circular area in which the female only deduced was a market place once upon a time. Walking to the edge of the circle, she examined the crumbling wall. Dying from years of neglect and the amount of... toxicity from this place, it will be soon before the structure completely turns to dust. Her head snapped to the right when she heard a rock getting displaced from it's original location. Not only did she heard it but she saw the said object roll towards her from the shadows. Clutching her flute tightly, she stepped back from there and turned around, facing the musing demon in the middle of the circle. She would glance ever so often to the shadows to make sure she was not attacked. Thinking it was the wind after being half-way through her destination without another sound, she completely focused on Avaddon.

"Sir, I think we shoul~!" Something had wrapped itself around her waist and boxed weapon. Within a blink of an eye, she was pulled to the deeper parts of the area. It took her a full three seconds to stab her instrument on the tendril and tumble away. She was quick on her foot when another tendril came darting towards her and try the same maneuver twice. Dodging, she somersaulted away before turning to where she thought Avaddon was. She was about to call out when a grotesque being appeared slammed its massive arms over Glumisun to try and crush her. Again dodging, her focus was on the large Feral that she completely missed the small shadows coming towards her from the second floor near her. It was already too late to react when she was tackled to the ground. The feral pinned her there as claws tried to claw her chest open.

Glumisun had brought out her arms upon impact, wincing as the box where Chaos' Song was got shattered; splinters digging into her back and legs. Using the flute as a dagger, she stabbed the Feral's throat on top of her before pushing with all her might as they changed placed; with her on top. Without thinking, Glumisun took Chaos' Song from the shattered remains of its housing before running to where she thought Avaddon was. "Sir Avaddon!" she yelled out, dodging another strike from another feral.

  • Instead of a body cam, the Serpents have developed a summoning spell for this purpose. Unlike technology, this summon is fed mana to keep on recording. It usually latched on the arm and moves from side to side to record everything that was in the visible area.
  • Disadvantage of this is that it is not connect to the internet and would not give off 'live streams'.
  • The summons are unique to whoever cast the spell. This is to distinguish which of the recorded data was taken from who.
Glumisun's Eye
View attachment 8097

Avaddon's Stolen One
View attachment 8098
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The soft putt putt of silenced firearms sounded just before the Feral attacking Glumisun hit the ground. Three new holes in its head. Vokrec flanked by three soldiers, clad in the iconic armour of the Midnight Legion. The glowing blue skull helmets Glowing dully in the shadows that they emerged from. Stepping out into the street beside Glumisun, he lowered his weapon. The three soldiers kept theirs raised and formed a defensive perimeter. “Now, do you really think I’d let the leader with the best ass get killed by Ferals?” He asked. His voice slightly modulated by the helmet, but it was still undeniably Vokrec. If Vokrec smirked at his own remark, it was hidden under his helmet.


Location: Interior Quarantine Zone
Interactions: @Vague o3 @Sanity43217
Mentions: N/A
Time Of Day: Morning
Weather: Murky/Humid
As the white haired demon progressed further into the Quarantine Zone, his gaze had constantly shifted to the left and right while only turning his head down the alleyways that he had passed every so often; it was far too quiet and that was not exactly normal for where he was, especially how far into the Quarantine Zone he had reached.
Throughout his entire walk through the dangerous area, he was well aware of the botanical eye that rested upon his wrist that was recording everything going on in the area as well as how Glumisun was not too far off behind him before she even made her way up beside the male as well.

Keeping silent with the other leader as the duo continued forward until they had reached a large clearing of the zone, Avaddon's gaze scanned the surrounding area only to find what remained of market stands there were barely even holding themselves up any longer as well as the missing corpses that normally normally be found littered through the streets were now seen all over the circular clearing; some were half eaten while others were still rotting over with time.
All together in the end, there still was not a single feral to be seen and the continued silence was starting to become more suspicious by the second. With the sounds of nothing more than the wind and crumbling buildings all around, it was until Glumisun had spoken before she had been tugged away all of a sudden that Avaddon whipped his head over in the direction the Serpent's Kiss leader was dragged off towards. Just as he was about to charge forward, it appeared as though the female demon was quick to deal with the feral before she rushed back towards his side with another feral prepared to attack her.

Right as Avaddon raised his hand to take down the feral, the sound of gunshots and the sight of the feral dropping to the floor dead in an instant had the demon raise a brow just to turn and see what was none other than the Midnight Legion and Vokrec dressed in armor arriving with their weapons pointed in different directions. "Took your time, didn't you?" With that one phrase while Vokrec spoke with Glumisun, Avaddon soon kneeled by the corpse of the feral just to reach his hand to place it upon it's head for a moment. Pulling his hand away slowly, he shook his head at the loss of energy the creature had left in it's body.

"Vokrec...did you find anything strange in here...on your way here?" Questioning the armored demon leader of Ravinca, Avaddon was quick to halt in the middle of his words as the sounds of heavy stomping echoed through his ears along with the ground rumbling with each footstep before Avaddon stood to his feet just to direct his attention towards the direction of the stomping.
In an instant, two large ash covered, cracked skin hands grasped the rooftops of two large buildings were seen as it pushed the buildings apart as though it were a pair of doors; behind the buildings stood a large feral that stood well over four stories high as it's wrists had cuffs that were attached with chains that were also connected to two large metal wrecking balls. As it saw the six demons, it roared to the point that smaller buildings crumbled under it's sheer volume before screeching and other roars of smaller ferals echoed throughout the entire Quarantine Zone till they began flooding into the circular area from all directions.

"What on earth...? They...aren't attacking one another..? What's going on..." Whispering under his breath in more shock than anything else, the large circular market district soon filled with a seemingly endless number of ferals of all sorts yet none of them attacked straight away; rather they seemed to simply stand there growling and hissing at the six demons as though waiting for an order from the larger demon that slowly approached while stepping upon the ferals that stood in it's path.

" not attack. You too Glumisun...something tells me if we attack, we're as good as dead..."
Glumisun Palma Cristi

Location: Interior Quarantine Zone
Interactions: @happydeath @Sanity43217
Time Of Day: Morning
Weather: Murky/Humid

Glumisun was ready to kick whatever creature came towards her but stopped when bullet holes appeared on the feral's body. Appearing beside her was the leader of Ravinca. She narrowed her eyes before letting the adrenaline from the scrimmage calm down as well as her heart.

“Now, do you really think I’d let the leader with the best ass get killed by Ferals?”

This had the female shake her head before bumping her hips on the gun's handle, just close to the male's hand. "Good thing I have something like that then. Maybe someone with a great asset could give you a thank you gift once we get out," she hummed, stepping away from the older demon. The armor might have filters built in them but Glumisun would rest easier if she had a bit of distance from the others at this time of the year. With Sir Avaddon coming closer, she stepped further away.

There was a rumble and Glumisun's flute was already on her lips. The stomping grew louder and the demoness was already softly tuning her instrument. Once the looming figure came into view, she blinked in disbelief. Ferals, no matter how powerful, should not be that large. Her eyes focused on the bloody giant balls swinging around. "How are you two going to take care of that?" she asked. Once the giant roared, Glumisun's hands were already covering her ears, teeth gritted together. The raw power of such loud sound had the area shake slightly, the crumbling structures finally taking their last stand before falling into rubble.

Then came in another type of shaking. Growls and hisses from a large amount of ferals had Glumisun stepping back, closer to her companions and watched in morbid curiosity as the amount of Ferals that came flooding in and surrounding them.

" not attack. You too Glumisun...something tells me if we attack, we're as good as dead..."

"We're already as good as dead if we do not do something, sir," she muttered unconsciously. Shields... protections spells... She started cataloging the most powerful ones and other spells that are needed for them to escape from this. Her flute was already between her lips, ready to react in case this army of Ferals come attacking them.