Chronicles of The Omniverse Archived R&R's Ominous Circus Troupe


Don't get between me and my munchies
A product of @Ragenaut and @Ronin

The Circus Troupe is a collection of mysterious and malevolent individuals who thinly veil their sinister intent with macabre entertainment and dark tricks and magic. The dark and colorful group travel all across the multiverse, sometimes ending up in seemingly impossible locations, and frequently clashing with the surroundings the Circus finds itself in. Melodic and hypnotic music draws crowds into its tents, and Devilish events beguile the attendees, unaware of the curses being sown into their souls, until its far too late.

Welcome, my guests, to R&R's Traveling Circus. I hope you enjoy the events soon to be had...

"The One Man Band"

The One Man Band is an enigmatic individual, even amongst his fellow entertainers. Even his appearance is unknown, for it is always shrouded in shadow. All that it's known of him is his masterful proficiency with any instrument he's handed, as well as his ability to play a seemingly impossible amount of instruments at once, hence the name, "One Man Band". He also loves to play jazz, and his insane licks litter themselves across all he plays. Indeed, his style is equal parts hypnotic beauty, and true cacophony...